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Posts posted by PeterNZer

  1. I don't really thinking playing with the 5th Cookery Company is that interesting.. "hmm waffles or bagels tonight?".

    Some grand, coded, multiplayer campaign would be cool with a HUGE computer generated battlefield in full 3d and each turn (1/4 of a day) you move your armies and resolve battles on smaller sections of the map, but I really think it's just a pipe dream biggrin.gif

    till then, bring on the CMMC smile.gif



    "Someday... the whole world will know the wonder of my nipples."

  2. I just have to say that most AP fired in this game is, if i recall correctly, not HE-tipped. There was some discussion of this early on.

    I believe the practice was somewhat common in the smaller English guns.. hmm.. but in general it was found that the lesser weight of the round resulted in lesser penetration at range, and the effect of the HE bit wasn't that great..

    another reason I don't think there's HE in most AP rounds is that I've seen rounds stuck in sheets of metal and they were solid.

    O, just asked a grog, and yeah, i'm right, some rounds were filled with a tiny bit of HE, called 'filler'.. there's a thread on it.

    Anyway, this sheet of metal had about a half-dozen rounds through it. Some were clean holes in the metal, others were stuck half way through.

    The destructive power of a solid AP round comes from the bits of metal that are torn off the inside of the tank's armor and then thrown around inside the vehicle.

    If you've seen a shot piece of plate you'll figure that there's probably nearly as much shrapnel as you'd find in a handgrenade.

    Hence, the negative effect of the lighter HE filled round slowing quicker and producing less penetration was i think generally figured to be not made up for its damaging potential..

    hmm, I'd say do a search on 'filler' and see what they say there smile.gif



    "Someday... the whole world will know the wonder of my nipples."

  3. Quick work related question guys.

    Who did the BTS folks work for.. *deep breath* before bts?

    My colleague is writing a brief on gaming and wants to put a nice mention about BTS in there.. and I can't find the damn info.

    pleeease smile.gif

    With suga and cherries and croda's servitude once I whoop 'im


    (ps well what jolly squire am i to fight now?!)


    "Someday... the whole world will know the wonder of my nipples."

    [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 11-06-2000).]

  4. Mr Morse Sponsor sir!

    It is indeed a genius of a setup. However I am concerned, that as happened last time when you set up a game, you will be quickly consumed by my forces. I will try to let you have some shred of honor left sir when I've finished sir.

    So Sponsor sir, how do i get to be a kinigit. I know scrapping your underwear is just a jolly fun job and there are ques to pop the zits on your back, but really, i wouldn't mind a chance at quaffing and frollicking, and that really messy eating where none of the food gets in your mouth, you know the one. Yeah, generally having a jolly good time with the rest of the knigitits.

    And what sad times these are when passing Knitigits can call a blood hamster on humble old squires squires

    Loyal humble but deadly-as-a-mongoose-with-a-clothespeg-on-its-gonads servant



    "Someday... the whole world will know the wonder of my nipples."

    Semi-Conquerer of the CC5 Forum

    [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 11-06-2000).]

  5. *sigh*

    The cc5 thread is getting depressing. The enemy are using the whine-till-bored and cry-for-mommey technique and it's just annoying.

    I expect soon to be removed from the cc5 thread and they can go back to their laughable discussions on history, on-board nebelwurfers and other such junk.




    "Someday... the whole world will know the wonder of my nipples."

  6. Operation FIPEY!

    Disasterous news, an impersonator has had our thread closed through spamming!

    Nevermind, we have a second beachhead folks, so head on over! And Peng, I DO challenge you to a cc5 demo-duel. Do you accept?

    Everyone, please head over here and lets pretend we're talking about CC5, a little subterfuge eh lads!



    Generalisimo and El Capitan - Operation FIPEY


    "Someday... the whole world will know the wonder of my nipples."

  7. Can't wait for some more of that TCP/IP luvin'

    So madmatt, what do you do for BTS? I think i didn't read the post about it.. what ya 'all up to?

    I mean.. what's Kwazy gunna do till cm2? What are you gunna do?! What are steve and charlse gunna do! WHAT ARE WE ALL GUNNA DO!





    "Someday... the whole world will know the wonder of my nipples."

  8. I've posted all my players, and their names are..

    Douglas Robb

    Walter R Strapps

    Randy Waltenburg

    Scott Johnson

    Chris Johnson

    Boris Balaban

    Topi Mikkola

    Peter Tyson duh, me.

    Ok, they've got all the rules and email and stuff and are currently in the process of setting up their stuff! smile.gif

    Thanks to Rob/1 for his hard work, he's addressed each issue i've raised and resolved it, even if he can't spell for crap biggrin.gif

    Should be interesting!


    Major Jacobs - Bat Hq - US Armed Forces

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