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Posts posted by Dschugaschwili

  1. Why does everyone here talk about playing at 1600x1200? Am I the only one who doesn't have a 21" monitor that would be able to display that?

    On a serious note, most 17" monitors can hardly display 1280x1024, and I don't know of any 19" monitors reaching 1600x1200 physically. Of course you can get them to display such a resolution, but the dot pitch is too low to get all the pixels out, so it doesn't really make sense IMO.


  2. If the Hetzer was hull down and it was an American 76, this can go on almost forever. Especially if it is standing on a reverse slope relative to you, because in that case the armor slope that is very good anyways (60°) becomes even better (by about 7° in normal CM situations, meaning standing on a one height level slope), increasing both effective armor protection and chance of ricochets.


  3. Ok, let's have a try.

    Meeting engagement means that both sides get an equal amount of points to spend and no side has digged in during setup. Victory flags are roughly in the middle of the map.

    Probe means the attacker gets about 35% more points to spend than the defender. The defending side's units will dig in during setup. Victory flags are moved towards the defender's side.

    Attack is basicly like probe, but the attacker gets 60%(?) more points, and the victory flags are moved further towards the defender's side.

    Assault is again like attack, but the attacker gets twice the points and flags are even further back.

    Try to use the other settings like weather, time of day and the map parameters to balance the game. The more extra points the attacker has, the more should the terrain favor the defender.


  4. Another thing regarding spotting:

    I one battle I've played, an enemy Sherman reversed out of sight after spotting my Panther (it disappeared behind a small hill) and although none of my units had LOS to it for at least 10 turns, I saw the marker show "bogged in" and later "immobilized" (the ground was quite wet).

    And another anomaly I've noticed in an earlier version of CM (so it may have been fixed already) was a "infantry?" unit I had put under fire while it was moving in some woods showing the "immobile" tag. Of course this tells me that it must be either a mortar or a MG team that I had shot down to one man.


  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dr. Brian:

    Question then. Can you drop arty down, when the FO doesn't see the target (i.e., no LOS)? How bad is the error or, how good is the accuracy?

    I didn't think you were allowed to do this. You would need a LOS to drop arty, but, am I correct to say you DON'T need a LOS?

    Thanks in advance!


    http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/010543.html contains a discussion about accuracy and ETA. You might want to check it out, especially the post about accuracy by Bullethead.


    [This message has been edited by Dschugaschwili (edited 11-16-2000).]

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 109 Gustav:

    It was a high trajectory weapon. I usually fired it at about a 45-75 degree angle. It was mounted on a bipod I made in my high school welding class, and I could even turn a bolt to adjust the angle, just like a real mortar. Sometimes I would set it up for indirect fire, with my brother up in a tree spotting the rounds in. There is nothing that freaks people out like having a snowball drop in from the sky, and they have no clue where it came from. biggrin.gif

    For propellant I used whatever was in the garage at the time, usually BBQ lighter fluid or WD-40. Ammo was snowballs, soda cans, carefully shaped blocks of wood, and sometimes water ballons. Cardboard juice concentrate cans made excellent sabots for the snowballs.


    Sounds like great fun.

    I still don't understand the technical details though, like how you get the propellant to shoot your ammo out. Your propellants don't sound like they'd explode very easily, or am I missing something?


  7. It has been stated by BTS in another thread that the listed armor penetration values are against enemy armor plate (probably 100% quality enemy plate).

    And I think (I can't find this thread right now, so I'm not totally sure) that german armor plate is supposed to be better (harder?) than allied one at the same quality level. So that might explain a part of the observed differences too.


  8. Software FP calculations are very slow, so that's probably not an option.

    The idea of masking the least significant digit(s) in a defined way doesn't work too because rounding differences can cause more significant bits to flip too (0.9999 to 1.0000 for example).

    You should consider that there really isn't a quick solution to solve this problem.


  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tss:

    For example, x + y is not equal to y + x in most cases.


    That's true, but it wouldn't be a problem here if the results were consistent on different FPUs. But of course all those heavy optimizations all manufacturers make to get a little more speed out of their FPUs sometimes lead to small differences in the results. frown.gif



    Erst hat man kein Glück, und dann kommt auch noch Pech dazu.

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sitting Duck:

    So...which CPU should I get to make my Panther turrets rotate faster? smile.gif


    That's the wrong question! Asking which side you should play with the CPU you already have is much less costly. wink.gif



    Erst hat man kein Glück, und dann kommt auch noch Pech dazu.

  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Trooper:

    OK.. doubtless you've thought of this already and it has been rejected for whatever reason, but for my own curiousity I ask anyway...

    TacOps PBEM files use a 'seed' number from which all future results are extrapolated by calculation. Each computer calculates the results of the turn separately, and yet, despite player A having a 486 33 and player B a G4, the turns are identical.

    Why is such a system not feasible here? (Or have I missed the problem completely?)



    Just what Steve said: If a game uses integer numbers in all calculations, sync'ing the random seeds works just fine.

    Unfortunately, BTS has decided to use floating point numbers for the calculations in CM (of course, they can't be blamed for doing so), and you sadly can't expect two FPUs to give exactly the same results every time when doing floating point calculations. And as has been pointed out several times in this thread, even tiny differences in the last digit can cause the game to fall out of sync.

    So I really think BTS is right claiming that there's no easy solution to the problem at hand.


  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ScoutPL:

    Want a flag to your rear? Fight an attack, assault or probe, not a meeting engagement. Want to play a scenario without flags? Design one. The answers are in the game guys. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Ok, this doesn't make any sense.

    1. The probe, attack and assault QBs have flags to the rear of only one player, not both of them.

    2. You can't design a map that allows both players to buy their forces in QB style except through having a third person generate the map with the forces both players want.

    Another comment to the previous posts: I think having only flags in the rear of the players or having no flags at all might turn into a very boring meeting engagement if both players decide to try to ambush the other player if he tries to get to their own flags.

    On the other hand, having about half of the flags' point values in the middle of the map and a quarter each at both rear areas might make an interesting battle by forcing the players to advance, but not in an all-or-nothing race to the center.


  13. You can even have multiple CM executables in your CM directory simultaneously. What you do is the following:

    Put the Combat Mission.exe from your CM cd into your CM dir. Make a copy of it calling it CM1.00.exe (or CM1.02.exe depending on your version on the cd) or whatever you like. Now apply the 1.03 patch to your CM.exe. Make a copy of it (CM1.03.exe). Apply the 1.04 patch and so on (do this for every version you want to have, you get the point). Now all you have to do is launch the appropriate executable to get any version of CM.


  14. Why doesn't somebody with a MP40 take the role of the assistant gunner in a motorized squad, at least at longer ranges if he really can't do anything with his weapon in those cases? Sounds a bit strange to me. Can somebody with deeper knowledge on this subject clear this up?



    Erst hat man kein Glück, und dann kommt auch noch Pech dazu.

  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

    Also note that earlier Shermans had armor quality problems which result in about a 15% reduction in ability to withstand a hit. So an earlier production Sherman with the SAME armor thickness and angle as a later model would likely not deflect a 75mm round.


    Now that you're mentioning armor quality, what does the armor quality rating in CM actually do? Does "85% quality" mean that the effective armor thickness is reduced when calculating a hit? Or does it mean a higher chance of weak spot penetrations? Or a higher chance of internal flaking? Or something totally different? confused.gif



    Erst hat man kein Glück, und dann kommt auch noch Pech dazu.

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