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Posts posted by Dschugaschwili

  1. Well, a Voodoo5 or a GeForce is definately overkill on your computer. I would go for a TNT2 in this case, although I don't know if there are PCI versions available if you haven't got an AGP slot. In this case a Voodoo3 might be the fastest choice (although I don't value this card very high).


  2. Are the ground conditions global within a scenario or can they vary according to location or height?

    I'm asking because I'd like to make a scenario (located near my home village) where most of the ground is already pretty dry again (after some rain a few days ago), but the lower portions of the map (near a small river) is still wet, so driving heavy tanks through this area would be risky. Is this possible?


  3. Well, of course I can't give you a definate answer since I haven't seen the full version yet, but I would say that your CPU and memory shouldn't be that much of a problem. I guess your graphics card is your primary bottleneck, with the CPU as the second one, but a good distance behind.

    So replacing the graphics card would probably help you the most if the game turns out to be too slow.


  4. Well, this looks like a completely new computer to me. If you want a new processor, you'll have to replace the board anyways, and you probably need new RAM too then.

    So the minimum upgrade I can think of is CPU, board and RAM (a new graphics card is a good idea too).

    If you're low on ammo err... money, take a Celeron, 128 MB RAM and a nice board, preferably one with a BX chipset. Plus you might consider buying a TNT2 graphics card.

    If the budget is not that limited, I would opt for an Athlon, a board with a KX133 chipset, 128 or 256 MB of RAM and a GeForce card (SDR or DDR version, you choose). Actually in this case I would wait a few days/weeks until you can get one of the new socketed Athlons (codenamed Thunderbird) and a fitting board (in that case with the KT133 chipset).

    Just my 2 cents on the hardware market.


  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Zulu1:

    The European Commission has just announced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of the EU (European Union) rather than German, which was the other possibility.


    Why on earth did they even consider German a serious possibility? Don't get me wrong, I'm a native German speaker, but German is so difficult and full of exceptions that I don't think I would want to learn this language. Just my 2 cents.


  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Talon:

    I believe its been said that Hitlers experience in WW1 lead him to be very anti gas. A good thing, because I believe he would have would have used it, if he didn't have such an aversion.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Yes, I think that's about the point. Hitler saw the end of WWI in hospital (don't know the military term) because he had swallowed some gas previously. He obviously hated this and decided using gas was so cruel that it shouldn't be used against people. Killing Jews in the KZs was the only exception to this rule (probably because they were not really considered humans by him).


  7. Well, before I'll start a new thread I can as well revive this one.

    First, how is the FAQ doing? I haven't heard anything about it for quite some time now.

    Second, if the FAQ is still some time away, can somebody post a list of the common military abbreviations used in this forum? I don't have a military background, so many of them don't mean anything to me (especially since I'm not a native English speaker).



  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by s bakker:

    Doing a little research are you ? :)


    What else can I do if you know the scenario already? If I don't place my troops perfectly, I have the strong feeling that this might turn into another Riesberg for me...

    By the way, when will I receive your setup?


  9. First, although not directly VoT related:

    The Panther stat screen states something called "shot trap". What's this?

    Second, the Axis forces have a target registration point. Is it of any use (seeing that they don't have any arty spotters)?

    Third, the Axis briefing states 3 anti-tank mine fields (plus the daisy-chain mines), but I can only find one. Is the briefing wrong?

    Fourth, what are the anti-person mine fields good for? As far as I can see, they will cause one casualty to the unit that steps on it, but they don't do anything after that, even if other troops walk over them.


  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

    I've been wondering with this AAR if the reason no-one was asking me questions was because either:

    a) they were totally bored and fed up with it or,

    B) the actual AAR had answered all of their questions wink.gif.


    Well, definately not a), at least for me.


    IF anyone has ANY questions at all about the Sunken Lane AAR I'd be more than happy to answer them here on the forum. I love talking weapons and tactics.

    [...] It is well worth it though since I think this particular battle has a lot to teach.


    Well, I think I can still learn a lot. The stories you tell in your AARs are usually quite different from my experience when playing CM frown.gif

    Oh, and one thing I'd like to ask, how do you decide when and how to attack/counterattack?

    It seems that I always take either heavy or almost no casualties when attacking anything. How do you judge if it will work or not?


  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

    But hey, why would you want to play with the old beta demo anyway? It's a dinosaur, man! smile.gif


    Hmmm... Perhaps because I want to finish the PBEM games I still have running right now?


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