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Posts posted by Dschugaschwili

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael emrys:

    It is also in some cases a little too easy to tell that an infantry unit has been eliminated, especially if they are dug in in woods or in a building. [...]


    Yes, I've noticed this one too. In one PBEM game I'm currently playing I've had a 150mm IG take out an "infantry squad?" that was marked as eliminated after that. Of course, similar things have happened under other circumstances as well.

    I don't think unidentified infantry units should be marked as eliminated as long as my men haven't had a good look at them.

    This goes along with some other identification/fog of war glitches I've mentioned in my other thread on this topic:



  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

    You guys actualy get to say "YES" while playing?

    Mine is more like;

    "this can't happen!"

    "damn!, damn! damn!"

    "NO!, NO!, NO!

    "STOP! Not like that!"

    "TURN!, TURN!"




    Or something close to that...

    God I love this game.



    Same for me. I've got a game going right now where just about nothing goes right. The only thing I'm hoping for is the arrival of the full version before I'm totally wiped off the map.


  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Blackwood:

    I have a voodoo2 card, but have also experienced the problems on another system, with a tnt2 card and matrox 12 meg 3d card not sure of type. I have low end system (pent233). is this a graphic card problem or a CPU problem?


    I think it's a problem with the Voodoo2. I have one too, and I'm experiencing the same problems (in the 1.00 demo). I've read in another thread that it's probably driver related...


  4. First, I had an enemy mortar unit (not fully identified, just "mortar?") that was shown as "immobile". The confirmation that this unit was indeed down to one man came only several turns later, so I shouldn't have seen the "immobile" tag, should I?

    Second, (I've posted this one a few days ago and didn't get a single reply, so I'll include it here again) there was an enemy flame-thrower team that still showed as "Infantry?". It started shooting at one of my squads, but after two bursts it still read "Infantry?". I suppose when a flame-thrower unit starts firing within the view of my troops (especially at short range), the identification level should go up to at least "flamethrower?".

    Of course, none of these issues are very serious, but I thought I'd still post them.

    Any comments?


  5. In a PBEM game I'm currently playing in VoT (still haven't heard anything from BTS regarding my order) an enemy flame-thrower team (still marked as "Infantry?" because the whole attack formation it was in wasn't identified properly yet) managed to get a shot at one of my squads that had previously ambushed his attack (actually, it fired a second burst shortly after), and it's still marked as "Infantry?". I would expect that a flame-thrower team that starts shooting my troops should be identified after the first or at least second attack. Or am I totally wrong here?



    Erst hat man kein Glück, und dann kommt auch noch Pech dazu.

  6. I can't turn down the sound volume anywhere else because I use headphones for gaming, and the volume is unbearably loud if I don't turn the wave AND global sound card volume all the way down. I really would appreciate having the possibility to adjust the volume in-game.


    [This message has been edited by Dschugaschwili (edited 07-04-2000).]

  7. Well, I can't really give you good advice without knowing your current computer. But if your CPU has something like <400MHz, everything above a TNT2 is overkill. A GeForce2 is definitely something for high end machines (>700MHz). Of course, these numbers are just rules of thumb. With the original GeForce cards you would perhaps also have to worry about the power supply of your AGP slot. These cards' demand in this area is quite high.


  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mikester:

    If these are made available for download please put them into some kind of blocks. 300MB is an s-load of stuff to try and download.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Well, the best solution to this problem would be to write a program that takes the game's data and calculates the diagram for any two units you select. That should be <1MB to download.

    Of course, this requires good knowledge about the actual armor penetration formulas used in the game, so either BTS would have to provide this information to someone willing to write this program or they would have to write it themselves.


    [This message has been edited by Dschugaschwili (edited 06-21-2000).]

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