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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

M Hofbauer

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Everything posted by M Hofbauer

  1. another thing is the mysterios lack of reports on FT-17s altogether, only a few appear in strength reports, while it is obvious that there should be more of these vehicles in german service under the designation Pz 730(f), because it was a most numerous french tank - when including the FT-17s that were used in reserve units, schools and stocked in arsenals it was arguably the most numerous type. A report of the german department responsible for repairing and germanizing captured foreign vehicles, dated Nov. 5th 1941, gave an estimate of a batch of french tanks which it would be able to deliver by early 1942: 60 R-35 (re-equipped with the czech 4,7cm PaK main gun)(PzKpfw 35-R 731(f)) 125 R-35 (with original french gun)(PzKpfw 35-R 731(f)) 200 Hotchkiss (PzKpfw 39-H 735(f)) 20 Somua (PzKpfw 35-S 739(f)) 500 Renault FT17/18 (PzKpfw 730(f))!!! an additional 400 Hotchkiss and 20 Somua were intended to equip the BeutePzBrig 100 and 101. Mind you, while this report arguably covers the main batch of integration of french tanks into the german forces, it is by no means complete at all. The question then remains what happened to the myriad of FT-17/18 tanks, when for example a tank strength report dated June 1943 only shows a total of 12 FT-17/18 tanks, used in the west (France), while the other french tanks (Somua, Hotchkiss, R-35 and Char B-1 and Panhard) number roughly 500, distributed all over europe.
  2. yes, what Eric said, plus keep in mind there was a tendency of german formations, especially towards the end of the war, not to report all their actual vehicles in their strength reports (if they appeared to be still of considerable strength then it would be less likely for them to receive reinforcements or vehicles might even be taken from them to strengthen other formations which had even less vehicles). This especially relevant for captured vehicles (and other assorted specialties) which were often dragged along with an enterprising unit as long as possible, without ever showing up in their strength reports. need to stress again I amnot saying it happened on a large scale and everywhere, just that such behavior was not uncommon.
  3. but the main gripe is that Taliban armor isn'T modeled at all.
  4. the main problem I see with the way CM handles armor quality now is that the 85% - decrease is a univeral value spread all over the tank, while historically the deficiencies were mostly a problem with the thicker plates. In other words, the thicker the plate, the bigger the armor quality issues. For example, for the KT and the Panther, I might accept the 85%/90% value for the front armor. I do not agree with using the same value for the thinner side, rear and top armor.
  5. not sure what your post is all about? in other news, in the article you linked to it says: "Also on Friday and in the same area, local security officials said that at least 10 Afghan tribesmen feuding over land were killed in eastern Afghanistan when U.S. planes bombed their positions after shooting erupted on the ground. The shooting and subsequent bombardment took place after dark Thursday night, Khost security chief Sur Gul said. He said two tribes, the Sabari and the Balkhiel, were skirmishing over ownership of a swath of trees that sit on a mountain near their villages about 30 miles north of Khost, a major town in eastern Afghanistan. Shooting erupted, Sur Gul said, and U.S. planes came along shortly afterward and began to drop bombs. It was not immediately known whether the bombing was connected to the fighting reported by Lane. Hilferty said he was not aware of the bombings, but said Operation Condor was taking place in the same general area. Sur Gul said at least 10 people were killed on both sides from the American bombardment. He had no information on injuries." They ran a news story here today which was about the US Air Force and/or Army helicopters successfully wreaking havoc on a wedding party, also with 10 casualties, after they misidentified their salute firing ritual as part of thei festivities as hostile fire aimed at US helicopters in the area. Not sure if these two texts refer to the same incident, or whether there are actually two different cases of 10 civilians each killed in accidental firing of US aircraft. Personally it seems to me it's the same story with different background explanations.
  6. That video clip is not valid reference material. The URL is finnish which suggests that the 50cal was operated by a finnish crew. ow, remember what the Suomi did to russian KV-1s armed with nothing but tree logs and woolen caps, and you might get a faint idea of what they're able to do when armed with a MaDeuce. That lawn mower, model BFT-5000 "Voroshilovisko", would withstand anything except a finnish-operated 50cal. Don't be so naive to think that your 50cal could do the same.
  7. "If pigs could fly the airspace would look a lot more interesting, but the danger of being shat at from above would increase dramatically." (Germanboy) "I just have never heard of this thing - which is pretty remarkable concidering I have read 80% of the WW2 books ever written."(Cauldron) "It is not up to us to prove that what we want is correct, it is correct because we are customers."(Eumundi) "OK, I stand corrected, but that still doesn't sound effective as the Germans still did lose the war."(Maximus) "Rule#7: All players must follow the rules." (Rob/1 aka Robisme aka Sherman aka whatever he now uses) "Life springs anew from week old leftovers"(Gyrene) "Captain Foobar's game sounds like a weasel shooting chickens in a barrel with a large rock. I like it. He did not come out and fight like a man, but skulked about like a snivelling sniveller snivelling snivellishly."(OGSF) "All i want is for decent games to be a good as they can be. Do want a game that works???"(GAZ_NZ / CPT Stransky) "Me tank is still alive me churchill's crew must be laughing there heads off."(GAZ_NZ / CPT Stransky) "Please fix!!! or do somefink"(GAZ_NZ / CPT Stransky) "As for whats really going on with who caused what, rah rah chinese wanker feast lesbian afgan house party bugger knows. All i know is if some wanker tunrs up here at my place looking for trouble im ready for freddie. ( got me a F&^Ker of a rifle and 1000+ rounds to shoot up his ass )"(GAZ_NZ / CPT Stransky) "All i hear is the Iron Cross sucks etc. "(GAZ_NZ / CPT Stransky) "All I ask BTS is that you give me a free copy in exchange for this old one."(Colonel_Deadmarsh) "SturmTiger! Blah blah blah rarity, blah blah blah. SturmTiger SturmTiger SturmTiger!!!"(Elijah Meeks) "Hope that clears up all questions and concernas about the optional Rarity optional options at the players option to optionally use, optionally, in a game."(Steve/BTS) "Feel free to e-mail me concerning us if you like" (Rico)
  8. I've had 50cals take out Pz IV and Jagdpz IV from the rear, point-blank range.
  9. Why not include purple twin-turreted hovertanks, I mean, just for fun what-if scenarios.
  10. generally looks good to me. I wonder why nobody took issue with "Frontschwein" so far. Considering the ubiquity of "veteran" units on a typical CM battlefield I think this is an important issue. For my personal tastes it is much too colorful and colloquial. I'ld prefer "erfahren" or some Fink (kampferfahren, kampferprobt, I know, its ll a bit awkward and long, but still better than Frontschweine) for veteran. on another approach, have you considered using a completely different style which simply rates the units' quality from very "poor" to "elite" (you know, the current system in CM isn't very exact, either, because a war-weary Ost-Einheit can be made up of veterans however with very limited combat value, hence they'ld be rated "green" in CM-quality-rating terms although they are by no means "green"), like going from a deep red "sehr schlecht" (or miserable) for conscripts to "schlecht" (orange) - "durchschnittlich" (oder brauchbar) (olive yellow-green) - "gut" (dark green) - "sehr gut" (green) - "Elite" (bright green) or something. I'ld also consider replacing the victory-% "Sieg" with "Erfolg". I have always thought there is somthing weird about a 5 % - "victory", especially if the enemy side has the other 95%. btw ianc, "Jägerdeutsch" is hunter's jargon, the special hunting terms used by hunters..
  11. armor penetration of the PzGr 38HL was a recent topic here. I assume with "the capable one" you are referring to the C - type. [ May 05, 2002, 04:16 PM: Message edited by: M Hofbauer ]
  12. First, a pistol is not considered armament in this regard and therefore is ok for medics as it falls under self-desfense weaponry, in contrast to, say, a SMG. Secondly, my guess is that the medics units made bad experiences on the eastern front when they relied on their red cross markings alone. The TOE doesn't specify into western or eastern deployed units.
  13. The CG-4A was the most widely used U.S. glider of World War Two. More that 14,000 CG-4A's were built by twenty companies including two on Long Island, Dade Brothers of Mineola and General Aircraft in Queens. The CG-4A was constructed of steel tubing fuselage and wooden wing, both fabric covered. It was flown by a pilot and co-pilot and it could carry 13 troops or a jeep or cannon. A typical function of the glider was to transport its heavily armed troops behind enemy lines where they could disrupt the advance of the enemy's reserve troops by destroying railroads, bridges and other communications. When the gliders reached their destination, they were released to complete their one-way mission. A large percentage ended in crashes due to the congestion and small landing zones. for full info go here: http://www.pointvista.com/WW2GliderPilots/wacocg4a.htm
  14. I did notice their tendency (when under AI command) to run up to any enemy tank they see trying to take it out single-handedly.
  15. Really? Look at this picture: As you can see, there is no cannister. Maybe what you're thinking of is the vehicle mounted MG-34?</font>
  16. Måkjager, I got most (but not all) of that already (its online at the Fedorovicz site) but thanks for your kind help!
  17. btw, Moon, of course I agree with you. of course it is economically prudent to tone down a game in compliance with actual or perceived BPJS criteria (you never know what they're up to). It's just my usual dislike of CDV that prompted my first post, and in my second post I just wanted to make clear it is not a legal issue as regards criminal law. BTS in their wisdom (uh, just noticed, BTS now includes you, too ) already made the game compliant with §86a in its original, non-CDV form. Do you know if CMBB will sell via CDV from the start, and if that means Waffengrenadiere for everyone, or will there still be an original, different online version which will be §86a - compliant but with correct terms such as W-SS?
  18. no, the law is not unclear (at least not in that respect), and I never said anything that contradicts what you are saying: Notice in above post I expressively cited the SS - runes and swastikas as examples of NS - symbology. Again: symbology is a nono, and the ss-runes with their typical nordic rune - style are such symbology. The simple letters SS as such (like yous ee them here) are letters and not a symbol.
  19. What about lawyers that also run remotely CM-related websites? Do they get a double bonus? I mean, if a regular webmaster *or* lawyer gets their copy 10 days before official release, shouldn't people that fill both tickets get their copy 20 days before release? hmm...still pondering if Mr Dorosh was serious with this thread...or if he was being peng-thread-ish.
  20. German *law* (videlicet, § 86a StGB) merely prohibits the use of national-socialst insignia and symbols (runes, swastikas etc.). The simple *term* W-SS does not fall under this. You have Tamyia etc. W-SS items all over the place labeled as such. Plastic kits are considered toys by criminal courts. They'ld be banned if they showed symbology of the SS, which they therefore don't. They continue to use the term W-SS without being harmed, you can buy them in stores all over the place. Unless you are talking about the adventures of the BPjS, the censorship buraeu for youth-endangering material. But that is not the legislative or judiciary, but a rather erroneous part of the executive/administrative branch. If the BPjS didn't agree with s.th. it would be banned from over-the-counter sale to prohibit sale to minors, but it doesn't make CM illegal, and CDV wouldn't be "hauled into court". I do admit it might harm sales in germany if they were labeled censored by the BPjS. But CDV doesn't sell in germany alone. Oh, well.
  21. it is less of a problem (aka "weak spot") as you may think. those hatches basically had the same thickness as the plate into which they were installed. so theonly issue that remains is that of edge effects on the free edges of these hatches or on the opening of the surrounding plate edge. However, those edge effects are probably more than compensdated for by the considerable overlap that such hatches usually have. I'm not saying that they weren't a problem for ArmorPenetration considerations at all but my assumption is that the removal of these hatches in later models was simply due to simplification / easier production (a la the single-piece undivided TC top hatch as opposed to the split hatch of earlier models).
  22. well that's CDV for you. Serves you right for purchasing from CDV. Waffen Grenadiere - now there's an idea, wait, come to think of it, more of a tautology. Man, I knew they'ld be able to muck up even a product such as CM.
  23. That popup alone should suffice to make a lotof people join the clan
  24. Looks good. On the "too shiny" side I'ld add the K98k ammo pouches. Black leather and surely they were gloss when factory fresh and/or on the parade ground / during inspection, but in combat them leather things wear off their gloss fast. I may be wrong on that though. btw: you should work on the appearance of your panzerschreck in that mod
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