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Joe Shaw

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Posts posted by Joe Shaw

  1. NP Lorak, just wanted to let you know how I felt about it. I have to wonder myself why I'm taking this so seriously, but I can't argue with the fact that I am. A friend once told me "Logic has nothing to do with emotions." And please, don't bring my "raising" into this smile.gif My parents did a great job, any faults are my own.

    Let's just hope we get the game sooner than later.


    p.s. Added later ... as all good post scrips should be. No one should take any of my comments as a reflection on the superb quality of the game itself or the tremendous job done by BTS in creating what I think is the finest wargame I've ever seen. I think the overall delivery was poorly done, but we didn't "hire" BTS to be delivery boys either.

    [This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 06-22-2000).]

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I'm not flaming. Just asking people to look at how they are acting, and realize it is for a "game". It looks like we have some growing up to do. Because it's all I can do to keep from laughing reading these post.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Thanks for your opinion Lorak, unsolicited though it was. Of course it's for a "game" and of course there are greater issues in the world than getting this game. And of course life will go on. As I mentioned, I'm fifty years old and, I believe, quite grown up thank you. If I chose to find this a priority at this time and in this fashion, who are you to tell me it isn't? Do you know me? Have you any idea of what motivates me or drives me? I don't tell you how to run your life or what you find important in your life. Perhaps my life is a meaningless existence compared to yours, but it's mine and I chose to value that which I chose to value. Yes this whole thing makes me mad, sorry if that offends you or if you find it amusing. I've been patient, but this latest is too much and I choose to say so in this forum.

    Eveyone needs to realize that we are all different, that we react differently to things and that we have different values and needs. Right now this game is fairly important to me, and if chose to value it highly right now, that's my choice. You, Lorak, are free to make your own choices, allow me the same privilege.


  3. Someone mentioned an emotional roller coaster and that is quite apt from my viewpoint. BTS has attempted to update us, but frankly the messages have been mixed. First we're told all pre-orders "should" be out by Friday last week. Then, opps, nope it looks like the last of them was Tuesday this week but hard to tell for sure. Now we're told the last of the pre-orders went out TODAY?

    I've had to pre-edit this post six times so far. The bottom line, I suppose, is this. We will probably get our games by Tuesday of next week. No one can tell us for certain if or when our orders were shipped. The attempt to have all orders shipped in the order received may or may not have been met for a variety of reasons which were not the direct fault of BTS.

    However, that doesn't change the fact that I've been calling home every single day this week expecting the game and then being terribly disappointed when it didn't show. It doesn't change the fact that I may have yet another weekend without the game. And it doesn't change the fact that, worst case, I might not get the game at all until NEXT WEEKEND (can't confirm until Tuesday of next week, email BTS, they confirm that something got lost and re-ship, 2-3 days later I get the game ... you do the math).

    I have been a good soldier about this, I haven't ranted and raved. In the grand scheme of things this game matters hardly at all to anyone but me, and I've weathered far greater storms in my 50 years and I'll weather this one too. But DAMNIT ... BTS set my expectations and did not or could not properly manage those expectations. In the final analysis gentlemen, and let the flames begin, BTS is ultimately responsible. This is not how you treat customers who have been as loyal as we have been and, no doubt, will continue to be.


    no smilies on this one guys.

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I personally do not find "the vagaries of the USPS" to be a satisfactory explanation for differences as huge as we are seeing.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Scott, note what MadDogg said:

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>It was mailed on the 20th, my credit card was charged on the 16th.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    He pre-ordered in November but the package didn't get shipped until the 20th. So he got it in the 2-3 days the USPS claims. It's apparent that, in at least this case, the USPS isn't at fault, it's the shipping company that didn't mail out in the order specified by BTS. I'm in the same boat ... except mine didn't show up today. frown.gif


    Compliments appreciated, Questions answered, Death Threats reciprocated.

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>FINALLY, the mail lady was kind enough to deliver it today at 10:15am.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Thank God, our long national nightmare is over. smile.gif Actually it's not till the Captain gets his too. Then maybe mine will show up.


    NOTE: The smiley above had to be whipped and tortured to appear here and does so under protest.


    Compliments appreciated, Questions answered, Death Threats reciprocated.

    [This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 06-22-2000).]

  6. I don't know, I got Shogun for Father's Day and thought it might "ease my pain" (to continue the Field of Dreams thread earlier). Unfortunately, after trying it a few times it just doesn't hold my interest. I keep bailing out to see if my next PBEM turn of CE has shown up yet. I'm afraid that I'm hopeless at this point. smile.gif



    Compliments appreciated, Questions answered, Death Threats reciprocated.

  7. A very well reasoned and reasonable post, and I'm far from the person to debate the effectiveness of artillery, I'll leave that others. A couple of thoughts occur immediately, however. First, remember than in CM, "eleminating" a squad doesn't mean that that they are all KIA. They may be wounded or simply rendered hors de combat (God, I hope I spelled that right, Minimus has us all nervous as cats smile.gif ). Second, anecdotal evidence such as you provide must be taken with a grain of salt. While it can provide a basis for further research, the accounts of one, or two or a dozen men are heavily dependent upon circumstances and personal viewpoints and really can't be used to make a final determination, at least in my view. But a good question and well thought out.



    Compliments appreciated, Questions answered, Death Threats reciprocated.

  8. War is the greatest game that has ever existed! Now before the sharp knives come out please understand what I'm saying. IF you could remove the death, suffering and tragedy from war (which of course you can't), it would be the grandest and most impressive spectacle and competition ever.

    Do you see people who are rabid followers of soccer? Soccer, even at the world wide scale in which it exists, is NOTHING compared to war ... certainly nothing compared to the scope of WW2. Do you think the World Cup is something important for your country to win? Compare that to one country taking over another. We watch the movies and play the games because it's a great competition and, on our computer screens, no one dies, no one suffers and there is no tragedy ... except, of course, that I don't have CM yet.

    Finally, there is ... The GLORY of it all. Don't let anyone tell you that war has no glory. The problem is that the death, suffering and tragedy is so far worse than the glory that it might as well not exist. We, we wargamers that is, take the bad parts of war (and in real life it's virtually ALL bad) and abstract them to the point where they don't really matter. Then all that's left is the sight of Napoleon's Red Lancers charging over the hill, The Grand Fleet turning in succession at Jutland with guns blazing ... and the lone Panther fighting to the last against a horde of Shermans admidst a backdrop of a ruined city.

    And the honor ... the honor we pay to people like Leonidas of Sparta, Wellington, Lee, Von Richtofen, Daniel Inoye and, well, all of them that fought. BTW, don't hassle me about my spelling, it's early and I'm not where I can look it up smile.gif

    I'm not a war lover, I don't think anyone who spends any time studying war is, we know better. But the subject is fascinating because of the scope and grandeur and because it's true, it happened and we want to get a taste of it.

    OK, enough philosophy, where's my game damnit, there are villages to destroy!


  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Just started weeping when it wasn't on the doorstep today. If I persuaded one non-purchase of CM, I deserve a good swift kick up the rump. But I don't think my complaining will be any impact on the success of CM. Its merits stand on its own.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Garry, frankly it's a testament to the value of the game that so many people are upset about waiting a couple of extra days to get it! And I don't think the thread you started will "scare off" any potential buyers. It ended appropriately and in a positive vein.

    For the record, I too was very upset that I didn't get the game today. I've been expecting it every single day this week and have been bitterly disappointed each time. Some may scoff at our taking this so seriously, but perhaps they take other things more seriously than we would. Each to their own.

    Finally I have done everything I can do to promote this game (2 others have been "sold" on doing pre-orders and I'm bugging the hell out of a couple more) because (a) it's a hell of a good game and (B) I want BTS to succeed so that I'll get more CM games.

    Thanks to BTS for all their hard work and bear with us while we anxiously await the fruits of your labor, if it wasn't as good as it is we wouldn't care so much.



    Compliments appreciated, Questions answered, Death Threats reciprocated.

  10. Oh Gawd not that again smile.gif There was a HUGE thread on one of the newsgroups, (wargames/historical?) that went into just that issue, though it dealt with a different game. Actually I was thinking of doing something roughly similiar (not that I have the game yet ... {sob}). It would be seriously cool to see all those 50 cal armed jeeps running around ... right up till they turned into flaming piles of junk of course. Anyone remember the old US TV series "Rat Patrol"? Now there was an authentic WW2 flick.


  11. That's okay Kump. I posted a lengthy reply to BTS about setting expectations, then upon reading the flamewar that erupted, I chickened out and deleted it smile.gif THEN BTS posts a reply that refers to my deleted post.

    I think I'll go home and do a Capt. Minieri (or however he spells his name) ... though I won't be driving. I sure wish Shogun was as exciting as CM will be, I need something to do tonight.

    Joe (the cowardly lion) Shaw

  12. However, to answer your question:

    1. CM is, in essence, simultaneous move plot and then simultaneous execution. The AI handles all such things as defensive or opportunity fire, and does it quite well. There will be the odd anomaly of my M18 continuing to track an infantry squad while ignoring a Tiger, but that's pretty rare.

    2. In solo play, you plot your turn, hit go and the computer plots its turn and then displays the 60 seconds of execution in 3D. You can replay to your heart's content and from virutally any angle or zoom factor. And I mean ANY zoom, you can see the whole map or zoom in so tight you can see the grain on the stock of a German's Mauser.

    3. In PBEM play, to reduce cheating, the sequence is I plot my move, You plot your move, I view the execution, You view the execution and plot your next move and so forth. It seems a little cumbersome but quickly becomes second nature.

    4. For the anticipated TCP/IP play, both players will plot simultaneously and will then view the execution simultaneously. There are all sorts of possibilities dealing with timers on the various phases but that's still up in the air.

    I hope that answers your question. In short, it plays very well indeed. If you haven't DLed the demo, give it a try while you're waiting for the game.



    Compliments appreciated, Questions answered, Death Threats reciprocated.

  13. Yes, you are missing something smile.gif The difference is that with TCP/IP you each plot your moves SIMULTANEOUSLY, then you view the movie the same way. So instead of me sending you my move, you sending me yours, me viewing the movie and sending it to you, you view ... you get the idea. It would be substantially quicker and introduce a level of tension with the timers.

    It wouldn't be for everyone and I probably would still play PBEM the majority of the time, but it would be a nice alternative.



    Compliments appreciated, Questions answered, Death Threats reciprocated.

  14. Andreas, I'm not sure if it was in the book or the movie, but the same pair you're referring to also made a comment (I'm paraphasing here) "Thank God for DeValera (referring to Eamon DeValera, the ... President? of the Irish Republic), he kept us out of the war." This, mind you, while they're in the middle of the D-Day invasion. smile.gif You gotta love the Irish.


    Sorry guys, I HAD to re-edit after reading this:

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Most of us Brits prefer tiffin,

    listening to the sound of leather on willow ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> But how does Willow feel about that, did anyone think to ask her?


    Compliments appreciated, Questions answered, Death Threats reciprocated.

    [This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 06-21-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 06-21-2000).]

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