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Posts posted by PeterNZer

  1. Ok i have the first scenario.. and there are a couple of problems.

    1) Rob wrote the briefs/intros. 'Nuf said. O, the allied brief is actually the axis brief, but no problem since it's only two sentences long and consists of 'we must take the flages at all costs'. If Rob wrote those, did he make the scenario as well? Since he's Axis CO, seems something of an advantage.

    2) I have more players than positions. There are 7 commands on the battlefield, and including me, 8 positions. Here are the players who's emails I have received.

    R Waltenberg

    T Mikkola

    S Johnson

    C Johnson

    W R Strapps

    B Balaban

    D Robb

    According to the emails I have two allied armor commanders. Hmm. Confusing.

    Hope to get it all sorted soon.


  2. Hmmph. Time for some game updates.

    First off, I have started a game with he-who-is-not-to-be-named. It's a scenario and I think he's already played as the Germs, at least a few turns. I'm the US and attacking. I hope to tear of his head and us his decaying body as a porta-potty.

    Herr Oberst

    Well I think i'm loosing this one. Swarmed by light armor I can't hold back his horde.. He should have rolled over and lost like a gentleman

    JD Morse

    Just surrender damn it, Sir. Sorry for being insolent. O well, I guess 10 or 15 turns of hunting down the last of his men and executing them will be good for the men's amusement. The snowy battlefield is littered with men and machines.


    One dead pilbox, more dead Germans to come, i'm sure.


    Yes I surrendered. The sheer boredom of it all became too much and I faced total mental collapse as each turn sucked up my hard drive space and attention


    Rather fun watching green troops and tanks shoot at each other. Miss.. Miss.. Miss.. Miss.. O well.


    Well I surrendered in one training match, and I'm currently routing him in a second. Huzah!


    He has a lot of support vehicles, but no troops. I have a lot of troops and smoke. So i'm holding the town, but for how long? Come and fight like a man, damn it!


    Hah! Race leader taken out by my Daimler! wooo! Now I have about 4 chances of getting to the finish line. The scatering of his imobile vehicles is rather amusing and the RAF are busy trying to clean them up for me, good lads.

    Think that's it


  3. Bassically, yeah I kinda am.

    Mostly because, in CM's terms the effort required to code it compared to the effect it has in the game and the certain tumultous reception it would receive from the fans makes it interesting but not very useful.

    On top of that, you'd have to rework ALL the point values on a month-by-month bassis to take into account chance of fleeing. It would take along time.

    Furthermore, battles will resemble more random luck than outright skill. People complain enough about luck already, (See fighter planes, they can totally rock, or never appear), why add more?

    Anyway, lets kill this issue. Interesting idea, debatable historically and on many levels. Will never be put in CM.


  4. I think you're kinda missing the point other people are making tho, and that is that CM is a game of battles-that-happened, not battles where everyone surrendered. That's much more applicable to Operational or Strategic games, not the tactical.

    it's just ont fun to play a game where your units will randomly do random things. You might think it is, but I don't and most people here won't. If you like your idea, I suggest you play games, and roll a dice, for each squad each turn. And if it rolls snake-eyes, remove from board.

    Just because people surrendered and CM doesn't show it, doesn't make CM less of a game, or including it make CM a better game. Infact, there's a lot of good reasons why it would make CM very dull, annoying and frustrating.

    CM is a game of battles that happened People who wanted to surrender would have done so before, or hid in a cellar and done so after, in teh same way that airstrikes/arty barrages are generally modeled in the game as happening before and after the timeframe of CM.

    I mean, your idea is dinky, although impossible to accurately quantify without plain guessing, but really, do we need it?


  5. Duprey

    There's been some extensive discussion on his numbers, sufice to say, I make up numbers in my job too, and boy can they look convincing.

    It's an insanity to say 'german soldiers are 1.3 times as good as Allied soldiers' what a joke. Sounds like a case of that Panzer penis envy.

    As for Basebal's idea.

    Dude, are you seriously suggesting BTS code something into the game that will be used

    1) only in scenarios

    2) only during the late war for Germany it sems

    3) Only a smallish % of the time?



  6. So what you're proposing is that in battles, as the war goes on, German units are to become likely or slightly-likely to surrender en masse?

    Good god! How dull! Noone would play the germans in late-war games.

    'oo look, that company gave up, o well i loose'.

    we all KNOW that there was widespread surrendering and stuff, why ruin the game to endlessly repeat it to ourselves?


  7. I totally agree with Chupie boy here.

    Basebal351, what you're asking for is totally counter to what BTS try to achieve, that is historical accuracy. Giving generic bonuses is total counter to any understanding of armies or warfare, hell, lets throw in sociology and genetics while we're at it.

    Lets look at some reasons why the Italians, for example, fared poorly in battle

    1) Poor generalship (I don't know if this is accurate). This is modeled by YOU. If you want to see the Italians be sucky, play them badly and you will be happy with the historical outcome

    2) Poor quality troops surrendering whenever they could. Not that many Italians were that keen on the whole WW2 thing from what I know. First chance they got they ditched old Mussolini for their King. If I told you to go off and fight the people of Mongolia armed with a toothbrush and some threatening floss and I told you you were doing it for the greater glory of myself your prophet and love god, how quick would you be to surrender when some guys pointed some guns at you? (especially when you know as a prisoner you will be treated fine). If you want to simulate this in CM, use Green or Conscript troops.

    What more do you want? If you've ever tried a game with green or conscript troops you will find they behave more than satisfactorily as bloody awful pieces of junk. So use them when you play 'inferior' nations.

    I've not even mentioned the whole how do you quantify it issue. Chupimonkey did that for me.

    For the next issue. If you want your troops to fight 'effectively' and that to be unusual for the nation represented, well hell, tack vet/crack/elite/fanatic troops.

    Please don't patronize us by calling us video gamers as opposed to some kind of 'realistic' wargamer. We've seen these discussions on the board before.

    If you want to play realistic wargames, please, go ahead. I'll take the Germans early in the east front war and you can take those Russians who were killed in their thousands as they tried to cross a marshy field to the German lines.

    Real historic battles don't tend to be knife-edge displays of tactical genius, (with some exceptions), more like 'well I've got 5,000 men, you've only got 2,000 you loose. However 'realistic' that is, it's not very fun for anyone. If you enjoy those battles, wander off and make some, CM allows you to do this.

    I could also play you as Americans facing your Germans on a hill in early 44'. As recounted by Lt Colonel James he faced a hill with his battalion and the 'jerries' were well entrenched. He called in arty support and 1,500 rounds landed in less than half an hour. They walked through what was left and captured the hill.

    That's not very interesting is it? But that's history.




    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Meeks wrote:

    I no longer love Mensch but I am starting to feel a fire in my loins for PeterNZer<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 10-28-2000).]

  8. Colin

    the answer was implied above, CM treats an MG as a non-crew based weapon. If it was, then you could shell the mg and see the 'crew' abandon it and run off with their pistols, which would be odd. Instead an MG team is treated as a small squad with a variety of weapons (?) like the rifles etc AS WELL as a hoopy MG which deals out the damage.


  9. Leaks

    You will find a little golden treasure in your inbox, yes, it is a setup. 1500pts of computer-bought green germans, and their ME in a town with my Brits, (gawd bless 'em). I expect to see a lot of running away, screaming and dying on both sides. I can't wait. You will know the file by its name, "die_meeks_die_you_evil_man 01.txt"


    I hope you appreciate the 2000pts worth of low quality Allied armor you have. The map is large, very woody, hilly, rurally, dawny. You will recognise the file as it is called something equally long and telling




    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Meeks wrote:

    I no longer love Mensch but I am starting to feel a fire in my loins for PeterNZer<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 10-27-2000).]

  10. Try and build 'group's of fire. If you want to attack a town, don't just send a platoon up there, combine your arms. This starts before they even start moving.

    Work out where you want to attack, make sure you have some heavy assets covering that area, (and hopefully no other part of the battlefield can see them, keeping them saffer). These assets can include MGs, mortats, infantry support type tanks, whatever.

    That way, when you get close, should any enemy pop up you will keep their heads down!

    Next, look at the units you're going to be moving with. I try and keep two platoons together. One to provide backup should the other get into trouble, the second can flank or just move up to provide extra support. As you probe hte enemy you will frequently find yourself coming up against just one platoon and not many, so 2:1 is good odds and keeps your casualties down.

    Use your armor and support! I like to keep Halftracks and stuff close to moving units and assault groups. That way should anything pop up, you can keep its heads down with the HTs mg, (or big gun if you're german).

    Keep your tanks in cover regularly. The best way to take out those german tanks is let them get distracted by something. The distraction can be either

    1) Them shooting at some units of yours

    2) them moving across your front

    Then pop out on a hunt order, kill them, and then reverse. do a hunt and reverse.. that way if the tank spots something it will stop and kill it.. if it doesn't, it will reverse back into safety.

    Work out where you're going to move too and make sure as much as your stuff as possible can blow the area up if any enemy appears..

    and use smoke! smile.gif Especially arty smoke


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