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Joe Shaw

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Posts posted by Joe Shaw

  1. It's not really asking for your opponents email editor, just the filename of the turn your opponent sent. In CM PBEM your turn is saved in a ".txt" file. When you complete your turn you can call it whatever you like and it saves it in the PBEM directory of CM. Once that's done, it's just a matter of sending it to your opponent. If you and your opponent are on ICQ, you can use the "File Transfer" option to send the file and he'll get it as soon as it comes across. If you email it, the same thing happens except that he might not be on the computer or checking his email.

    One caution, some of the larger battle files can be rather large, and waiting for an ICQ file transfer of a 1.7 Meg file over a dialup can be ... annoying.


  2. Guys, pay attention ...

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I read an article about Americans fighting in Canadian units ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    He's referring to American citizens who enlisted in the Canadian Army. I don't know about the Canadians for sure but I do know that many Americans enlisted in the British forces, the most famous being the Eagle Squadron. And, IIRC, some of those pilots did enlist in Canada and then went on to the RAF from there. It wouldn't surprise me at all to learn that a lot of Americans did fight in Canadian units, either from boredom, or a belief that Hitler must be stopped.


  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>3D games are not true “3D,” they are 2D images draw to give the impression of 3D<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Actually they ARE in 3D, and you can prove it by creating 3D Stereo Views. I've done it and it creates a pretty good image with very clear depth to it. I'm working on the method now and may try to get Matt to publish some on his page if there's any interest.

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Allow the “locking” of the camera to the waypoints <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    You can do that too, just create your waypoint, then put the cursor on the waypoint, hold the Ctrl key and click. Now your viewpoint is right on the waypoint and you can rotate around that. It won't allow you to move the waypoint with your view but that's a pretty minor issue, IMO. I just find a spot I like, go to the "5" or "6" view and move the waypoint there.


  4. Dirk, I think I can honestly say that I never once ... well okay maybe once ... at most three times ... well when I noticed I was at 24 I MAY have LOOKED for things to respond about ... but that was it! smile.gif

    There have been posts on this board that came right out and said "HEY I'm at 20 and going for 30, this makes 21 right?"

    Don't forget, when you make member you get your secret Member's Only Decoder Ring and a semi-attractive Membership Certificate printed on Genuine Faux Paper and signed by the Mad Mattman himself or a reasonable facsimile of what his autograph would look like if he could actually write! So Don't Delay, Start Posting Today!


  5. To answer your question, the PBEM option works very well in CM. The turn sequence is a bit odd to those of us used to pure turn based games but you get used to it quickly. The only quibble I have is that outgoing files are automatically saved into the general PBEM directory. Since I have several sub-directories, each for an opponent, I have to remember to put the outgoing file into the right directory before I ship the turn. Being older than dirt, I have messed up on more than one occassion. smile.gif

    As for TCP/IP, I too look forward to that option. Not because PBEM is bad, but simply because it offers another way to play the game and gives it a different flavor. IIRC, the TCP/IP patch will have a timer attached to the simultaneous orders phase and the simultaneous movie phase. This should speed up the process considerably and add an element of time pressure as well. If you haven't tried PBEM, may I suggest that you give it a shot? It's a different approach than real time games but it has it's own charm.


  6. It's not the hard drive issue, I have CM installed to my "D" drive and it works and saves perfectly. You don't enter an extension when you name the file, the program does it for you. Are you on a Mac or a PC? What is the exact, step by step, keystroke by keystroke procedure you use when trying to save. Include everything, even "I hold down the ALT key and then simultaneously press the "S" key". I suspect you're right, it's something off the wall that you're doing but without the exact sequence we probably won't figure it out.


    [This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 07-09-2000).]

  7. I always use "realistic" scale, though I cheat by using bases so I can actually see the units. I personally don't find the bases distracting but that's probably a holdover from my miniature gaming days.

    I use all of the views at one point or another. "1" for the best view of LOS and ground contours. "2" is my default view for important combat, i.e. did my Jackson kill the Tiger or not (sorry Arien, but you got revenge on my JgPanther smile.gif). "3" for a localized view of the replay, "4" for a broader view of the replay. "5" is primarily for tight movement orders such as in a house where I need to be very precise. "6" is the most common movement orders screen. "7" is good for long LOS checks. Come to think of it I'm not sure I do use "8" ... have to check that one out smile.gif I guess I would use "2", "3" and "6" most often.


  8. 1) I won because the stupid game ended on turn 25 and AT THAT TIME I was ahead on points, it wouldn't have lasted.

    2) Listening to music huh? THAT explains why your Panther took forever to target my Sherman. They were probably toe tapping to Lili Marlene.

    3) One word ... Bagpipes! Nothing like them to stir the blood. Scotland Forever stills raises the hair on the back of my head.


  9. Glowing? What was so glowing about it? Not ONCE did he mention that Steve is a snappy dresser (I'm making an assumption on that)or that Charles goes by "Chuckles" (Okay, that's another assumption).

    Other than that though I thought CDMag practically fell over themselves praising the game, and I thought WE were fawning sycophants smile.gif.


  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>However I dont want to be overwhelmed with stats, and logistical data to shift through. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I don't find this a problem at all, the game is highly intuitive and stats and such are really there as an aid but are not necessary to the enjoyment of the game.

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Is the demo indicative of the final product?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Yes and No. Yes in that the general flavor of the game is well presented in the Gold demo and No in that the final game has massive numbers of options that make it highly replayable.

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Is this game for me?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Yes, if you have any interest in WW2 tactical ground combat I can unhesitatingly recommend this game highly. Get it, you won't be sorry.


    BTW, welcome to the board smile.gif

  11. While playing two PBEM games yesterday (man did the 4th of July get celebrated at my house, WAY too much CM)I noticed that now houses are subject to catastophic explosions. In one case 81mm Mortars caused it to occur to two houses, it looks like a nuke went off BTW. In the other case it was caused by a 105mm barrage and here's the weird part, the turn after the house was levelled ... it came back good as new.

    Two questions, what's the rationale for having a house blow up that way? Ammo storage perhaps? And second, BTS do you want the movie of the explosion and resurrection of the house that came back?


  12. Supsension of Disbelief refers, of course, to the immersive quality of a book or movie in which you are able to suspend the disbelief you would normally feel.

    Suspension of Disinformation, OTOH, refers to that particular quality of CM in which you accept the disinformation it supplies DESPITE the fact that you know better!

    As an example, I'm in a battle now with Arien in which the program has informed me and shown me that my AC is fighting a TD. I KNOW that the program has lied to me before, Arien has TOLD me that I'm fighting a Sherman ... but I STILL have to force myself to remember that. A very clever move BTS, it goes beyond simple programming and works on the subconcious somehow.


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