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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by PanzerShark

  1. Oke..this is a sad day in history. Here's a quote from the Homepage (mainpage) of Battlefront.com

    "You won't find any of the buzzword "RTS", "1st Person Shooter", and "Hunting" copycat stuff on our site"

    I didn't...until today...i'm sad...feel like crying...and canceled my preorder.


    (it's a joke, geddit smile.gif )

  2. I think the controls in CM won't be very hard. You might have some buttons to rotate the camera, but these are (i believe) also in the bar at the bottom of the screen. You probably will play 90% of this game with your mouse. Then again, i haven't played it...so don't take this for granted.

    The hardest part of the game will be figuring out what weapon does what damage to what vehicle. I don't think BT will be doing a big manual full of info on each unit used (it's in the game already), also because most people here know what happens when a Tiger meets a Sherman.

    Take care.


  3. I have no troubles when a high-spec machine is needed to run a certain game, as long as the player has the option to change the graphic and detail-settings to a playable degree. When a game is really really good i'll be playing it for some years, and fortunately i have the option (also known as money smile.gif ) to buy a great pc every year.

    I hate it though when a game get's 3d-accelerated graphics because it simply won't run in software mode (lousy programming).

    When "M1 Tank Platoon 2" came out i could barely run it (i had a voodoo1, 64mb ram and a p1 166mhz). Since over a year now i have a p2 333mhz,128 mb ram and a TNT2 32mb card, and the game runs smooth as silk in full detail. Because i could lower the settings back then i enjoyed it, and since i still have great graphics 2 years after it, i still enjoy it.

    When i bought iPanzer '44 (don't start flaming me) some years ago...the graphics sucked and so did the framrate. Now 2 years later, the graphics still suck and don't ask me about the fps. In other words...lousy programming.

    I support BT for their PoV..BUT when all is done in a proper way, i don't mind.

    Take Care,


    ps. Braveheart is, although the programmers say it isn't, just badly programmed. Sometimes i have battles as large as...somthing large...and the fps are above 25. Sometimes i have very small battles (1-5th of the former battle) and my fps drop to under 10.

    This has nothing to do with a "capable-of-running-a-small-planet-computer"...unless that's a anagram for "i-stink-at-programming". smile.gif

  4. Well BT, to be honest, when i'm walking through my lovely little country called Holland, i can't help thinking why an aggressor would attack it in the 1st place...this place is boring (not to mention rainy and flat) smile.gif

    On the other hand...he wouldn't be an aggressor if he didn't smile.gif

    And although Marketgarden was destined to be a bit risky...it was, imho,one of the most interesting battles of the "BIG 2" smile.gif

    Take Care,


  5. I was at the "Marketgarden Memorialday" in Arnhem yesterday. Was good fun, old veterans parachuting down...as they did a long time ago. Most funny part though was me having a converstation with one of these veterans, and he told me he played Steel Panters and Close Combat a lot. Ofcourse i told him about CM and his eyes startd to shine smile.gif

    He told me he would check out the site, so when he does...give him a warm welcome smile.gif

    One stupid thing though, i didn't ask for his name frown.gif


    Stil waiting for CM (just let them know we do guys, let's make sure they won't eat/drink and sleep before CM is on my desk smile.gif

    Take Care


  6. I believe that as it is right now, there won't be a movie-saver from start, but i believe they are working on it.

    As for the camera angles. Judging from the pbem-game and movies it's possible to rotate the camera. Don't know if it's handy during play though since yer screen is full of panzers...flames..infantery. I'm affraid the fps will drop to zero.

    Anybody..do correct when i'm wrong


  7. 07.00 -I wake up

    07.20 -Eat/drink/shower

    07.45 -go to work

    0.800 -arrive at work/getting lotsa coffee

    08.15 -check my e-mail

    08.30 -going to BF.com...still notice the

    "preorder-button". Curses !!

    08.45 -check the messageboard..no demo

    released...i cry a little

    09.00 -working

    11.30 -checking message-board again...and

    ...again...start crying.

    13.00 -go home for lunch

    13.15 -check my "personal" mail at home

    13.30 -lunching and checking BF.com

    14.15 -back at work again...coffee

    14.30 -while working i keep refreshing

    the cm-message-board.

    15.00 -very busy at the moment

    18.00 -before i head home..one final check

    19.00 -arrived at home/supper/dishes

    19.30 -i settle behind my good old pc

    19.45 -checking bf.com till i can't see the

    difference anymore between my monitor

    and the fridge.

    23.00 -tried to put some drinks in the fridge

    by smashing them 30 times against my


    00.00 -gotta get some sleep...before i hit

    the deck i cry some more (quietly).

    Maybe tomorrow...

  8. Ncrawler,

    i believe a beta-demo will be downloadable for eveyone. So in one way or another we can say later to our grandchildren "Hell, grandpa has been a beta-tester for the best world war strategy game ever existed".

    Ofcourse these kids reply with "Really grandpa? Ya mean Combat Mission 8? The one settled in ww5 in the Middle-East?"

    DOH !!!

  9. Fionn,

    there is a free program called PINO. When installed ya can use it as a "realtime-chatboard". The "host" needs the server- version and the guests the normal-version (both versions are under 200 kb). Ofcourse i have them both (don't remember where i got them though). If yer interested i'll mail it to ya.

    To all the other peeps: If the program is going to be used..i'll try to remember the official-site where i got it. Otherwise i'll mail it to each and everyone who wants it (friendly not? smile.gif ).

    Take Care y'all


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