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Posts posted by Lanzfeld

  1. a minor thing:

    -once a tank has found the non-moving target (it has hit it with main gun), why still use MG fire to same target? Like if your target is another tank, shouldn't a tank use just its main gun because that is what is going to have effect, not MG.

    Well I would want to hose down a tank all I could for at least three reasons.

    1. All that lead will damage the tanks minor systems (optics, ect....)

    2. It alerts other friendly tanks what you have spotted and directs thier eyes on target.

    3. I imagine it would be a little nerve-racking for the target to hear the constant plinking of MG fire on thier tank. Anything to make them a little less steady is good.

  2. Great list!

    I agree with all those except 3. It is not realistic to simulate handing out all that ammo by just being one action square away and hitting aquire. The way it is now (having to board the vehicle) at least it takes a minute or two to get the ammo aquired and that is closer to the real time it would take.


  3. JasonC,

    I am replaying your excellent training scenarios for CMBB right now as I take a scenic tour of CMBB for all the things I miss that are not in CMx2 (fire, fog, indoor AT weapons, stealth, ect....)

    I have to relearn my tactics again and it just feels "correct". Thanks for these as I enjoy going through each lesson one by one.

    If we can fix CMx2 would you consider making applicable training missions again?

  4. Great thread!

    About realism, I agree with JasonC. CMBB still does a better job simulating not only MG's, but also foxholes, trenches (except for the supression bug), and buildings. It is to be expected that when you switch to the more "complex" CMx2 engine, certain "already complex" things (like above) will take a hit. I am a big fan of developing a hybrid of CMx2 and abstraction in these cases. So long as the results are ""realistic" in these troubled areas, what do I care?

  5. Firing a recoilless weapon within something behind you - a room, a wall, a comrade, your own arse -is not good idea because of the burning gas that comes out of the back end.

    Of course this has been done in reality and should be possible to simulate in game...it 'just' would be necessary to adjust the program to a) possibly hurt the firing soldier and B) ignite the house.

    ^^^ YES YES and YES ^^^

  6. Well JSj, you have your opinion. I have mine.

    I will point out that zooks, schrecks and fausts WERE fired from inside buildings from time to time IRL so this is not an "unrealistic feature". Especially if said buildings were already damaged with holes in them and no windows, ect.

    Being toothless because you are in a building with a tank outside yet you have anti tank rockets????? NO THANKS!

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