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Everything posted by Moriarty

  1. Favorite US tank: Stuart. 3 MGs and a boatload of 37mm and it really pisses off my opponent when (rare instances) he loses something better to one. Favorite German tank: StuG III. When I first started playing I thought I'd be a big fan of the more exotic cats. Then I found the game to be more challenging using plain vanilla troops and armor so I gravitated toward the PzIVs and StuGs. In the many games played, I've yet to choose the Panther, any of the Tigers and only once the PzIV/70.
  2. Tricksey, he issss. Yesss. Trying to makes me think I owes him turnses. Won't work. nooo, won't workses.
  3. Both. If I recall correctly, the schreck's maximum range is at 225m, although the chance of hit or kill is rather slim. A schreck or zook has been known to engage infantry depending on the situation.
  4. Playing both with no intention of dropping CM:BO.
  5. Your ability to dig in tanks is determined first by whether the scenario designer set the parameter to allow vehicles to dig in. Assuming that you are allowed to dig in your vehicles, that would be done on Turn 1. In the set up phase, you put the vehicle where you want it. On Turn 1, you order it to dig in. Once dug in, it stays dug in. If the scenario designer did not set the parameter correctly, you're SOL. [ December 18, 2002, 10:54 PM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  6. You SLACKER! Any REAL CessPudlian would have already seen LOR at least twice on the big screen, bought the original DVD and viewed it thrice and then rushed out and purchased the extended version DVD (with the extra thirty minutes mind you) and viewed it four times whilst placing the one free admission certificate in place of honor in their wallet in anticipation of The Two Towers premier on the 18th! You make me sick Sir ... so nothing's really changed has it then. Joe</font>
  7. Mind your manners, Snarker. There are too many useless gits mucking about the MBT as it is.
  8. Nah, don't do that. I'd still lose ... but faster.
  9. I accept, and will look forward to the task... What say ye Persephone ! P.S. Nice of you to include us ladies Treeburst</font>
  10. Your attempt to induce me to any feelings of guilt have failed, Sir Leeo. And it is purely out of the generosity of my soul that I deign to respond to this scandalous slur, you scurrilous cur. Had you checked your inbox on or about 21 Nov 2002, you would have found File No. 32, which is the last I have on record and which I have just re-sent. Your surrender would be welcome. Let me know if you need me to re-do the turn in v1.01. [ December 04, 2002, 01:47 PM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  11. Morarty, as usual, your comments are irrelevant. Idiot and worse Joe may be, but he never said that the lady must suffer a penalty - he said if she was a TRUE lady she would not ASK to be exempt from a penalty. Being the pillock you are I'm sure the difference bwtween the two statements is beyond you, but one must make the effort. Now do be a good little tot and bugger off.</font>
  12. Greetings, I am running an ATI Rage Orion card and get the full effect of the fog and all the other weather, too. I'd post the pic, but I really don't know the ins and outs of doing that. It might be a driver issue. You might want to post on tech page or e-mail Madmatt for advice. [ November 30, 2002, 03:50 PM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  13. There are premade scenarios (single battle) and operations (a series of battles) on the disk in both CM:BO and CM:BB. Both games allow the computer to generate battles according the specifications that you set. The games allow for the computer to choose forces for both sides or each player to choose their own up to a predetermined point level. There also are "battle maps" created by players, which you can download from sites like the Scenario Depot, Boots and Tracks and Der Kessel, to name a few. You can also create your own.
  14. If a player has posted a movie turn from a PBEM (play by e-mail) game, then you would need to download the file and drop it into your PBEM folder. You'll also need the player's password to get the turn to play. That should be available on the site. HOWEVER, (caps for emphasis not screaming), since you are on the demo version, you do not have the full game engine and all the bells and whistles that go with it. It has been a long time since I had the demo and I may be mistaken on this, but I don't think you'll be able to play game files from the full game using the demo. You won't be able to watch CM:BB files on CM:BO because of the changes to the game engine and all the units, buildings, terrain, etc. is different. CM:BO is a magnificent game. CM:BB has some very impressive changes and improvements that make the game and your tactics even more "real." You can get both bundled in one package for a nominal fee. Some players won't go back to CM:BO because of the changes, but there are a large number, myself included, who are playing both and will continue to do so. Get the games, you'll be glad you did ... although your family, friends and associates will wonder if you fell off the face of the earth.
  15. You were doing jello-shots for Thanksgiving? What were the children drinking, Thunderbird? I never realized you heartland trailer trash types were so staunchly traditional about your holidays. Did the porn movie you watched while eating your pumpkin pie feature indians and pilgrims?</font>
  16. That might could be rushing things in some cases. It might be better to play the AI for several games just to get the hang of it before trying to learn under the pressure of trying to beat a live opponent. Michael</font>
  17. Once you've finished those tutorials, the best teacher is PBEM.
  18. Still playing both. Lawyer, there's still an open challenge that you've been neglecting.
  19. Best game of all time? Hmm, Spin the Bottle comes to mind.
  20. Be thankful you still have them ... PanzerSquealer's are still locked up.
  21. Berli's had another birthday? Well here's a heartfelt wish: Sod off, ya git. [ November 24, 2002, 06:15 PM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  22. Shep, was that American robin fully loaded or flying empty?
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