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Joe Shaw

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Posts posted by Joe Shaw

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Just received CM from USPS this afternoon<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Congratulations GhostOne, we're so happy for you. grits teeth

    Really, that's just great, hope you're enjoying it. bites knuckle

    Glad that you were the first one to post. sob

    Let us know how you like it, we're SOB all SNORT all very interested in ...













    So again, please accept my hearty congratulations and have a fun weekend.


  2. Pikers, you guys are pikers. I have two other pre-orders to my credits, two demo DL's and one of them has promised to buy CM if I buy Shogun ... Bwahahaha ... I was going to buy Shogun anyway. biggrin.gifSorry Peng, the little bastards are in breeding season now and ... from the looks of it ... mutating too!



    "I don't want them brave, I want them dead!"

    Thomas J. (Stonewall) Jackson

    [This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 06-17-2000).]

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Yeah, but that means you're also old enough to by real porn and leave Lara to pre-teens and Dr. Zhivago,<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Yet another motto: "There's nothing wrong with a little pornography as long as you have a good pornograph."

    Sorry, getting a little hazy here waiting for the game.


  4. Ah but you see Ben, when you invite someone, even a troll from another group, to "shove it up your mother's ass", you DO harm this group and this board. The fact that you do it on your "home plate" makes it worse, there's an old saying "Don't foul your own nest."

    We understand that you are passionate about this game, many of us are, but you must temper your enthusiasm with some caution. THINK before you post ... then think again.

    Frankly your posts lead directly to just the sort of abuse you seem to dislike. So perhaps if you post more carefully the abuse will at least moderate.


  5. By golly you're absolutely right, where the hell was my head? Steve, cancel my order, Matt, pull my name off this board, Fionn, have me shot at dawn and again at sunset.

    I'm going RTS from now on, no more turn based for me, no siree, I've seen the error of my ways. That there Sabot fella, he's one smooth talking guy, charm the birds off the trees he could. smile.gif

    Glad you found your way over here Sabot, I played the hell out of SMG, which was, of course, RTS. And while I was never very good at any of the CC series I bought CC1 and CC2. While you're here, have a look around, check out some of the posts. You might even DL the demo. smile.gif



    "I don't want them brave, I want them dead!"

    Thomas J. (Stonewall) Jackson

  6. ColumbusOHGamer said:

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ColumbusOHGamer:

    Best boot camp movie ever made!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Then Formerly Babra replied:

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You haven't seen "Tribes" then<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I also remembered Tribes as a very good Boot Camp movie ... until I recently saw it again. I found the DI (Darren McGavin?)just a bit too much, I can't see any DI doing some of the stuff he did. And Jan Michael Vincent has always annoyed me.

    As shmaltzy as it was and as dated as it now appears I still think "The D.I." with Jack Webb was a better Boot Camp movie. Or at least Jack was a better D.I.


  7. Hmmm, guess we better not pay attention to your previous posts then Maximus. Remember "Forum's getting boring, guys."

    So we were just trying to liven things up a bit. Sorry you didn't appreciate it.

    But I'm 50 years old and if I want to have a little fun and post stuff like "They Charged My Card" why the hell can't I? Because you don't think I'm acting mature? I have to act mature most of the time, with my responsibilties in my job, to my family and to the community. I reserve the right to act how I please ... just as you surely reserve the right to object to it. Each to their own.


  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Of couse, you have to assume your opponent didn't cheat (start your side just to get a look at your forces), but that would ruin his game more than yours.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Sabot, IIRC, Fionn said that there was/will be an option called Tournament Save that will prevent even that from happening. As I understand it, and my recollection may be foggy, you CAN'T look at the scenario, you can only play it. How that fits into DYO and random scenarios I don't know but I do know that Fionn was planning to release a series of Tourney Saved scenarios just for us double blind fanatics.



    "I don't want them brave, I want them dead!"

    Thomas J. (Stonewall) Jackson

  9. Well my brother was a Major flying Cobras in Desert Storm, my son is a Cpl. with the 3rd FSSG in Oki and my father in law was with the 6th Marines as they hit the beaches at Saipan ... we buried him on this last D-Day. So for them I say ...

    Semper Fi


    [This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 06-15-2000).]

  10. The consensus seems pretty clear on those issues then. I did a search but couldn't find what I was looking for on another issue. What is the consensus of the group as to using crews, Zook teams who are out of ammo, FO's that have no more rounds, and the like?

    On the one hand, I'd be tempted to say if you got 'em, smoke 'em. OTOH, it certainly smacks of gamey play and it's unlikely these guys would be making suicide charges to dump a grenade in a Sdkfz251. Seems I read that the point cost of these teams would be increased to make such a thing unprofitable.

    What do you think? And what else would you consider to be "gamey" tactics?


  11. I'll let BTS speak for themselves of course, but I'd be very surprised if CM2 was released as a "patch" or add-on to CM. Odds are very good it will be a separate release done very much as CM is being done. And that, naturally, means you will GET to pay for it, I'm ready to put in my pre-order now.



    "I don't want them brave, I want them dead!"

    Thomas J. (Stonewall) Jackson

  12. Ron, I know that I've been seriously bummed out in other games when some clown camped on my reinforcement area and slaughtered them as they came on. I have less of a problem, personally, with hugging the map edge. To my mind it's very similar to having a river edge there.

    The flip side of the reinforcement issue, however, is that a good commander must protect his lines of communication/supply. So if you fail or are unable to do so, maybe you reap the results of that failure. I'm not sure on this one, it really annoyed me the couple of times it happened (again, another game), but maybe it was just because I got hammered so bad.

    Finally, I suspect that this will be much less of a problem as long as you play double blind games, either scenarios that neither has played or randomly generated scenarios.


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