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Posts posted by Lanzfeld

  1. A related problem/frustration - though minor - is about sharing of mortar rounds: Why don't ammobearers hand their ammo to the mortar team? Or could the mortar team at least spend the bearer team's ammo first? It would be nice to be able to send the bearers off to acquire more ammo while the mortar is still having rounds to use. Now, the ammo bearers can only go for more when both teams are out of rounds.

    Same with MG ammo bearers.

  2. The way i figured it, probably incorrectly, was by looking at the points values of greater leadership values whilst picking troops for QB's

    If you bump up the L value of a squad leader, where he controls 11 men the cost is considerable.

    Whereas if you apply the same bonus to a company commander the cost is small

    So i feel that the Leadership bonus affects the moral/abilities of units DIRECTLY under that leader, BUT ANY EFFECT GIVEN by the speed of infomation exchange up and down the C2 chain must be small due to the small cost of making your 3 man company commander team +2L

    So for my games i try to select +1L for all my squads and dont worry too much about higher up the chain, i just make sure i keep C2 which is about posistioning not about bonuses, and that setup makes for a very tough force indeed.

    VERY VERY interesting.

    I do miss the CMx1 bonuses. Using the stealth bonus commander for my AT guns was fun.

  3. If you Live Leak or YouTube any combat footage you will see that even the highest trained men fire that MG in wayyyyy longer bursts when the **** hits the fan.

    I have wanted longer bursts since CMSF but they never have listened.

    Only when a team is really really close do the MG's let er rip in the game.

  4. Just to chime in... as far as scenairo designing goes...

    I had the idea that you give the AI about 100 TRPs spread out at intervals. You see, human players can kinda guess or anticipate where an attacking force is heading and the AI cannot. When I play the AI they almost NEVER use arty (on or off map) against me probably because the AI will order a strike but it never developes into an actual strike probably because it switches targets every turn or the spotter is killed. A human is much more careful with spotters. If you gave the AI 100 TRP's it could get FFE much quicker and be a more realistic challange for a human vs AI.

  5. While they are at it add a "fire ATG only" button. My anti tank team snuck up on a Stuart and I issued an attack order. They fired their faust which only damaged the tank. Rather than take cover they stood in plain view firing thier rifles until the turret rotated and blew them to pieces.[/quote

    On the turn that you choose to attack that tank try this.

    Target the tank with a 10 second pause then fast away to cover out of LOS. If it kills the tank fine. f not, they will run away.

  6. PS: Whilst JonS's comments are pertinent, they only serve to provide a rationalisation for an in-game anomaly - unless BF come out and tell us that yes, they actually coded random auditory or visual "dropouts" to reflect combat-fatigue - which, given we're talking about CPU cycles being at a premium, seems pretty unlikely.

    FWIW auditory exclusion has nothing to do with combat fatigue. Even a cop in a firefight can experience this. "How many shots did you fire officer?" Answer: "I have no idea!" It's all about the human physical reaction.

    Anyway.....I do agree that it should not happen as often as we see in the game. To miss a tank 10 meters to your front should be rare in the extreme.

  7. No! Using slow command isn't an equivalent of old hunt command. This should be corrected in new patch (IMO). I also think that a few another new commands should be created. I am thinking that we need new arc's (armor and light) and 2nd target command. Now your tank is firing the whole minute before you can use clear target. With new target command tank should only fire 1-3 times (Marder III for example has only a few HE rounds).

    Why dont you just use a target command with a 30 second pause then put in a very very short move command and at the end of that and add a face command (to stop the target command)? They shoot 30 seconds and stop. Simple.

  8. In my opinion this has always been a fail way to share ammo and I wish they would have programmed it correctly from the start. The way it is now, for example, your ammo bearers for MG's have to stay with the team they are sharing ammo with instead of dropping it off with the MG team and running off to get more. They have to stay with them until the ammo is out and then make a run for ammo AND LEAVE THE MG TEAM WITH NO AMMO WHILE THEY MAKE THEIR AMMO RUN. Who approves this stuff anyway?

  9. Ken,

    Can you recommend a book or two about these big cat systems? You know the technical angle I am looking for. A "systems" book if you will. I would like to start a collection.

    Also, My Uncle was fighting the Japanese on Okinawa and Siapan. Real close stuff. He did confirm to me that, on more than one occasion, a Jap would come out of the jungle with a suicide charge only after the 8th round ping. Of course it was very close quarters there with the jungle.

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