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Stalins Organ

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Posts posted by Stalins Organ

  1. A trillion dollars is certainly a great transfer of goods and ownership.....

    However truth to tell we havent' had "ral" capitalism for over a hundred years - since hte "robber baron" days of the 19th century - it was such a disaster then that it was curtailed by regulation.

    Also in "true" capitalism, failures are allowed to happen (as I understand it) and Govt bailouts do not - the prospect of success and riches carries the potential downside of failure and penury, and it is this mechanism that is supposed to ensure that the best decisions get made.

    With Govt bailouts the down-side goes away - remember that the cause of this particular disaster is soemthing as simple as making home loans to people who can't actually afford them - where is hte downside in making the decision to allow that to happen?

    As I understand it a few firms have been effctively natioalised (Stearn, Fannie & Freddie), but the latest seems to be a "simple" cash handout with no x-fer of shareholding or other ownership of the affected institutions?

  2. Probably not, but I'm curious about what people think of the bailout of the US financial sector by the Fed's, and what it means for the future.

    Don't get me wrong - I'm pretty sure that saving the day is the best thing for hte Feds to do - the alternative looks a lot worse.

    But with Agricultural subsidies and this the US is seriously looking like a socialist economy - the amount of Govt money paid to redistribute income & ownership of debt is just staggering - 10 times the size of the NZ economy - 1 1/2 times the Australian one (from 2005 here...)

    And then there's always this lovely little cartoon....


  3. If our planes are being remotely taken over from their pilots by manipulating their perception (two A-10 incidents Bearden documents; one pilot barely escaped; the other crashed), our people can have their behavior affected by broadcasting encoded information....

    that little word at the start of the quote says it all...."if"...

    You take such conditional statements as being fact when they are nothing of the sort.

    the Bearden "documents" are nothing - they present no evidence at all. I could make a powerpoint slide of Kermit as the Emperor of India and it would be as useful!!

    Sheesh! :(

  4. Stalin's Organist,

    I suspect that denied ops in Cambodia offered the perfect combat test venue, seeing as how the Green Berets weren't supposed to be there to begin with and doubtless were OPCON to the CIA. That, I bet, is the real reason the rescue was organized.

    And then they never bothered to sue this fantastic weapon again.

    After such a successful test you'd think there was no real need for deniability......

    Did you watch the vids or the the transcripts regarding this event?

    Yes I waded my way through the transcript at great personal cost.

    the military experiment was partly aimed at inducing psychosis IIRC - I'd say if this guy was part of it then it worked!! :cool:

    Pak_43 wrote:

    Your research approach seems to be that if you spray enough bullets about some are bound to hit their mark

    And if they miss first time round he's happy to recycle them a bit later and try again too.....

  5. Pak_43,

    I was trying to show you that what was being played with as pretty much a lab curiosity in the early 1960s was, by the late 1960s, apparently already in use in black project circles for real world military operations, as seen in the two Project Camelot accounts of the shattering battlefield use of a dozen linked child warriors wielding their carefully honed psychic talents to annihilate some 2000 VC and NVA as part of a rescue of trapped Green Berets in Cambodia.

    Wow - shame they couldn't kill the rest and win the war then.

    Who screwed up that one?

  6. Killing them off is all well and good....unless of course it causes more to be recruited.......

    as many said at the time - invading Afghanistan was fine - clear cause and link.

    Iraq was and remains a blot on US morality.

    you might not care about what I think - but your Govt wants to be seen as leader of "the West" and "the free world" - well that means your govt wants to lead me...and I'll bloody well say what I have to say whether you or they like it or not.

    just as you and they do whether I like it or not.

  7. I'll vote that in 50+ years 9/11 will be remembered as the day the US went insane & started its slide into destruction from its own actions.

    3000+ people dead is a tragedy .....screwing up your own country and setting half the world against the other half on the basis of false premis is stupidity.

  8. I think that's the way most of us see it. Especially given the appalingly lengthy time and expenditure that has been involved in this tub thumping.

    Yep - that's a better ay of putting it than I did.

    What should he be charged with?

    A crime if he committed one.

    the Geneva convention deals with civilians having weapons in a war/conflict zone AFAIK.

    the whole thing stinks - Afghanis fighting in their own country against an invader are given a brand new status that is invented to specifically deny them internationally agreed rights?

  9. Local stored anti-tank mines in his house

    After all these years.....interrogation without much in the way of limits....is this the outcome of the "war on terror"?

    do people really think that charges like this are helping anything? Restoring justice anywhere? Or worthwhile in any other way?

    It's pretty damned sad that this is all the might of "the West" can come up with - charging some unlucky Afghani (how many others had 20 mines or similar and DIDN'T get caught?) with something that might give him a life sentence essentially because he lived in a war zone!!:mad:

  10. Exactly - civil servants need to behave apolitically at WORK....but their private life is still their own.

    We have elections coming up here & as a civil servant (more or less) we have our rights and responsibilities quite clearly laid out up to and including standing for office (which i'm not!).

    and basically our private life is our own.

    If the librarian was using his/her job to campaign for someone then that's another matter entirely....but as I read it that was not the case?

  11. .

    Catholics are truly weird - they eat the Flesh of their God, drink His blood, and in defiance of the no idolatry rule, idolize all kinds of relics and people (Saints).


    yes, yes, yes, and no, in that order.

    Catholics do not idolize anything. They use images as focuses for prayer and to direct their thoughts.

    At least that's what they taught me at Catholic schools a while back.

    but I gave it all up for something sensible anyway.

  12. Umm, you open with a general who had a different strategy than the surge (I grant that his strategy wasn't tried), and you close with McNamara, and that's not wrapping the tale with the opposed and discredited?

    Dunno - but it's not what the review says either - it doesn't say anything about closing with McNamara - he's just in there as an aside.

    And you miss another point of course - the strategy is not discredited it was not tried at the time, and it's now being trumpeted by the administration as a great success!

  13. the WSJ "review" is a joke - even in the quote you use it's self serving and exploitative - "opening" is not the same as "wrapping...around" - it's a classic "slippery slope" logical fallacy wrapped around an appeal to ridicule.

    It's also completely wrong - it characterises Casey's strategy for getting out of Iraq as a "failed strategy" - which is isn't - it was never tried in his time so it can't have failed. And now it is being tried and it is working (apparently).....

    As a strategy it also had different aims to the surge - it was designed to get the US out ASAP and give responsibility over to Iraqi institutions.

    Just like what is happening now 2 years after he proposed it.....

    I don't know anything about the book - but I can tell that the review is absolute garbage!

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