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Major Tom

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Everything posted by Major Tom

  1. Well, Madmatt's coolness can be solved by slightly modifying Descarte's metaphysics. If one truely doubts their coolness, as Madmatt has admited so, he then must be enacting the action of doubting. In order for someone to doubt, they must have the capacity to doubt, one which would require a thinking mind. If one indeed doubts and has a thinking mind in order to doubt then one must exist, as, mind, or thinking is true existence. Since Madmatt does doubt, this proves that he does exist, wherein if he exists he is a cool guy as stated by Mr.Smith. Premise 1 Madmatt doubts his coolness Premise 2 Doubting proves existence Premise 3 If Madmatt exists he is a "cool guy" according to Mr.Smith Therefore Madmatt exists and is a cool guy. However, this must take into account the truthness of Mr.Smith's account that in order for Madmatt to exist he must be a "cool guy". This and the truth about the meaning of life may never be discovered within the limiting constraints of the human mind. We could presently be existing in what many philosophers call the CM paradox. One cannot honestly recall an era in life clearly when CM did not exist, even though CM does not truely exist yet. We are presently caught in a time loop, where things are neither in existence nor in oblivion. We do not have CM, yet at the same time, we also do.
  2. Fionn, yeah, am just polishing off a Minor in Philosophy right now. It starts to get too easy to talk this way. Heck, even the fact that I wrote the asaid caption might be thought of to mean that I am furthering my sychophantism even more so by adding to that fact. Even this message here could just be the product of it as well. Possibly nobody else truely exists so I might just be wasting my time anyway..
  3. Damn straight Colin! But, just read my post under the "Any News?" category. I just may be that Mr.Smith (if indeed that is his real name) is a much more devious character than was originally made out to be.
  4. Yes, Fionn, I agree with you entirely. The idea of sychophants on this board is outrageous, just exactly like you said. Now this is a philosophical dilemma. Am I just posting this sarcastic portrayal of sychopantia proponed Stephen Smith to prove the point that it just a figment of his imagination, or, am I doing this just to go along with the now popular trend of backlashing Mr.Smith's attempt at categorizing this boards unjustified attacks against Capt_Manieri, ergo, proving his point? Hmm. [This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 01-28-2000).]
  5. Well, that was an interesting attempt to psychoanalyze this board by their relation to one board clown. I would hardly believe that the majority of people are contributing solely in verbal servitude to flatter those certain 'coolies' aformentioned. To say that Mr. Manieri should be forced to go into hiding and cover up his personality with that of a false one will not solve anything. It would be impossible, let alone degrading. He has to learn what is and is not to be said and done on a bulliten board, and indeed, he is learning. However, dealing with this manuel stuff, there was an entire long post of what we want in a manual a long time ago (mentioned by him in late December). What was discussed was that only technical details would be included, rather than a lot of flashy storytelling. It just appeared to the majority of the board that Capt_Manieri did not bother to look up the previous post and was just trying to discover already discussed information like he did so many times in the past. He cried wolf one to many times, and even though this time there was actually a wolf to be sought, the population of the board thought he was just blowing up more smoke. Frankly, there were many things that Manieri said which were either pointless, or even outrageous which were not pointed out by the sycophantic members of this board. Given time he will effectively assimilate into this board. He has pointed out many good points, and has been noted for them. It is hard to break away from a first impression, but it doesn't take running away. I would not use the high school analogy, it is crude and incorrect. I would rather substitute that of the 'older sibling' analogy. We may insult and jest about the poor guy, but, we don't hate him. We just get annoyed with him, just like any older sibling is with a younger one. Eventually the two will reach a point of understanding, as I have with my older brother, but, it takes time and effort.
  6. I think that squads are divided into sections, or is it a few squads (less than a Platoon) are sections? Or is a squad also known as a section?!?! I don't know anymore!!
  7. Read a book about the hypothetical invasion of Britain following both the British and German plans. Ended up in German victory, but, I don't think it included the British tenacity of fighting on their home ground and many other factors. The book had them fighting EXACTLY the same as they did in France, which is unrealistic. There was the 1st and soon to arrive 2nd Canadian Divisions which were at full strength. The 52nd Lowland Division, albiet territorial was also at practically full strength. There was also an ANZAC force, equivalent to a division. Let alone the surviving British formations which retreated in good order and were around at 50% strength and a multitude of Territorial divisions. The 1st Armoured division, combined with the 1st Army Tank brigade had around 300 tanks (Cruisers, Mk VI, and Matilda II's), let alone the 2nd Armoured of 200 tanks (Mk VI), plus numerous Tank Brigades. The Germans had to somehow cross the English channel, breaking past the 60 or so Destroyers, 5 Battleships and multiple cruisers. With this they had 2 Pre-Dreadnaughts, 1 Heavy Cruiser and a few destroyers. They did not have any real landing craft and were relying on Barges. It would be extremely hard to get enough landing craft together to move over a Panzerkorps on its own, let alnone an entire army (which would have been needed to take the Island). The RAF was still in good showing (There were 500+ Bombers in 1940, German fighter range could not result in complete coverage of the beachead). The British also had many MTB's and coastal submarines which would have played havoc with the transport. If indeed the Germans were successful in landing an army, the cost of the operation would have been horendous, and with little chance of success. If indeed a force was able to land in strength they still have to rely on the sea for supply. Cut off that supply lane with the Royal Navy and you have an entire army in POW camps. Admiral Raeder was hard pressed to come up with a plan (seeing most of his already small fleet was shot up in the Norway debacle), and didn't see much chance in success. PS. the first post was posted 7 days ago, ergo, new title, "No CM release for at least 1 week (good guess)" [This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 01-28-2000).]
  8. What the heck is this? An attempt to break the 100 posts per message area??!?! Just thought that I would add to the clutter.
  9. HEY! Teutonic! Quit stalling! And don't you send me the wrong files just so you won't have to face the royal beating that I am dishing to you. Do what I do, plan your devestating moves (I know, you still can't get this down straight) for one player at a time, then you make yourself multiple directories for the PBEM files of the said games. And honkey dory, you have yourself a system! So, get going so I can smash some of your lanky American forces. [This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 01-28-2000).]
  10. Girl's on top of gun barrels? How am I to compete with that?!
  11. Sorry to say, but, my PBEM schedule is filled up. 6 opponents is enough for me! I hope I won't mess up all my different passwords?
  12. Hey, up here in Canada we had ourselves a female Prime Minister, ol' Whatzherhead. Nobody can seem to remember her name, as she came in during the last few months after Brian Mulroney 'retired' and was quickly ousted from power. I think her name resembled something of a female body part, hmm, was it Mulva?
  13. Oh yeah, I forgot you Americans can go down to the corner store and pick up a 6 pack. Makes you wonder what kind of stuff the shopkeep puts in it, maybe a little crack cocaine? I saw these Microbrew doityourself thinggies on TV, then I saw a set at traM laW. Think of all the cool grains you can put into your own beer. Man, it just blows your freaking mind!
  14. Exactly, the coefficient of the surface gravity area against the force of friction on the angle of the thing with the other stuff... Um, Yeah, Goanna, your StuG's are going to be doing a lot of this sudden stopping and fleeing for their petty lives in our PBEM! I hope your poor little Stuggies don't have any engine failure! [This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 01-27-2000).]
  15. Hampster, eh? Sure you don't have any other specs? Say, some hidden underground tunnel recently discovered?
  16. I am pretty sure Charles is also putting in a neat section on the causes and reprocussions of the Franco-Prussian war.
  17. I am pretty sure that all tracked vehicles have darned good traction, enough that they can probably stop on a dime.
  18. Just to curb the boredom before the release of CM I would like to try to get into a wack of PBEM games. I am in a couple of them now, but, I can spare time for a few more. Any scenario, any side, it doesn't really matter. Don't have ICQ, but, I do check e-mail frequently (I am a student with 9 hours of class per week, what else do I have to do other than play CM).
  19. How'd you get such specific specs? Did you have to go undercover to get that information? [This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 01-26-2000).]
  20. Many people would like to say yes, but, in my opinion that there would still be the same problems. Wars are caused over territorialness, hatred, or basically greed. Women are not free of such vices just like men. Women claim that they would talk it out rationally, but, they can be just as irrational as men are. There have been many "bruital" or warmongering female leaders (Catherine the Great, Queen Victoria, many Egyptian Queens). Female animals are known to be as bruital or even more so than some of the males. Human women just haven't had as much of a chance to prove their war abilities.
  21. You can always find things that aren't up to a few individuals taste in just about any game. Sure, they could have done something else, but, possibly other people would have complained in their place. BTS is stuck between a rock and a hard place with people criticizing their work. I have really noticed a decay in the happiness of Steve's, most probably because he is getting all of these rude posts stating that they think that what he has produced isn't up to snuff. These guys worked long and hard, they shouldn't have to deal with such insults right before they finish their product. Haven't you ever worked on something for a long time, taken pride in it, and know how it feels when some total stranger comes by and points out all the 'flaws' that they see in your project? Have some respect, and let your complaints rest! PS. I mentioned about the full length movies, and unless you want to see Fester cry I would suggest you implement them into the game
  22. Don't rely on smoke covering you forever. I would safely bet on only around 2 turns.
  23. Oh no! Steve forgot to turn off Rant Mode!!! Rant feeling spreading, can't stop myself, must fight it, rage increasing, logic dissipating, must, start, ranting!! Anyway, I have seen series of games that come up from the same company get flashier and flashier graphics but less and less gameplay or individual strategy. If CM went to Real Time all you would do was point and click. You wouldn't have time to independently set up ambushes, check fields of fire or plan an assault. In reality CM models more than just a battalion commander, you are a company and even possibly a platoon commander. You cannot get that kind of detail with real time, nor could you have that large of a number of battles. I have played the game "Homeworld", very cool graphics and very large, but, it is RealTime and is very hard in making good tactical manuvers. With Real Time you have to rely a lot more on the Tactical AI to win your battles rather than personal deployment skill. Who ever wins real time games has only the ability to process things faster, or can use their mouse very quickly other than having some sort of military or tactical skill. Real Time strategy games are the product of individuals with short attention spans, as Killmore stated his friends can only spend up to 30 minutes doing one thing at a time. Honestly, if you despise Turn based games so much, WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING HERE!!? Do you think that if you insult the creaters of this wonderful game so much that they will cave in and make it Real Time?? Can it be real time NO Can it be real time? NO Can it be real time? NO Can it be real time? IF I SAY YES THAN WILL YOU QUIT BUGGING ME?! [This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 01-26-2000).]
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