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Posts posted by PeterNZer

  1. Hi all.

    the Bovington trip was grand. We got three or so roles of film from a very large and impressive museum! Germanboy and myself will have pictures up at the end of the week.

    Not sure what else to say.. well the Tiger is frick'n huge!

    There was a huge range of vehicles from WW2 and beyond and I think we got pictures of them all.


  2. Seems to me that it represents that the batteries had pretty significant stocks of smoke and HE, which is realistic as far as I know. However, your FO doesn't have his own personal battery and not all assests can be given to him, so he gets a bit of a 'timeshare' deal in a way. Yes, you have access to this battery for a few fire missions, (or only one if it's rockets biggrin.gif ), however you don't have the battery at your beck and call. While you have them tho, you can load 'em up with whatever you want.


  3. I think Germanboy has been lied to by his troops again, he forgot to mention a few things about this attack, one of them is that since it's a small map, with one road running right up the middle, (which I have had no unit so much as step on btw) it is pretty hard to avoid walking in a roughly parallel line with it.

    In addition he has lost quite a few men now to the relentless pounding of my guns and the pops of my rifles. From memory there are Two mgs down, one mortar, the lucky 105mm RCL and a squad of his may be in trouble this turn. I, on the other hand, have lost the jeep and an unlucky sherman, o, one of my platoons has a couple of scratches.

    At the same time I'm 2/3 of the way across the map and it's pretty clear where the rest of his lads are hidding. Once I'm ready they two will go the way of his left flank.

    On the defence, yes, things are a little messy there, I must have been suffering from total mental failure when i purchased my units. The platoon he mentions were a bit of a mistake, but hey, they squished some poor tommys before their demise, so that is ok.

    I doubt I can hold up to his attack, but my attack is going swimingly.


  4. Herr Oberst

    If turns came more than once every second coming there might be something else to chortle about I guess. As for the hamstercans they have been well covered by *deleted for security reasons* and that sorry attempt for a 'surprise' rear attack, well, it looks like a nice try. We'll see what happens.

    Sgt Bullwinkle must be a bit concerned, from where I'm sitting I have a squad or two of SMGs shooting at his little green behind


  5. Herr Oberst

    I'm sorry your men are likely pickled onions to my onion fork, pierced and quickly peeled, however the superiority of my setup and strategy is just having a general Kharmic effect on this game. It's not so much that your zooks keep missing, rather that they are never going to hit because you are not destined to beat me.

    Safe in the knowledge of my assured victory my Hamsters are enjoying the general slaughter and destruction they wreck at every turn. Must be just about two platoons of yours lying squishy on the battlefield.


    As for Hamster/Geeks, you bore me child. After the mod thread collapsed under the sheer monotony and utter pointlessness of the thread some of us decided to save our own minds by talking gibberish rather than put up with another 'j00s suXors, m0d CM!' post. Along comes meeks, all high-and-mighty like some lordly pillock with a small barony sutck up his heiny and throws a tanty, demanding I cease and desist and we all stop talking about off-topic stuff!

    O, poor darling. Perhaps he wasn't breast fed, perhaps he is still being breast fed? Either way lets hope he sticks to this thread before delussions of self importance, self worth, masculinty, consume him.


    [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 10-20-2000).]

  6. Meeks is loosing it.

    Exhibit a

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>From the Dull thread on modding CM:

    Originally posted by PeterNZer:

    Got something against Bs As?

    No but I do have a serious problem with your insistence on making off topic posts. It is rude. Please keep your personal life personal and if you want to discuss Buenos Ares, your PBEM battles, your Counterstrike proficiency or any other rambling thought in your head, do it elsewhere. There is a reason these threads have topics and this one's topic is not, "Gee PeterNZer, what's on your mind?"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    What to make of it

    I think he's had some serious toplement by his sister.


    [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 10-19-2000).]

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