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Posts posted by PeterNZer

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Bill is more referring to the numbers he ran on infantry which showed <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    'showed'? Well, as I recall there was a lot of debate on those numbers, and they hardly prooved anything since a lot of the conclusions were debateable for a lot of reasons.

    I think if people get a woody about playing Germans, good for them. Doesn't mean that Germans have some advantage. They just has a -perceived- advantage. I have kicked booty as both sides, and lost as both sides and neither seems to be favored to me.

    I think people like the Germans because they get a lot of toys to play with and can cherry pick 'better'. But I don't play those types anyway.


  2. bla blaa bla blaaa reports blaa


    JD Morse.

    Please. Just die. Save us both the time and hassle of chassing your men around the map. Well at least you've shown me where they are now. Some kind of attempt to take one of the three flag I'm claiming eh? Nevermind, I shall deal with them shortly. Nice try however.


    I fully expect my boys to follow the scenario as per history. ie. die a lot and get their booty kicked. I'm all for historical accuracy.

    Herr Oberst.

    I love snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


    You are insane. That race map is crazy!


  3. There will be an early-war CM from .. 39 to 44? Should be very interesting, all sorts of odd countries and OOBs.

    I think it will be cm4 from memory.

    I would say it's almost certain we will see another western front CM.

    However, D-day is dull. go make your own scenario if you really dig it, (or try one off the net). I mean, as germans, you sit there trying to kill everything, which means not moving and hardly touching hte units. As the allies you just run guys up a beach and hope they don't die.. well don't die much. How fun.


  4. Hey kids.

    what's up with the CMMC?

    Can we have a little progress update?

    I kinda feel like i've fallen off the edge of the CMMC news world.

    Eg. I was involved with the test of the email phase, but then all of a sudden, no more emails, no news, no invite to the test-campaign.. gah! What's going on? I'm so confuseeeddddddd


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