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Joe Shaw

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Posts posted by Joe Shaw

  1. Huang, welcome to the board and the CM community. Just consider their reactions as an initiation smile.gif This is a tough group and sometimes we don't remember what it was like the first time we posted something and got flamed.

    So just ... Huang ... in there (an example of a truly awful American pun on your name, please forgive me) and have fun.



    Compliments appreciated, Questions answered, Death Threats reciprocated.

  2. Captain Foobar raises an interesting question that I don't recall seeing answered (I didn't do a search, my bad). In a TCP/IP game, will it be possible to save a game in progress so that both sides can continue at later date? And in a similar vein, will there be an autosave feature that will help to resurrect those inevitable disconnect games in which one player or another loses his internet connection?

    I certainly hope so in both cases, otherwise the infamous "disco", that bugaboo of net play will rear it's head and make life miserable.

    For the record, I too would like to see TCP/IP implemented, if for no other reason than that it would create a different flavor for the game. Less time means more stress and quicker decisions.



    Compliments appreciated, Questions answered, Death Threats reciprocated.

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I'm in Salt Lake City Utah and nothing here yet<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Me either Danno, in a bizarre kind of way that's a little comforting.

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I was SO sure it would be here today<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Me too Danno, was rather shocked when it wasn't.

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>...what a crummy night.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    {sigh} Yeah.



    Compliments appreciated, Questions answered, Death Threats reciprocated.

  4. LOL Very nice Ethan. While it's not of the (you should excuse the pun) caliber of yours, I worked up a little something based on Mr. Sandman ... which probably says something about our respective ages smile.gif

    Mister Postman

    Mister Postman, gimme my game

    If it ain’t here, it’s you that I’ll blame

    You didn’t mail it, that was Steve and Charles

    They’re not here, but Postman you sure are.

    Mister Postman, they’ve been reimbursed

    I ordered mine on December the First

    I don’t wanna have to get enflamed,

    Mister Postman, gimme my game.

    Mister Postman, I’m getting intense

    I finished Reisburg and the Last Defense

    I’ve blown up Plomville, with my 105’s

    More times than Mickey Rooney’s gone through wives.

    Mister Postman, Jagdpanzers await

    And all those villages to devastate

    Don’t make me use a nasty name

    Mister Postman, gimme my game.



    Compliments appreciated, Questions answered, Death Threats reciprocated.

  5. So on Monday he says:

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hey Jow Shaw.. Guess what? Manieri never gets hangovers. Word to yo mammas! Yea yea yea. Bling...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Now today he says:

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Yeah!! I have pain and I have exams today and I'm hung over <snip><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Just jerking your chain Capt. smile.gif I feel your pain, not the hangover part but the CM part, hang (you should excuse the expression) in there.


  6. Capt. being ADD is NOT anything remotely LIKE being "retarded". It stands for Attention Deficit Disorder and is a well recognized and treatable condition that stems from (as best anyone can determine) chemical imbalances in the brain. Again, medical professionals can clear this up if I'm off track. It is treatable with medication. I had a son who was ADD, he had a hell of time in school, what with behavior problems and the inability to focus. But with treatment and understanding of his condition he was able to graduate and went on to the USMC. You think school is tough now? Trying going through Boot Camp with that! You may not be ADD but if you are you can do something about it and it will make your life a bunch easier.



    Compliments appreciated, Questions answered, Death Threats reciprocated.

  7. The real Grogs will be able to answer this more accurately, but IIRC the numbers you quote actually sound about right. I think the US Army determined that it takes about 5 or 6 Shermans to take out one Panther. I'll let the real experts give you chapter and verse.



    Compliments appreciated, Questions answered, Death Threats reciprocated.

  8. Captain, as I explained previously, there is no explaining the vagaries of the USPS. I don't know where you live, I don't know where your post office is nor do I know who your carrier is, but I do know that strange and unusual things CAN happen when the Postal Service gets their hands on the mail. They don't call it "Going Postal" for nothing you know.

    When you say that there is no delivery schedule what are you saying? That BTS is lying about the schedule they set up? That the delivery company lied to BTS? That the USPS is lying about the delivery times of Priority Mail? Do we need to get Muldner and Scully on the case? Any of the above are possible but the game is clearly getting where it's supposed to get in roughly the time it's supposed to get there.

    Or are you simply, as I suspect, upset that someone who shouldn't have, got the game before you did and you want to lash out and blame somebody ... anybody? C'mon pal, lighten up, I don't have it either and I'm closer and ordered earlier than some who have it. That's the way she goes sometimes. But I will survive until tommorow and trust me you will too ... unless you really do go driving after drinking that is smile.gif


  9. I think it serves a couple of very good purposes:

    1. It lets everyone else know that the game is actually hitting the doors after so long.

    2. It lets people get some idea of where they might be on the delivery schedule.

    3. It lets people who have been waiting for this for a very long time express their enthusiasm for finally having it in their hot little hands. This board, IMHO, is a community of (for the most part) friends who have a common interest. I can't imagine anything more natural than to let your friends know that you have exciting news about your common interest. "Gee Tony, I just heard that the Dallas Cowboys have signed this terrific new free agent cornerback who ..." or even "I say, Reginald old bean, mark it down on the record book, I've got a photo of the pink breasted jaberwocky at last." (OK, I got a little carried away on that one.)

    So I don't mind in the least seeing these guys (and presumably gals) getting excited about getting that for which we all have been waiting. Good for them, and expect my post in the next day or two as well.

    There'll be plenty of time for the inevitable minor bug reports or whines about this and that, let's enjoy the moment.



    Compliments appreciated, Questions answered, Death Threats reciprocated.

  10. And the weird part is that I just got a game that shows a great deal of promise. Got Shogun as a fathers day present and played a bit with it, looks very good, looks like the sort of game that would have had me turning handsprings ... before CM. Now, it's just another thing I can do while I'm waiting.



    Compliments appreciated, Questions answered, Death Threats reciprocated.

  11. Let's see if we have this straight, we have a pissed off teenager who's just downed (if we are to believe him) four beers and who now wants the address of someone so he can DRIVE there?

    Is there no parenting involved here at all? Sorry, I had no intention of getting up on a soapbox but come on.

    Captain, consider the following, at the best you're likely to have a nasty headache tomorrow and won't be able to enjoy the game, but that would be a hell of a lot better than BEING DEAD!



    Compliments appreciated, Questions answered, Death Threats reciprocated.

  12. Outstanding Matt, you continue to take care of us even before the game is in our hands (excepting, of course, that swine GhostOne frown.gif). And thanks for the downloading options as well, those of us without high speed connections need the help when DLing relatively large files.

    Whoa, spoke too soon it seems. I just tried to DL the scenario. I went to the Scenarios/Operations link, then clicked on the Maastrich scenario. It went to a blank page and stopped. Mind you I'm using a SPOP browser (steaming pile of poo, AKA Netscape) so that might be the problem.


    [This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 06-18-2000).]

  13. Okay, it won't be wise assed but you won't like it. Asking BTS to take time out of their schedule to look your order up will take time out their schedule to ship other orders out. That is unfair to the others, not to mention the fact that it would open the floodgates for everyone to ask for confirmation of their orders.

    IF the credit card information you provided is still valid and IF you have received no bad news emails from BTS, you can be relatively assured that your order is in place.

    I see no viable way anyone else can help you either. The only solution is to do what the rest of us are doing at this point ... waiting and watching the mail.


  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Only 2 ways over the damn mountains. UPS seems to take at least 1-2 days longer to get thier stuff to western Washington.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    You may have meant this but just to be clear, it's coming via US Postal Service, not UPS. Having lived in Blaine many years ago, though, not sure that will make much difference. smile.gif(isn't this little smiley cute, Peng? How can you get mad at a cute little guy like this?


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