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Joe Shaw

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Posts posted by Joe Shaw

  1. Jgdpzr, I posed that very question to the commander of the Brigade, Mrs. Gladys Burbank, the following is her reply:


    An&wa& , &@u get the drift. I can't give m@re details, @ne @f the damn kids t@@k s@me @f the ke&s fr@m m& ke&b@ard.


  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Good US troops can close assault and take out isolated tanks.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Indeed they can ... I was very pleased to see the effectiveness of "ordinary" infantry against unsupported AFVs. In a Bulge scenario I took out two Panthers and a MkIV in a tight, forested road. In another I took out a Stug that found itself behind my lines. And both cases were using ordinary (i.e. Non AT) infantry. I'd always read that AFV's without infantry are dead meat in close situations, CM models that very well.


  3. Wait a minute, IS she 16 or WAS she 16? How long are we talking about here, 'cause if she's been gone long enough she could be legal now! And do vampires count as dead? Since they're technically UNdead then it wouldn't be necrophilia would it? And hell some of them are hundreds of years old! They are a pain in the neck though.

    As for the "quiet" part, I've been married for 29 years now ... biggrin.gif


  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>yeah cause they knew they could never win a war with out the god damned thing<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    If you'll check your history ... let me rephrase that ... if you'll check the history the REST of the world uses, you'll find that the Allies had defeated Germany well before the bomb was dropped. And Japan was reduced to the Japanese islands, less Okinawa. In fact there has been quite a debate raging for , oh, 50 years now about whether or not the U.S. HAD to drop the bomb or just chose to.

    I won't even get into the rest of your drivel except to say that it was the American Revolution, not the Civil War and it was either the V1 or V2 (not sure which you mean) but it was NOT the "Crossbow Missle".

    You have chosen the wrong group with whom to spout off young man, these people KNOW what they're talking about and have not received their knowledge from a six "volume" documentary that is bandied about in your equivilant of Junior High School.


  5. You see Peng, the one time I think my sarcastic comments are self-evident and people don't get it smile.gif

    Danno is a bright guy, other than the fact that he lives in Utah ... hmmm so do I come to think of it ... and he didn't pick up on the fact that I was referring to the 7 of 10 (kind like 7 of 9 but not as well endowed) review that CM recently got from CD&Playstation Reviews ... or whoever the hell they are. Sorry guys, my comments were a sarcastic reference to the fact that the aforementioned reviewer saw fit to give CM only a 7 rating. Ostensibly because it didn't have TCP/IP and the graphics weren't up to "their" standards.

    I like PBEM (as long as I don't have to play Danno) and I think the graphics are great.


  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>unless I'm mistaken was not yet available during WWII.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    And I could be wrong as well, but I recall seeing a documentary about the development of an artillery round that I thought WAS proximity fused with electronics in the warhead that allowed it to determine ... proximity smile.gif Again, I may well be wrong but I clearly recall the documentary. Whether this is the "VT" round BTS is referring to or not I couldn't say of course.


  7. Glad to have you, I know you'll really enjoy this one, it's something special.

    Von Fauster, ASL is Advanced Squad Leader ... a board game played on printed maps using cardboard counters and dice with voluminous rules ... back when men were men and didn't need no sissy computers to play a game ... I think sheep were a lot more nervous then too but that's another story. smile.gif


  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Do I actually have to shoot at these guys or are they just going to die from a heart-attack?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I saw those brave lads of yours attempt to swarm over those old guys of mine ... interesting tactics, charge forward yelling something (Curahee?), stop, hide and then fall back. Do they teach that in Airborne School? BTW how's the weather over there by the bridge? Seems a tad stormy.


  9. I agree with Andreas. shhhh, not so loud, he'll hear you) While the big guns are great WHEN they hit, I'll take something that can hit a little less hard WHEN I need it than something that takes forever to finally get there. And in CM, a couple or three minutes is forever in many cases. If you have a dug in and stationary target that's one thing, but the ability to react is priceless.

    There Andreas, now tell those damned Ami paras of yours to BACK OFF!


  10. Good points Rookie, I agree that the review read as if the game would be rated higher than 7. I also wish to thank Glenn for posting a response here as well as sending me a personal response that echoed his position.

    I think that what got our "dander" up was the comparison of this rather lukewarm rating (I don't say review because in general the review was good) with the others we've seen recently, a Top Choice, 5 of 5, Best Wargame Ever and so on. To suddenly see the same game rated as slightly above average

    was disconcerting. Opinions, like mileage, may vary of course.

    I firmly believe that we, as the CM community, should continue to spread the word and sing the praises of this great game and of BTS. We need to do in a mature and thoughful manner, but it's only by making CM's presence known that we increase our chances of more of the same ... and better.

    BTW, I think I made another sale last night, damn it's easy to be a great salesperson when you've got a great product smile.gif


  11. While I'm no expert on these rounds, the primary advantage is that they are proximity fused. Meaning that they "sense" their proximity to, in this case, the ground or trees and explode a pre-set distance from them. The advantage? Simple, you get airbursts rather than ground bursts. And airbursts,especially tree bursts, are much more devastating to troops than rounds which burst at ground level.


  12. Nonsense, Kunzler, I have you right where I want you. All my losses to date have been cleverly planned to induce a sense of confidence which, I assure you, is completely unreasonable given the actuality inherent in the current status quo ... (current status quo?)

    Where was I? Oh yes, I agree that this scenario (Move it or Lose It) is a great one, no spoilers but ... be prepared.

    As to double blind, that simply refers to any scenario played in which NEITHER player is familiar with the scenario. Naturally with the published scenarios you pretty much have to take your opponent's word for it ... now that I think about, Kunzler IS an attorney ... hmmmm. smile.gif

    [This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 07-14-2000).]

  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You must cut down the tallest tree in the forest ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Cut down trees? Right, I can do that because:

    I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay,

    I work all night and I sleep all day ...

    Can't remember the rest of it immediately but it has something to do with mama.


  14. I was playing a game last night in which I had a sniper who I had ordered to sneak through an area and target a MG. When the movie came up I noticed that he started sneaking ... then stopped ... and turned back and walked to his foxhole. I was furious, and immediately Tabbed to him and pulled up the "1" view ... only to see this old white haired Volksturm (sp?) guy with a rifle trudging away from the fight with a "F*** this" expression on his face. I couldn't help laughing.


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