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M Hofbauer

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Everything posted by M Hofbauer

  1. Madmatt, if you had negative modifiers then that would simply encourage severing the squads from the HQ unit to escape the negative modifiers.
  2. stealth, morale, effective firing and even command are all dependant on how well the leader knows his men. a captain (comapny Co) usually has less intimate knowledge of a single soldier than the platoon leader of the platoon in which the soldier is. If the leader knwos his soldiers, then he knows how to employ them effectively. therefore, even if a CPT as such might have better experience and abilities than a LT, he is usually less able to transfer this unto the soldiers under his command.
  3. hmm heavy... wow, but after reading those Legal papers you sent. this makes more sense then those paragraph bla sub law whatever. I blew 4 out of my 6 synapses just figuring it out.</font>
  4. "Which came first, the chicken or the egg? I ate the chicken, and then I ate its egg" (BeastieBoys)
  5. He said 3D games "like Quake" made him puke. *shrugs* I guess it's possible.</font>
  6. urban myth. though they might look remotely like bedsprings, they were actually specifically manufactured mesh-wire skirts. the germans worked with mesh-wire skirts, too.
  7. LOL. no, actually I did not know until now, but I would be glad to be enlightened. If you're referring to rockets as such, I had always been under the impression that the chinese did them first a couple thousand years ago, and as far as MLRS goes, I didn't know the russians developed it, I was under the impression it was a combined project of the USA, germany, france, italy and the UK. I didn't know they stole it from the Russians :eek:
  8. BlackVoid and M.Bates, if I understand you correctly then what you want is the user interface and orders menu of CM reduced to three buttons of general attitude of your whole force: advance hold retreat seriously, I find this quite silly. No one ever argued that chess was too much micromanaging. Its a game for god's sake, if it was supposed to be real then you'ld have to go down to level 1 view somewhere with a map and a radio set.
  9. Have to disagree with the notion that the RPG-43 was very sophisticated a la an equivalent to the PzF. The big improvement of the RPG-43 was that it employed a shaped charge for the first time. However, this required a special means to stabilize it in flight so that the hollow charge could work as intended. And that was the catch... In fact, it was just as good or bad as the early Panzerwurfmine since they were almost identical in concept (cloth tail for stabilization so that the head would have the right attitude when striking). Apparently, the germans eventually did not consider this means very advanced or practical. Even though the range was only a couple of meters (20), it was still horribly inaccurate to throw it and needed the right throwing technique (no direct throw - you needed a ballistic throw), and therefore was only a marginal AT asset. Which was why the germans abandoned the conept and moved to other means. IMO the PWM/RPG-43 is no comparison to a Faustpatrone or Panzerfaust. Even a PzHM (attached mine) probably had a better chance of success (albeit probably more dangerous to the user). The russians usually had enough tanks whereever they chose their Schwerpunkt, and enough AT pieces on the defense, so that the infantry's lack of a better handheld AT weapon did not really matter as much as it would for the germans if they still would have had to rely on the PWM. The above is from my impression from what i have learnt so far about russian AT grenades, and I am very interested if you ahve any additional informatioon as I am very much interested in the subject.
  10. I am sure there were very proficient (crack/elite) russian tank crews. But it is a simple rule of logic that due to the numbers involved they would simply have less targets to shoot at. Less opportunity to rack up kills. Something along the lines why there were no allied fighter aircraft aces in the league of Hartmanns, Barkhorns and the many other 100-plus aces.
  11. oops sorry Brian and MikeD., I had written it offline some time ago.
  12. The MP40 has a bent barrel (Krummlauf prototype? ), and the Vickers won't work very well since both the barrel and the water-cooling jacket are cut open midway. Otherwise, they look beautiful.
  13. K_Tiger, you're once again an Euro short plus a day late. see my post above "btw sorry on the K_Tiger analogy. I thought it was meant to mean King Tiger." [edited cause the euro sign didn't display properly] [ March 19, 2002, 12:46 PM: Message edited by: M Hofbauer ]
  14. There was a very popular early series of Opel and Wanderer cars (sort of forerunners to the Käfer) which all had the name Puppchen, and there are many old novels, lyrics etc. which use the name Puppchen (C. Zacherts "Puppchen, aus dir wird noch was"-novel, Jean Gilberts popular Operette "Puppchen" of 1913). even the more serious angloamericans start to reverse their former error and are using the correct term Puppchen nowadays (scale model companies (Tamyia, Dragon) etc. who do their own field research for their models and dcumentation). your claim that a word like Puppchen does not exist is simply preposterous. Granted, it is very uncvommon nowadays, but seems to have been rather common in everyday language to our grandparents and great-grandparents' generation and before. Cpt.W., the difference of two small dots is as important as whether the Sherman was actually called Shurmin or Sherman. Apparently such research is not of interest for people like you, but for me the sudden revelation that everyone had it wrong all along and that the Sherman was actually called Shurmin would be very interesting. Now go and play with your dog. [ March 18, 2002, 03:17 PM: Message edited by: M Hofbauer ]
  15. Apparently not. Check any of the respective DVs and ... hell, any first-source german language material on the subject incl. historical documents will spell it Puppchen. Therefore may I ask in return just where the hell you got your Püppchen idea from? btw sorry on the K_Tiger analogy. I thought it was meant to mean King Tiger.
  16. Where does it say so? The proper -chen form of Puppe (doll) is with an umlaut. But it is not impossible that the term isn't intended to be the -chen form of doll, hence my question.</font>
  17. this thread makes me think he is more "borderline" than "borderline NotGrog"... edit: ok, let me re-phrase this. He is definitely Grog. He might however be very "borderline", judging by his recent hiostory of posts [ March 18, 2002, 12:44 PM: Message edited by: M Hofbauer ]
  18. it was soon discontinued in production and service after it was quickly discovered that use of the second of the two main guns would result in immediate loss of the vehicle
  19. a) 2cm FlaK was used a lot. automatic weapons often produce a muzzle flash that is or at least looks continous. Since the muzzle flash in CMBO is only cartoonish eyecandy and not meant to represent an accurate depiction of the actual muzzle flash by all the different weapons in CMBO I think your complaint is a minor issue. c) the modeling of 2cm FlaK in CMBO is IMHO: slightly over-effective vs aircraft correct vs vehicles considerably under-effective vs infantry, esp. moving infantry. just IMHO, of course. [ March 17, 2002, 12:19 PM: Message edited by: M Hofbauer ]
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