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Posts posted by PeterNZer

  1. Yeah, and Chupie is getting better at Counter Strike every day, tho I still kick his ass hehe wink.gif

    I think the point DeanCo was making was that with the CM engine you could have other mods and gamers get into CM through the option of all sorts of other scenarios, like a Star Wars mod, historical mods, fantasy mods.

    I agree, there's room for it and it would be great fun, however I don't think BTS is at the point where it can realistically contemplate opening up their engine and supporting it to the required level. Also, it might dilute the 'historical accuracy' theme that BTS are running.

    I think it would be great to licence the engine tho. I think BTS should seriously consider that option for CM2. I bet it requires planning for it right from the start to make it worthwhile, hence we won't see it with the CM engine.

    Imagine a CM2 game, then 6 months later some other developer releases a Star Wars, or 40k, or a gang-warfare game, great fun!

    The BTS guys could put a clause in the contract limiting the games 3rd party folks could develop (ie. nothing from the 20th Century) to protect their futures, but I reckon it would be fun smile.gif


  2. I think we might see more developments in CM2 in the way of opening up the engine or licensing it.

    At the moment, CM1 is a 'can we make money at this?' kinda effort. And they've proved they can make money and it and make a great game. As they develop and grow you can be certain that they will think about other revenue streams and so on. Right now I don't think it's an option, (And for all we know, Charles has created the messiest gawd-awfully structured code that noone would want to pay for without weeks spent commenting and tidying it hehe wink.gif ).

    Anyway, lets just see what happens?

    I would love to have a go at a Warhammer 40k game, (however Games Workshop are evil evil nasty evil and bad, so that would be hard to get approval for), I'd enjoy seeing all manner of various wargames, (hey, you could make it a individual-person based game, ala X-Com with just a few tweaks!).

    In the end, I just shrug my shoulders and get back to Killing my PBEM opponents and wait and see! smile.gif


  3. Yes, great fun thread this eh? smile.gif

    I love the idea of building a map now and setting it up so you can use it in a QB.

    Also like the idea of random game turn ending, as mentioned just above.

    Another idea: More varied mission objectives.

    How about 'destroy X building' or hmm i dunno. Then you could have small skirmish style battles with perhaps a larger force trying to stop the other side.

    I don't know enough history of unit actions to propose this in detail.


  4. Mr Morse, you failed to see my taunt was directed not at you but at Queier. It seems a good taunt pleases him, and since he is an annoying little speck, I prefer to torment him with niceties.

    What VLs do you own? Last time I looked the Red White and Blue flew over each and every one. O, I forgot, you have 3 of a crew hidding like a bunch of girls in a the location. Fortunately I outnumber them about 2 to 1 in that area and rightfully have control of the flag, you gamey little lawyer freak.

    It seems you might be trying to rush some stuff around the back to one of the three VLs, but that still won't be enough to secure your ownership.

    Lets be frank here, your infantry is pretty decimated, your halftracks nearly all knocked out and you're trying to nip around the back and somehow catch me 'unawares'. Perhaps it's just time to give up, I have more than a company just waiting to do some mop-up, but it will take a while, better just to admit defeat and move on.


  5. Chupie, incapable of stringing a paragraph together? What on earth is 'fire fire' all about! Please illustrate your comments with some amusing anecdote or wry observation. Even some rhetoric and references to Dr Al's parentage or nation of birth and inability to drink as much as a good European should! Anything would be accepted but 'fire fire'!

    Perhaps that drunken student lifestyle is getting to you and addling your mind further. After all, you almost failed to crush a total newby to night battles such as I. As for the 75mm at close range on the Panther, it was a low down and underhanded move considering my Panther was engaged with another target and couldn't take your Sherman on in an honorable gun dual.

    However, my valiant Hamsters managed to grenade an m18, and my Wespe blew up a Sherman at close range, and these events WERE worthy of mention, pity all that alcohol is effecting your short term memory.


    [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 10-18-2000).]

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>A moose-lover said in a funny accent:

    What kind of sick, twisted sack of dung are you? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Bloody Swedes, go for a crap and one is in the toilet bowl saying hi, post a game result and they try to nibble your testicals while tap-dancing to ABBA. Well PISS OFF mr High and Mighty!

    As for what kinda sack of dung I am, well if you managed to send a turn file more than once every ice age you might have found out by now!

    I think now I shall torment you some more, poor fool.

    - Germanboy is a good player

    - JD Morse is a nice guy, he tries hard

    - Herr Oberst is such a sporting chap

    - And gosh darn it, you're a super guy too!

    PeterNZ - Tormenter of souls and other peoples mars bars

  7. Alowing CM to be modded? Dumb idea, sheesh.

    Several reasons why:

    1) It just doesn't make sense economically.

    Imagine if there were mods for all 20th Century wars after 12 months. How interested are you going to be in future CMs? And no, the wargaming community is LESS interested in buying a game simply because it now looks prettier. This genre and its audience are TOTALLY different to the FPS shooter crowd who love flashy trinkets, (just look at Q3A). End result is the market just gets bored with the whole CM engine idea and CM2 on fails.

    No, people would not keep buying the game because of the mods. In a wargame people expect a company to do all the work and research and will generally trust their judgement. With mods, people have to rely on the judgement of someone of sometimes dubious heritage.

    Lets look at other games. For the Close Combat series there was the 'real' mods, which are great. But is there anything else worth touching? The community isn't big enough to support a huge mod base, and never will be!

    2) Modding will ruin multiplayer

    When you have a game like half-life which has a player base that must be close to one million by now, with about 500,000 playing Counter-Strike or another mod NIGHTLY then perhaps you'll have the player base to support lots of different versions. Even in the peak of Close Combat support the chat-rooms were never overloaded with players. Imagine having to find someone, then juggle the mods till you reach agreement.

    3) why bother?

    Why bother! Do you hate the game right now? Do you not get enough gameplay? What's the problem? For Steve and Charles to put the unpaid work in there has to be a pretty good reason and economically the support just isn't there.

    It's my belief that mods are great, but not for all games. CM already has the most flexibility in a game i've played in ages, (soon) 2 multiplayer options, generate your own maps and scenarios, and a fantastic quick battle generator, (I will buy CM2 just for this feature really.. so much replayability).

    Furthermore, making a mod like Counter Strike is childs play compared to modding a CM type game. Weapons get assigned a damage value not based on much real world knowledge, but simply on gameplay and intuition. A mod for CM would require a totally different approach and would open up so much debate I think I for one would get tired of the bitching that would swamp the forums.

    I guess, I just don't see the point of it in this context.



    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hamsters Wrote:

    PeterNZ: He hasn’t proven to be particularly valiant but I think he’d make a good doorman<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

  8. Herr Oberst, bluster will get you nowhere, like a syphalictic porn-star hanging onto some last thread of potence he boasts and shouts yet can't face facts. You're in trouble mate!

    My tin cans would be in trouble if they couldn't move, since they are both quite capable of moving I think we shall step out of that shower.

    I see you have some other stuff wandering around. Reminds me of watching a circus in which the tent is gone and the ringmaster is sitting drunk in one corner.

    Consider painting big red noses on your vehicles, at least we'd get a laugh before we finished them off.


  9. I tend to avoid the 'rush' with halftracks these days because you can almost guarantee the enemy will spot you, figure out what's going on and reign death from above down on ya. And I don't like seeing my halftracks go pop.

    Instead I use them to enfilade. I place them close to infantry as they advance, but in cover. When the infantry meet resistance I move the halftrack out and help in neutralizing the enemy. Just make sure where you move them to is not in full view of the battlefield!

    Used this way their firepower, combined with the platoon's often overcom the 1 on 1 platoon battles you face, and definately turn the tide when faced with heavy weapons assisted teams.


  10. Nice one lads smile.gif

    O I remembered more.

    - Being able to play a game by email, then turn it in to a head-to-head TCP/IP game, then return it to an email game!

    - Holes in the ground wink.gif I know it's tricky, but seeing stuff dug in would be fun.

    - Ability to target something before you get there. So you tell a gun to target a building before it can see it, the gun moves forward, sees, fires, and then say, you could tell it to reverse after 15 seconds of shooting


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