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Posts posted by PanzerShark

  1. I once read a book about a SS-officer. I forgot the title AND writer (was bio) but i really like to read it again. Maybe someone here can help me out. One of the "stories" is about the officer and his gruppe being surrounded by the enemy (talking about bad luck). They are hiding in, what i believe was a church, and can't find a way out. The they decide to assault the enemy (about 5 to 15) even though they have nothing left but some grenates and knives. Well luck was sure ******* on the enemy since the SS-squad managed to escape and kill most enemies on their way out.

    It's not much, but the only thing i can remember frown.gif I do know the writer is describing himself and his squad during the entire war (not just some encounters).

    Any ideas?


    ps. I just found out i joined this board 15-5-99, i pre-ordered in the week after that. Talking about patience and boredom for the last 9 months smile.gif

  2. Nah...in die Naehe...whatever, i have never seen it anyway smile.gif

    But seriously, you're right about the translation. I always mix "nach" and "in die nahe". Btw...it is "in die nahe" right (without the "e")?

    Bakker a dutchman? Should have known smile.gif

    I like the way you tell them about "us intelligent dutchmen", shame you end with the words "old laptop"...ruins the mood a bit smile.gif There fore i shall end in style.


    (behind his pIII 600, 256mb ram, 20gb hd, TNT2 ultra..ooh and a intelli-mouse too smile.gif...how's that then smile.gif

  3. If i'm not mistaken the vgasdsmldfksafmsnfkl is actually called Nahverteidigungswaffe. An actual translation would be "after-defense-weapon" or "naverdedigingswapen" if you like to know the ducth version smile.gif

    As far as i know it was only used by Tigers (actual translation: Tiger smile.gif ).

    I have to see it happen in the beta, usually the enemy doesn't come close enough for me to use it smile.gif


  4. Just a funny story of me playing as Allies in "Chance Encounter". I have played this scenario as Axis before, so i new a bit about the units and los they had (call me a dirty cheater smile.gif

    Anyway, i decided that my Shermans would be at their best when put in the "meadow" facing the building near the x-roads. Thank god i was right. 2 Stugs were kos. The other Stug however managed to park at the other side of the building, robbing me of my 3 in a row. Since i had most of my inf in the woods in front of this building, i got a bit upset. One lousy Axis-infsquad managed to get into these woods, showing this one Stug were my hq's were camping. The bastard loaded HE, the mortars took position, and my hq did nothing but wait for the things to come. Well, unluckily for them, it came....fast. The first shots from both Stug and mortars made my man drop to the ground like a bunch of cowards. The other rounds made them jump up again..shame they jumped about 20 feet in the air while exploding(somehow i think the mortars had something to do with that smile.gif.

    After the suffering in the woods (i never trust a tree as cover again) i decided this sillyness had to end. I sent one of Shermans down the road to finish this Stug off. Then i noticed that the Stug was WAY too close to the building. He wouldn't have a chance shooting me if i would speed by. How come? I'll tell ya.

    The space between the Sug and the building was about 1 feet. If he wants to target me he has to turn (since i will be speeding by smile.gif. Problem for him...he couldn't turn without moving 5 feet because of this building. In the time he would have managed to turn, my Sherman would be able to shoot at least 3 times at him. Not only that, when moving he would lose the cover of the building, allowing my other Shermans to flank him...sneaky me no? smile.gif

    To make a long story short, i started rambling down the road. The Stug had to change HE for AP, i fired 2 rounds...Stug burning, commander burning, ooh joy and happyness smile.gif

    When the Sherman was celebrating this slightly "Wittman" victory, a schreck managed to unleash a round, and that was the last i have seen/heard from the crew.

    So what have we learned from this?

    a)Trees suck

    b)Stugs suck

    c)Schrecks suck

    d)my tactic sucks

    e)my storytelling sucks

    The end

  5. Ok, 1st i'm using the word ranters because you said you are smile.gif

    I have returned to this board since the middle of january. Before that i was too busy with y2k frown.gif . I didn't post anything since last month because i enjoyed reading many posts and had a good time (still do btw) with the beta-demo.

    The message from AH64D make me come out of my bunker however, with the urge to comment. Too lazy to post on the +30 posts thread (i have to click twice to view my reply smile.gif) i posted this new topic. It's not ment for replies just info. But if you feel like talking drop a line.

    Now then. AH64D, i think you know what CM is all about (at least you say so). I also understand there are things you like to see changed. You should however keep some things in mind. One of the things is that complaining/demanding/being rude won't help.

    If you think things should have been different you should have posted it months ago, not when a game is about to go public.

    I know that i am playing a beta. I know the full-version wil have heaps of goodies i didn't know would be in there. I suggest you just wait and see what this full-version has to offer.

    What i think is important about CM is the following: It looks GREAT (i bet you have never seen a wargame with such depth AND such graphics). It sounds great. Have you ever played a battle involving mg's, at's and so on...firing together? It's like entering hell with knobs on smile.gif

    The important thing about CM is being able to identify units when looking at them. You always know what is what and where and why (mmm...lost myself there). I cannot always say these things for other wargames.

    I am NOT saying that CM can't be bettered in the graphical department. But what is important and what isn't? Like many others i have been waiting for this game since a long time. Do i want to wait another 4 months to spice up the graphics? No, i think it's more important to have accurate ballistics.

    You might not mean to offence people by posting your ideas, but keep in mind that you are NOT the one making the game. You think BTS wants to create a horrible game? You think they like to spent many years creating a game knowing it will suck? Ofcourse not, they do whatever is possible to create the most accurate wargame which kicks the living **** out of any wargame availible right now (that's why i didn't get the fullversion in december...BASTARDS smile.gif).

    Criticism is a nice thing which can be helpfull. Just remember you can step on people's toes when you are giving it at the wrong time.


    ps. See what you have done. Now everybody knows i'm stil alive...only because of this stupid post smile.gif

    ps2. CoolColJ, if you happen to read this: GREAT MODS !!! keep them comming...i'm ready for v3.0 now smile.gif

  6. Finally y2k is behind us which means i have time again to whine on this board smile.gif

    As some might have noticed (prolly not smile.gif i've been away for...oooh...2 months.

    Anyway, i checked all the new pics/posts/comments and i must say i'm very very impressed. The things that have been changed/added during these months is really overwhelming (so is the 3rd scenario i was just playing smile.gif

    Nothing interesting for me to add here, but to say

    a) High

    B) Hello

    c) Good evening (for the Monty Python fans out there smile.gif

    And expect some very bad written comments and posts as you were used to in 1999.

    Greetings and take care,


  7. Well no, not realy Laurie

    As far as i can see, the Sherman has no LOS at all. 1st there's a hill blocking his view, and if it weren't for the hill, there's a nice knocked out Sherman too smile.gif

    It also looks as the Stug is a goner too, it's turret seems to point to the ground a bit to much (could be the pic though).

    Anyway, if it's alive, the LOS is kinda bad. You might however make sure the Sherman rotates the next turn though smile.gif


  8. While we wait for the full-version (yes i know, i should be happy because i have the demo, but i want winter scenarios oke? smile.gif )

    i have found a new way to kill time.

    How about a topic "You know when you're addicted when........".

    I came up with some which i think are funny (or at least a bit). So start posting. Let the world know Grognards do have a sense of humor. smile.gif

    - You know you are addicted when...you park your car and make absolutely sure it's hull-down !!!

    - You know you are addicted when...you hear your boss down the hall and wonder if you should button-up now...or just wait another turn.

    - You know you are addicted when...you see your neighbour's dog chasing the cat again and wonder where the hell that arty is you asked for 15 minutes ago.

    So...that's it, maybe not such a good idea after all...ah well...only 40 minutes to go before i can leave for lunch smile.gif

    Take Care


  9. And look how that turned out: NO illegal copie of Doom anywhere (cough) smile.gif

    Anyway, no matter how hard you try to prevent copies, they'll be all over the place in no time. Don't wanna make people (developers) depressed but there's NO, and i repeat, NO game or app which isn't availible for free on the net.

    Working with serial-codes or "explosive-files" smile.gifdoes NOT work. The only thing that works is a "honest-customer". If he/she is honest, they'll appreciate the work/money/time/efforts which were put into the final product, and show this by making no cracks/copies.

    Just my 2 88's smile.gif


  10. Like it. Even if BTS won't add more things or doesn't get rid of the bugs availible, i would still buy it (as a matter of fact i did 6 months ago smile.gif )

    I'm even thinking about purchasing some more copies for my friends here in the Netherlands. (down here ya won't get credit-cards like it were boxes of candy. You actually need some money before you get one smile.gif )

    Just finishing those pesky mortars,

    take care all,


  11. I agree with Moon, especially the final part.

    Whether something is realistic or not in a game is not,IMHO , important. As long as the game "works" it's ok. Jumping of a cliff (2 metres high) in rl can break my leg. If this would happen in Quake it would be a pain in the butt. Realistic? yes...but a pain.

    As for CM i do understand some people might not like this "realistic" approach. Hell, the first game played was very hard for me.

    Did i finish off that squad? Does that mortar have rounds left?

    I really got affraid, affraid to run into a full squad i must have missed "somewhere". Affraid because i'm not sure about that mortar, and if i'm wrong my men are toast.

    Then i realized "this fear" is actually good fun. smile.gif

    It might take some time to get used to it. But when you are, be ready to get scared...a lot smile.gif

    Take Care

  12. Fionn,

    i could only play for about 5 turns (had to get some sleep) but i'm very impressed. I already enjoyed the sfx in the quicktime-movies but actually "sitting behind" an 88 and watching him and a Sherman duelling it out...well sometimes it was just to much...and i fainted smile.gif

    So as far as 1st impressions can go: Great graphics, great animations, GREAT sfx.

    That's it...just very happy right now smile.gif

  13. Well....since i only need the final mb before CM hits the fan here in Holland. I would like to use the time that is left to say goodbye to you all. I probably won't be back here until after y2k (busy with the demo AND full-version). I met some nice people had some great chit-chat and learnt a lot (like:patience is a virtue smile.gif ).

    Hope to meet you guys/gals in the beginnig of 2000, and maybe we can exchange maps and stories.

    *snif* * snif*

    Happy hunting.


    ps. I'll probably be back tomorrow, but wanted to make a dramatic impression...hope it worked smile.gif

  14. What i'm gonna do with the demo? Simple, don't install it, don't play it. Why?

    Because what if the "full-version" gets delayed? Could happen ya know. Then what? Waiting another 4 months? Restless nights allover again? No sir !!! Not for me. I'll just wait and relax till we have a FINAL releasedate....then i'll install and play the demo so i will have plenty to do before the retail is in my hands. In other words...it will be nothing but a dustcollector on my shelf.

    On the other hand...probably not smile.gif

    Take care y'all

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