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Stalins Organ

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Posts posted by Stalins Organ

  1. I see there's calls this morning to "let them fail" from various investors after teh house rejected the proposed deal.

    Someone (an American billionaire-type investor - didn't catch the name) interviewed on our radio reckoned that Japan suffered a decade of stagnation after bailing its banks back in the 90's, whereas Sth Korea and Russia "took the hit", allowed them to fail (which certainly did hurt) but were able to recover very rapidly in the mid-late 90's.

  2. Nope - that explains nothing to someone half a world away sorry....

    there are people connected to every campaign who are rogues - always have been and always will be, so if there's a specific complaint about Obama and you want non-americans to understand it you sort of need to spell it out....:/

  3. So what's the "scandal"? "Neither Smith nor his wife have been accused of any wrongdoing"...and as far as I can read they're het ones who might be....and not Obama?

    given 6 degrees of seperation the linking of all and sundry to their nearest political candidate (which is also happeneing here 'cos we have an election coming up too) is a pretty easy, normal and crappy part of the deal (alas)

  4. john the "testimonials" on the Noreen Renier page are absolute drivel

    they say nothing at all about psychic ability - not one single thing.

    Let's take one that seems pretty good on the face of it:

    I was skeptical until Noreen said on the phone from almost 1OOO miles away that there was something wrong with my friend's leg. He had been hobbling around on crutches for a week, and there was no way for her to know that."

    Wow - amazing - she accurately spoted a gammy leg from 100 miles away.

    But wait - no she didn't - she said there was "something wrong" with it....hello?? there's "something wrong" with everyone's leg(s) - it's nothing more than general statement that has a masive chance of scoring a hit with conformation bias!

    Or another:

    "...the Bureau has used Renier strictly in an academic setting, to expand the thinking of police officers. We have, however, given her name to law enforcement people who want to try a psychic. And some of them have said she's solved cases."

    "Some have said..." - enuf said!

    Or, finally, the very first one, which I've kept until last even tho it's the first one on the page:

    "Remarkably, the lost man's body was found EXACTLY where Renier said it would be! People scoffed at us for seeking out a psychic's help, but Noreen's input was quite incredible...even a bit spooky,"

    And here's what ACTUALLY hapened:

    Charles Capel was last seen alive May 20, 2004, the night before he wandered away from his home in Oxford Township in rural Butler County, Ohio. The retired university professor, who suffered from Alzheimer's, could not be found despite repeated searches by police and volunteers. In October, frustrated by a lack of leads, Oxford police enlisted self-proclaimed psychic detective Noreen Renier in the search. For a $650 taxpayer-funded fee, she described the area where Capel would be found. Acting on Renier's information, police renewed the search but still found nothing. Weeks and months dragged on without a break in the case until December 1, when Capel's body was discovered less than a mile from his home, in an area the police apparently missed.

    According to a news report in the Oxford Press, "The small patch of cornfield-surrounded woodland where Capel was found possessed uncanny similarities to the area psychic detective Noreen Renier described to police.... Though in Virginia, hundreds of miles away from the scene, she was able to envision bits of his journey through contact with his shoes and toothbrush." A local television station was similarly impressed, airing a report titled, "Psychic Clues Accurate in Case."

    Sgt. Jim Squance of the Oxford police is quoted as saying that he "was struck by the similarities" between Renier's description and where Capel was eventually found: "The landmarks were all there ... she said there was a tower with an antenna on top of it." Renier also mentioned stone, a wooded area, barns, and a creek. "We based our search on the information that she gave us, and, as it turns out, she was right on," Squance said. "Professionally, you have to be a little skeptical, using a psychic detective. But personally, when you see the results, you've got to be in awe."


    Missing Alzheimer's patients are almost always found close to home, a fact borne out by statistics and well known to police (and "psychic detectives"). So just about everyone--the Capel family, police, searchers, and Renier--was pretty certain that the eighty-one-year-old Capel was somewhere nearby. All Renier needed to do to be "right on" was describe the immediate area, with such obvious and general features as a creek, trees, a tower with an antenna, and stones.


    Renier's "information" simply suggested an area that common sense dictated and where the Oxford police were already searching. Claiming, after the body was found, that in retrospect the psychic "was right on" doesn't cut it. Renier, apparently playing the odds and a pretty obvious guessing game, managed to impress both the police and the general public (through credulous media reports).

    (from here)

    Which is prety much par for the course - a general description that could be almost anywhere in the country and which would apply to anywhere within miles of where the body was found (ie a mile away and your stil in an area with "stone, a wooded area, barns, and a creek", and then confirmation bias presents it as being the "exact spot".

    Absolute nonsense - self serving selective quotation, obsfucation, mis-direction and dishonesty!:mad:

  5. GJK wrote:

    if the US makes significant withdrawals from Iraq, how does that affect the tensions between Israel and Iran? Thus, is the US stuck there no matter what the outcome of Iraq is

    Uh...no....talk about begging the question....why does a "change in the relationship" mean the US is "stuck there"?

    Why can't the change in relationship be one that means the US leaves Iraq with no great problems? In fact I'd suggest that the US leaving Iraq might improve the relationship between the 2 countries!!

  6. Not in your service lifetime.

    Where would you ge the troops from? The US is scratching to send 3 brigades to Afghanistan - not until the end of 2009 according to a report yesterday.

    and apparently the US is not planning to leave Iraq any time soon.

    And even if it did do you think that 130,000 troops from there would be enough to invade Iran? Because you would have NO allies at all...well maybe some Iranian emigres, Kurds and Iraqi's ..... possibly some Israeli support (air, special forces msot likely) but I don't see any other country wanting a bar of it....unless Iran makes it easy and does actually nuke Israel of course.....in which case all bets are off and Persia becomes a glass and slag wasteland.....

    GJK how is Iran going to invade Israel? Though US occupied Iraq and then Syria or jordan? That's not going to happen - but an Iranian retaliatory missile strike would be on the cards.

  7. Should we believe the shaken veteran cops who candidly admit that psychics came up with key case solving evidence on cases they themselves had hit a wall with

    got any sources for this, and for psychic powers actually BEING the reason, rather than jsut someone different looking at the evidence?

    We've for a show here in NZ called "Sensing Murder" where Psychics get an hour prime TV time (which means weeks of actual time) to "solve" a murder.

    So far they are 0 from 20......none of their "leads" have ever turned up anything at all, except a waste of police time, and none of them have won lotto.

  8. Since 1600 or so the REALLY big European wars have had some themes (and before then too, but one has to draw a line somewhere....)-

    Would protestantism exist? (30yw & some other smaller ones)

    Would France or the Habsburgs be the main force in Europe? (pretty much everything from 1680-1815)

    Would Germany dominate (be part of) Europe, or vice versa? (WW1, WW2)

    Any takers for the next one being about whether Russia will dominate (be part of) a wider Europe, or vice versa?

  9. And what's the problem with there being no cows left if we don't need them for beef and leather and milk??!!

    There should be no doubt in anyones mind at all that human milk is better for humans than cows milk - it's a pretty basic fact of life.

    But it's not the chemistry that's going to decide.....women already complain about what nature has given them in the way of child bearing ...think of the implications of industrial production of human milk...:)

    Can you imagine the women of PETA doing their bit??!!:eek::eek:

  10. There's a Squadron/Signal book on German rail guns, from which I gathered the following data a couple of years ago (all references to "pictured or similar) are to the book. Note that it says a couple of K5's were used against the US 1st army at the end of the war. I got he info via google books but don't see it anymore.

    “Gneisenau” battery 15cm SK L/40 guns. At least 4 guns saw action in France 1944.

    This battery was unique as the only one belonging to the Kriegsmarine.

    17cm Batteries 717, 718 3 guns each. Pictured in France 1942

    20.3cm L/60 8 guns constructed from spares of Heavy Cruisers. 6 of these captured in France 1944.

    21cm K12 (E) L/196 1 gun comprised E-Batterie 701. Also velocity measuring troop (mot) 607. Only 2 guns built, emplaced on French coast by end 1940 to shell Dover and Folkestone. Also pictured 1944 in the west. (no further detail of location)

    24cm L/35 “Bruno” guns. 3 guns pictured at Luttich rail yards in the west. (no other detail)

    28cm L/40 “Kurze Bruno”. 8 Guns completed, 4 batteries 690, 694, 695, 696 each with 2 guns later joined by E-battery 721 equipped with 2 captured guns. 2 are pictured emplaced on the Belgian coast.

    28cm L/42 “Schwere Bruno” 2 guns E-battery 689 with velocity measuring troop 613.

    28cm “Lange Bruno” 3 guns built. No details.

    28cm L/58 “Neue Bruno” 3 guns built.

    K5(E) 28cm L/76. 25 built “Anzio Annie” most famous.

    Gun train for this weapon consisted of: loco, 28cm gun, ammo car, diesel shunter, 2 shell cars (113 rounds each), 2 propellant cars, equipment car with tools, armoured railroad car for crew defense, kitchen car, fire control car, flat car with 20mm Flak 38, 3 buses. Also turntable train consisted of: loco, several cars for the dismantled “Vogele” turntable, car carrying 16 sections of curved track, rail and jack fittings car, 3 ammo cars, supply and tool car, flak car, 9 flat cars for buses and other vehicles.

    Among units outside Leningrad pictured 9 Oct 1943: E battery 712 with Vel. Meas. Troop 697, E battery 713, with vmt 617 and 765.

    2 of these guns were used against US 1st Army at closing stage of the war.

    80cm L/40.6 “Dora” Nuff saidJ

    Captured French Guns

    2 x 30.5cm M93/06 pictured in France 1940

    32cm(f) M74 and 32cm Schneider. Approx 20 French guns used by Germans, mostly in France from 1942

    37cm (f) M15. 2 guns battery 711. 1 gun pictured Jan 1945 near Weichel in action vs Russians.

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