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Posts posted by PeterNZer

  1. This weekend i guess.

    email is in my profile. I have like.. some half doz or more people who've mailed me so i guess I've got all my side sorted. Finding out who is what and where they are in the chain of command comes next, and the units they have, although that will be done in private, me thinks. Since rob is playing as the Axis BHQ, I imagine we won't know those details till I get the map and have a look at the units.. Rob?


  2. Rob, any chance of a kinda overiew of the battle and stuff?

    Is it going to be a series of battles or is it an operation?

    How many battles?

    Any preferences on how we command our forces, I'm happy just to work it out with my lads.

    I'll probably have a disucssion with all the players of the allied side, then work out the plan. Then beyond the initial orders follow some kind of chain of command, unless I move my Bat HQ close enough to have a 'conversation' with someone to provide more detailed orders.


    Allied BHQ

  3. Meeksies you fetid little toejam salesman, the whole point of a nickname is to mutilate it and abuse it, even if it is an easy target like Y-another-frenchie.

    work pressures prevent me from dissecting the minutiae of your character any further and so I shall send you a setup tonight full of torment and amusement.



    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Meeks wrote:

    I no longer love Mensch but I am starting to feel a fire in my loins for PeterNZer<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

  4. Gosh Meeks.. I never knew you cared.. in that case.. how about you be my man-baitch and wear this cute little rubber outfit i've got, pwhoa, i'll rent you out to Y2K and PawFrog then for their jollies.

    JD Morse, you may be my sponsor, but I'm not going to accept a ceasefire! How were you going to make the request anyway? Send in a dog with a note around its neck? Everthing else seems to be cowering

    Chupiemonkey, hehe.. mmm those Piats did a good job on that wooden bunker eh?

    The rest of you can be sumarised by the words fire, flame, die, die, boom, bang, yawn, brmmm brrmm.


  5. Wow, you had the bad guys around, probably shooting at you, and you men fired their PF! Wow.. i've not seen that to be honest frown.gif

    How about this..

    23m away, (at night in fog) a armored car parks, it sits there for 30 seconds and is in full LOS of a half-squad with a PF. They target it, (I chortle), they watch it.. they keep watching.. 30 seconds later it drives away, nary a shot fired.


  6. GermanPoppa Said

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Yes you're kicking my ass but can't you do it faster, o and see how i'm winning against you in at least one battle<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I could go faster.. But then.. ahh, the delicious screams wouldn't be so much fun would they? This attack is currently working, long may it do so, and I don't see any need to hurry it. I'm not even resorting to rushing my anti-tank units around to distract your fire. One by one your units break and I suffer few if any casualties. I have a feeling you're a sneaky evil bastard, (perhaps that is because you are a sneaky evil bastard, who, as chupacabra pointed out, is so low to have been booted from Germany AND Coventry), so I know if I rush it there will be trouble.

    As for the defence game. Well that is a planned withdrawl! One unit obeyed, the others freaked out. Who would have thought a platoon and a couple of unmolested MGs over a few turns could fail to kill any englishmen.

    Geier said

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I'm Swedish feel sorry for me<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Well next time you plan a game, and you're on the defence you could try surprising the guy you're playing? At the moment I have the sneaky feeling most of your men are huddled there up on that hill and not placed in cunning ambushes nearby. But still, I will have to investigate that possibility, (hence the slow speed of the advance). After all, Sweden has been ambushing the world with aweful music for 30 years so it's best not to underestemate 'em.


  7. Nope, they used AP and they both were vets.

    And appart from my charge of the light brigade, things were going just fine, (ie. no cassualties)

    Yup, I was a bit lucky, but if they didn't kill you on the first shot they would have got you on the second or third and often the tanks don't spot the AT gun till the third shot anyway..


  8. It really is about time I post again. And tell you are all a nasty bunch of misanthropes and about the only pleasure that can be gained from being in your presence comes from the innate feeling of superiority this thread generates in me.

    I feel almost beneficent when I look in here and watch the giggling and chortling and the drool and spittle. The only thing that prevents me from doling out condolences and best wishes is you're all so damn unattractive and repulsive the thought of coming close enough to smell you makes me wince.

    Which brings me to JD Morse.

    What a conundrum. On the one hand I'm slaughtering him without pity or mercy, (what was that wild walk across the snow you were doing? O well, didn't need those two squads I guess), yet on the other hand he has become my sponsor so I feel obliged to pander to his.. needs.. and say what a fine upstanding chap he is, how he's a tactical genius of the first caliber and other such lies. I think he is probably as low down as you can get and simply squired me to keep quiet his impending defeat.

    Herr Soberest

    Not much been happening here, a bit of maneuver and some death to his squads, bit dull really. Never mind, I'll make something happen soon. His laughable use of random probes by various units will get painful I predict.


    Damn french, that's the last time I play with High Quality smoke. The tiniest sliver of space between those smoke clouds and bang, dead Sherman. I can only conclude you are exploiting the game engine and I shall make the remaining infantry of yours pay for it before we succumb to your armored horde.


    The turn file goes back and forth but I haven't issued an order to a unit in several turns. It's damn boring scenario and it tires me just to pass the 1.5mb files back and forth


    The race is on you twisted freak. And I get the never-hit Daimlers. Still, if I'm lucky your half of the map will collapse into a miniature black hole and suck that German steel into some netherreach and I will win the race.


    Sweden is boring

    Geier is boring

    this game is boring


    Well, it's a game of two halves and one team's the winner. In both of the training games the allies are winning which means we're both winning one. His Wasp 'o Doom is currently enjoying bbq hamster while my men use their Panzerfausts as pottys, idiots.

    On the attack I'm slowly tearing his platoons apart bit by bit. The cries of 'mein bein' bring smiles of joy to my heart and frustration to German shoe makers.

    now i am a squire, don't I have to kick someone other squire's bum or something?

    the only thing I have left to say is


    a lot



    [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 10-26-2000).]

  9. BTS will be using whatever is native to DirectX I guess. Also, remember they program in mac (?) and port over so they're not going to work extra-hard on special PC stuff.

    If you want positional sound, get a couple of people to stand behind you making bang and shouts just a fraction after or before they happen in the game! Easy.


  10. I also, in low vis, really like to 'blitz' them. I have just found using halftracks and lightly armored vehicles very worthwhile, anything with a gun really.

    Recently I had some good success by moving a platoon with three m20 armored car type things. They would generally spot the enemy at about the same time as the enemy spotted them, but with a couple of armored cars the MG definately keeps their heads down. Furthermore, the infantry can pretty safely make it to their positions and then join in.

    Sure, you may loose a car or two, but they are cheap and you can keep heavier stuff nearby and out of sight if they get ambushed by anything big. I thoroughly recommend trying this technique.

    Also, if you're attacking and the enemy is defending, pick up some 105mm VT if you're allies, this stuff is damn lethal. I advanced behind it and found quite a few cowering infantry on a hill I assulated.

    Anyway, try that combined arms approach, I found it worked well.


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