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Major Tom

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Everything posted by Major Tom

  1. Unbuttoned risks killing one of the crew members, but, I have noticed that it is better to risk the one guy than to lose the entire tank. Unbuttoned they have a better view of the battlefield. When Buttoned, they can only see out their little peep holes, usually only facing forwards on the hull and the turret. So, they can only really see what they are shooting at.
  2. Was the tank firing at the Infantry Buttoned? Possibly they were only concentrating on the Grunts as they couldn't see the enemy tank?
  3. Well, I don't know what happened on your game, but, crawling is supposed to appear as the unit is actually crawling. Could be just some sort of visual bug. I have had crawling people being shot and killed. You have to watch the terrain they are crossing. You can't give orders for tanks to shoot at only a specific target (ie only shoot at tanks). The Tactical AI, which the AI and human player has to deal with, are the tank commanders and gunners. Whatever they see to be the greatest threat they target. Usually tanks turn out to be the greatest threat so they would usually target them over Infantry. [This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 01-18-2000).]
  4. I may have to retract, has anyone looked at the profile yet? It says for an e-mail contact press@battlefront.com It is pretty difficult to fake an e-mail, as, in order to get your password you must have it sent to your e-mail address. BTS could be using PRESS instead of FEEDBACK because they are done with feedback, and using press to promote the product? They used SALES@BATTLEFRONT.COM to conduct their sales. The reason we haven't yet to hear from BTS could be either that they are hard at work producing the game, or, they could be getting it sent out to everyone and taking a much deserved rest. Still, one could create their character, recieve the e-mail, then just rename your e-mail address and character name to the new one here. Possibly this is just blind hope, but, one can hope, can he? Lets wait to hear from Steve or Charles before we go out and kill this guy. We could accidentaly kill Steve! [This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 01-17-2000).]
  5. What someone did on another board to a guy who really ticked everyone off for something similar was he hacked into his system, got the guy's real name and telephone number, posted it on the board, crashed the guy's computer HARD. However, the guy who did all of this was soon arrested and charged, with something. Probably lost his internet rights forever and had to pay a HUGE fine. No, I am not professing this be done, but, beware, if you piss off a large board, just like this one, you are bound to anger some sort of mental case.
  6. Yeah, howardb, I think he was in his mid 120's. Was that a rhetorical question? Do I know what rhetorical means!
  7. Yeah, CM can actualy reproduce historical events to prime accuracy. I remember playing some games, with everything being as historical as the game can get, but, the outcomes never were historical. The games just behaved too unrealistically. I just love the detail incorporated into this game. Virtually every single good warfare tactic you ever have heard of is applicable to this game. All that I have to do now is to discover how to kill a King Tiger!
  8. British: Matilda II Russian: KV-II German: Neubaufahrzeug American: None, lack of interesting craftmenship. Belgian: T.13 Type II French: Char D2 Polish: 7TPdw (These things with 2 HMG's look KOOL!)
  9. I have that thing happening for 1 of my 2 PBEM games. We can still play the game with the ping, but, you have to deal with the hassle of the game freezing all the time.
  10. Hey, Mr.Peng, whats with the cheezy Goatee? (just so eerie that it had to be said twice) [This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 01-17-2000).]
  11. HEY! Have you heard Shatner sing? I think not! Once you hear the sweet melody of Mr. Tamborine Man, or Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds sung by Mr. Shatner, you would never want hear the other version again (for fears of remembering his rendition!). Actually, Shatner is the only 'celebrety' who I know of who has the same birtday as me. AND HE'S CANADIAN TOO!! The irony.
  12. Well, you can have Rush, The Tragically Hip, AND William Shatner. Yeah, or maybe well grab ourselves some prime movie production locations? Toronto looks kind of like New York, nobody will notice... Of course we will have to dirty it up a bit [This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 01-16-2000).]
  13. And now for something completely different As a resident of South-Central Canada who has just stuck his head out the window, I state the following remark: "Will you Americans keep all of your freaking acid rain/snow in your punkass dump of a nation" This has been a public message
  14. Well, I just had the severest bout of ill luck/strategy for my 2 PBEM games. I have my last StuG vs 4 enemy Shermans. I am in a great position. Unbuttoned am firing at a Sherman who is buttoned and firing at some of my broken troops at the other end of the battlefield. First shot, miss, second shot, miss, then the turn is over. The Sherman is retargeted by my opponent against my StuG which I am pretty sure is as hulldown as you can get one of them. His Sherman is in the open, I fire again, miss, he turns his turret (still buttoned), fires, BOOM, my StuG is toast. I thought that luck was supposed to go both ways?
  15. Well, I am not too sure that buildings aren't resembled properly. They were only designed to keep out the elements, not High Explosive shells... if 6 75mm HE Shells shot through the walls of my house, I am pretty sure it wouldn't be standing pretty well. And my house is a 1 level brick thing built in the 1950's, let alone structures built in the early 20th and late 19th century as you would find littered all over Europe. Houses are dangerous things to hide in during warfare. One, they are a great target for enemy artillery, and two, they tend to collapse on those inside when they fall apart. There was a post much earlier dealing with this subject, use the search command to find better answers than the ones I gave.
  16. Here's something to throw into the pot... In CE, I managed to capture some troops that the AI threw against me, however, before the turn ended more enemy troops appeared and gave this unit the gumshon to take up arms against me. Then they were promptly killed. It still counted as a unit captured on the unit "kill" screen. Theoretically, you could capture a unit over and over again and chalk them up to individual POW's captured. I am not sure about the end screen though, I think that I managed to coax a surrender out of them, but, didn't do the counting to see if the guys captured, then killed couted. [This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 01-14-2000).]
  17. Well, I think by the end of the war the British/Canadians had some sort of jacket/vest. I have seen many pictures of these vests, I don't know of their purpose though. It could be a rudamentary FlaK jacket, nothing really to stop a bullet, but, could do something against bomb/grenade/other fragments flying around. I know that during the Vietnam war, the FlaK jacket wasn't looked upon too keenly. The climate caused the individual to overheat with the damn thing on, plus, it couldn't stop much. I really doubt that there was as much chance to prove the modern day vests as there was during previous wars. Not too many American soldiers died in the war, due mostly to the fact of overwealming superiority in firepower. I personally don't think that there is a jacket, let alone a helmet that could withstand a high calibre shot.
  18. Yeah, makes sense... You hear of the "Black Watch", "Winnipeg Grenadiers", "Royal Rifles of Canada", etc.. but no Canadian 1st Black Watch, whereas you would have 1st Durham Light Infantry, 2nd Durham Light Infantry, and so on. As you said, we cannot say for sure, but, it does appear that most Canadian regiments used the 2 Battaion system. However, one example comes to mind are the Tank Regiments. I cannot remember which Calgary battalion took part at Dieppe, but, it was a numbered battalion. However, the Armoured Corps didn't have much of a tradition in Canada, so, it could step over this Militia stuff.
  19. Unfortunately I have reached the age where I am no longer the cream of the intellectual society. At least this is what TV tells me... Turning 22 just totally shot me out of the loop. Present day music sucks (Backstreet Boys?!?! WHAT THE??!?! Someone must have been smoking a lot of crack to come up with that idea!), television is too full of pointless sex and violence "Today on FOX: When Buildings Collapse... man has always loved his buildings, what happens when they say 'NO MORE!'"... I was in a theatre seeing a movie, it was rated PG 14 or something. The movie was full of 14 year olds, but, had multiple nipple shots and continuous sexual inuendo. Now, when I was young you had to stay up really late to see this kind of stuff on TV. Now it's just PORN, PORN, PORN!!! "I used to be with it, but then I forgot what it was, and what it became was strange and freightening to me, and it will happen to you too!" "I used to rock and roll all night and party every day, then it was every other day, now I find it hard to find one day a week in which to get funky." I never understood those quotes untill just recently. Remember, back in the day, when musicians were considered young when they were 50 years old??? Now, the Rolling Stones are considered a freak group for their age. I love David Bowie's music and he is even older than my Father! I may seem pathetic arguing such stuff at the young age of 22, but, after being in the limelight for such a long time with everything in the media targeting my age group it is a major culture shock realizing that economists, musicians, movie-makers, etc... consider anyone over the age of 20 not to too old to be worth their consideration. [This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 01-13-2000).]
  20. Yeah, the Regiments were some sort of peacetime organization... Originally, each regiment contained 2 Battalions. One fighting battalion, and one replacement battalion (feeds in replacements for the fighting battalion and sees no combat). However, gradually things changed and regiments started puting in more battalions. For example, the Royal Tank Regiment put in dozen's of battalions.
  21. Cunningham had a nervous breakdown sometime during the North African Campaign. An interesting fact, the unsuccessfull General Cunningham was the brother of the much venerated Admiral Cunningham who commanded the British Medeterranean fleet against overwealming odds? The British typically bred much better Naval Commanders over Army Commanders, just tradition I suppose. British Generals tended to be rather timid in taking risks, but, their Admiral's wouldn't hesitate one bit!
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