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Joe Shaw

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Posts posted by Joe Shaw

  1. G4A I agree with you in principle, that copy protection scheme was massively annoying when it was commonly used to stop piracy. However, I think Manta's suggestion has some merit in THIS context. If you don't know who you're playing, there's no reason they can't take just a moment (it's PBEM after all) and look up a single word in the manual. And if it would help to prevent piracy of CM, I'm all for it.



    Compliments appreciated, Questions answered, Death Threats reciprocated.

  2. Trust a Mac user to come up with that {sniff} smile.gif Seriously, a good point Buckeye. Unfortunately the only way the Tourney Save can be used, IIRC, is with an already created scenario. That would mean that someone would have create the Quick Battle, then save it as a scenario and THEY could then look at it before using Tourney Save. Or, as a PC user, am I up in the night yet again? smile.gif



    Compliments appreciated, Questions answered, Death Threats reciprocated.

  3. Sorry Matt, it's the title page for TGN's CM section:


    And just to be even more annoying, it's still not working on this PC's Netscape. I get the TGN logo, then two ads for something to do with recycling and it stops.

    And Buckeye, if you'd use a MAN'S computer ... JUST KIDDING, IT WAS A JOKE, DON'T YOU PEOPLE KNOW A JOKE WHEN YOU HEAR ONE! With apologies to Gene Wilder


  4. It's still the same old story,

    A tale of love and glory,

    A case of do or die.

    The fundamental facts apply,

    Netscapes a slice of POO Pie.

    I presume you want us to let you know when Netscape is misbehaving? The site works fine on IE but in Netscape you only get the two header ads and it stops loading.

    BTW, do both players in a PBEM game have to have the scenario in order to play?



  5. Damn Kump that was funny smile.gif But you forgot to call yourself pathetic, I always liked that myself. And note that I haven't forgotten the little people that helped me through the tough times this week smile.gif Actually I'm DLing the new 3Dfx drivers or you guys wouldn't see me for a while.

    Hang in there, easy for me to say I know, but I've been there too.

    Me: "My name is Joe and, I'm abitanxious." Group: "HI JOE"


  6. Arien and I had the same problem. We finally boiled it down to a goofy issue with replies to emails. We solved it by sending NEW messages with attachments each time. It didn't happen ALL the time, but after "X" number of replies the turn got embedded in the body of the email instead of being attached. Another solution is to zip all your turns and then attach that. However, you should still be able to get the data and use it by cutting the relevant text out of the body of the email and pasting it into a text editor. Cumbersome but it works.


  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Now, if your tank (turetted tank) gets immobilized because the engine was hit (instead of losing a track say), I'd expect the turret to be immobilized. Would you guys expect the same? I don't recall there being manual rotation of the turrets, but I may be wrong on this.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    No, I wouldn't necessarily expect that. In most cases I would think that immobilization will occur because a track got knocked off or something happened to the running gear. If the engine got hit and resulted in a loss of electrical power THEN your situation might occur, but I bet the crew wouldn't be around to worry about it in that case ... even if the tank didn't brew up. Don't know for sure about manual rotation but I would be surprised if they didn't have something in place, mind you it would be dead slow. But then I'm no expert on it either.



    Compliments appreciated, Questions answered, Death Threats reciprocated.

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I was on the edge of my seat, screaming for that turret to get around in position.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I am constantly amazed at the comments of some RTS proponents who claim that CM doesn't have the emotional impact of their games. I just had a similar situation in CE, my Stug was targetting a line of woods when a Sherman rumbled out and into my line of fire. I was literally yelling "Come on, come on, get on it." I could see my Stug's targeting line and the Sherman's turret swinging and hull rotating. Finally my gunner pulled the trigger a second before the Sherman got lined up and the US tank brewed up ... my grandson, who was in the room, has taken to looking at me oddly ever since.


  9. Sniperscope, so basically you're saying that it had a good beat and you could dance to it? What do you give it, a 70?

    HE understands what I'm referring to even if you young whippersnappers out there don't, right SS? smile.gif



    Compliments appreciated, Questions answered, Death Threats reciprocated.

  10. Why is it that whenever you go into full blown RANT mode, you end up with a classic case of messages crossing each other?

    That's what happened to me last night. I had previously sent an email to Steve (I know, I know, I was supposed to wait till today, my bad) asking for my shipping date. That was about noon my time. I didn't receive a reply but saw the post from BTS explaining that some pre-orders didn't go out till yesterday. At that point I went postal (you should excuse the pun) and posted my message to this board.

    I just now opened an email from Steve explaining that my order was shipped on the 20th, he also explained that another order I had placed for a friend in May was shipped on the 16th. That explains why my friend got it well before I did. Steve also repeated what he said before that some orders went out early by error.

    I don't retract my statements, if I had known that my order didn't get shipped till the 20th I could have accepted that. I could even have accepted that an accident occurred and my buddy's went out before mine, hey, it happens. It was the NOT KNOWING that was the problem. I don't blame BTS for the delay in shipping, they are still responsible for it (as they are responsible for the great gameplay, the brilliant execution, the superb modeling and the painstaking research) but it happened and I can live with it ... NOW THAT I KNOW that my order was shipped. If it doesn't get here this weekend, it's the USPS that did it and I can even live with that.

    So, for future reference BTS, I would strongly recommend that you review your policies (as I'm sure you're doing already) to minimize this issue in later releases. Given the small size of your staff (is your Labrador Retriever on the payroll yet?) it may be difficult/impossible to send confirming emails, but something of the sort would have eleminated a lot of complaints and (especially) my whining. It is a shame that the release of such a great game was marred by the delivery, but the first time doing such things is always difficult.

    In closing, I hope that my comments didn't ruffle too many feathers. I have nothing but complete admiration for the job done on CM and look forward with great anticipation to actually playing it and all of the iterations of CM that will come our way in the future.


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