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Posts posted by PanzerShark

  1. Oke, final FINAL post just to clear things up. I DON'T RUN AWAY. I am NOT leaving because some people annoy me. I am NOT leaving because i disagree with something.

    This is a discussion-board and if i disagree...i discuss about it.

    I'm leaving since this board is NO longer fruitfull and i hate to spent 1 hour searching for a post that actually isn't OT.

    So i prefer calling it leaving or ignoring but NOT running away.

    Thank you




    The other side of wargaming

  2. Without sounding too much like a chicken following the flock smile.gif, i decided to stop reading this messageboard.

    Now why would this be usefull info? Well it isn't but since i'm spamming this board since may 1999, i thought it would be nice to let everybody know.

    The board isn't fruitfull nor informative anymore. I'm not saying some people should stop posting OT-stuff or pictures everybody has already seen in their history-book.It's a general board and should stay that way.

    However, in the early days i could actually learn something when visiting this board and this kinda faded away for some months ago.

    I won't turn my back to all the friends i made nor will i loose BTS out of sight (still waiting for CM2 smile.gif). I will also coninue PanzerShark.com and i surely hope MadMatt does the same with CMHQ for a long long time since his info is always informative. (now release the pack damnit smile.gif).

    So that's it, curtain closed, Elvis has left the building, de koek is op.

    Wish you all the best and we'll meet again at the Eastern Front.





    The other side of wargaming

  3. What do you mean with "IF ONLY ALL GAMES WERE THIS GOOD...".

    Did you NEVER play games like "Bananas in the Bahamas", "Pluppy learns Math" and "Barbie's Dreammansion"?

    Now these games rock. Especially the Barbie one. Maybe the 1st level is hard but it gets real fun when you get to design the "Poetry-room" in level 2 (just after you tell Ken to buy that pink dress for you).

    Don't get me wrong, i lve CM and BTS but for great AI i always go back to these three biggrin.gif

  4. I haven't read the other post, i don't know who banned who and who said what. I don't care. I'm NOT saying that you, mr Peiper, are wrong because, as stated above, i haven't read the original post.

    I do know however that "go get gassed" has NOTHING to do with a wargame, and more important, is an expression that I find VERY offensive.

    You could have said "go blow up" or "please do set yourself on fire". Although agressive i can smile a bit when reading such thing.

    "Go get gassed" is, IMHO, way out of line, and i kindly ask you never to use such a sentence again.

    Thank you

  5. Or the night of the living Ed more like it smile.gif

    Yes my dearest friends, i have returned. After 1 month full of pain and suffering (no i didn't get married) i return to thee with geat joy.

    In this month of total CM-absence i have experienced it all. Illness, suicidal tendencies and let's not forget Pokemon. Ehm...oke...let's DO forget Pokemon.

    To sound less dramatic, i have been very busy last month and had no time to play CM or do any updates for PanzerShark.com.

    Fortunately the time has come for me to have 1 full month of relaxation and one of the first things i did was updating PanzerShark.com. I changed the layout and content completely and i'm very happy with the rsults so far. I invite you to check it out and i am glad i am back.

    Be prepared for my daily ramble smile.gif

    Edwin aka PanzerShark

  6. Val,

    i understand your concern about violence in games. But a game is just a game. People who become violent from playing violent games are a bit...ehm...silly and if there weren't violent games they would become violent from watching the news, reading books or playing Tetris. Sane people will never become violent from games because they know the difference between good and evil.

    Although this is not a green card to make games as violent as possible, but it is something to think about smile.gif

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