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Posts posted by Lanzfeld

  1. Tank spotting is probably still too optimistic with regards to areas to the side of the tank. And tank crews still have the same Borg-like ability to instantly and unerringly communicate information with each other that they have always had since CMBO.


    I think it would add so much to the game if there were short delays inside the tank with comms from the commander to the gunner. Also, the turrets should have some inertia while slewing. No more insta-swing turrets.

  2. I do believe one of the weakest points of the game is foxholes and trenches. I know we wanted them to be FOW but I wish they were different somehow. As of now they are always spotted in LOS even though they are FOW which makes ambush impossible from them, they don't offer the protection that they really should, they don't really but up against a hedgrow well at all, and they are ugly.

    I think what Steiner was talking about was CMx1 style 2D foxholes and trenches and our troops bodies vanish when they go into them so just the head sticks out. No deform of the land.

    To tell you the truth I really dislike the current foxholes and trenches.

  3. I think currently CMx2 is too demanding on micro-management to be fun. I do question BF's decision to do Normandy first for WW2 as it is a very fiddly arena to fight in with bocage being the most likely to be micromanaged.

    Why the Western desert/Tunisia [which is similar to Italy] was not used first to acquaint people with the system and get rid of the gremlins I really do not understand. Possibly the armour system would have been more obviously wrong BUT the micro-management aspects of infantyr fighting could have been more easily seen.

    Gaming the game clock in human vs. human might occur but at the moment I have not seen enough reported battles.

    Well this one seems simple to me. Normandy/US/Brits/ect. appeals to more people than the desert and Tunisia. They want to sell this product to as many people as they can for now to get some revenue to make the machine work. It is good sense and it is what I would have done. It doesn't mean that the desert isn't comming later but to pay the bills now you have to move the product.

    I like the micro-management but I play WEGO. I do not like the clock crunch. Thats just me.

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