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Posts posted by Dschugaschwili

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PanzerLeader:

    Good point Tommi, in fact the only realistic option Germany had after France'40 was to attack the British bases in the Mediterranean with the Italians: Malta, Gibraltar, Egypt, and then the Middle East.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Wrong. The only realistic option Germany had after France 1940 was to make peace with the countries they had conquered so far. Then there would have been no more reason for England to continue the war and the whole of Western and Middle Europe might be speaking German now.

    Of course, Hitler was NOT the man who would take the time to set up a reasonable political system to keep what he already had gotten so far. For him, war was the normal state of relationships between nations, not peace.

    Speaking of Hitler as a general, he did quite well until the attack against Russia had been stalled. After that, all creativity and effort seems like blown away. I've stated that a while ago in another thread, he didn't believe anymore that he could win the war anymore after that point. In the following years, he used the army to delay the allied forces, or in other words, to buy him the time he needed to carry out the assassination of the jews in Europe. That's the reason for his "hold groung at all cost" doctrine in the second half of the war.

    For a much better and more detailed description of Hitler, I recommend the book "The meaning of Hitler" by Sebastian Haffner (the German original is called "Anmerkungen zu Hitler"). The best book explaining Hitler that I know of.


  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

    Umm, it's a Maxi Gamer Phoenix which I always thought was based on the Voodoo 2.


    Ah, that explains a lot. The Maxi Gamer Phoenix is based on the 3dfx Banshee chipset. While it's not that different from a Voodoo2 3d-wise, it has a built-in 2d part and more memory, but only one texture unit.

    And it can display higher resolutions in 3d mode.

    Of course, "crappy old Voodoo2 clone" is not all that wrong when regarding this wink.gif


  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

    I play on 1152 x 864 with the beta. I only have a crappy old Voodoo2 clone<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    And what other video card do you have? Because, a single Voodoo2 can only display resolutions up to 800x600, perhaps 1024x768 without z-buffer. There's no way to get a Voodoo2 (or even 2 of them) to display 1152x864 (I have one myself).


  4. The sad thing is: I have seen "German" manuals that sounded like they had been translated with babelfish. In most of these cases the only way to understand it is to translate it word for word into English and read this. frown.gif (or you can read the English version in the first place if you get one, and sometimes you don't mad.gif )


    1. The release of the beta demo of Combat Mission caused quite a stir in the wargaming community.

    2.Die Freigabe des Betademo der Kampfmission verursachte durchaus rühren in der wargaming Gemeinschaft.

    3.The release beta demo of the combat mission caused quite agitates in wargaming the community.

  5. I think Sosabowski was right thinking the sniper immobilized the tank. I'm playing a PBEM game in Riesberg right now (as Axis), and my sniper did exactly the same to an allied tank. It was during the first turn, none of my other units had LOS to the tank (sitting at the end of the road), and the tank was immobilized exactly the same moment the bullet fired by my sharpshooter hit it.

    It doesn't look like a crew member kill either, because the tank is not buttoned anymore.

    Just my 2 cents,


  6. Ok, I have a K6-2 333 and a Voodoo2 and CM runs at acceptable speeds. As your graphics card is a lot faster than mine, it's probably the CPU that's limiting your frame rate. Transparent textures however don't stress the CPU much more than non-transparent ones. The only issue with them is that you have to draw them in the right order (back to front) or draw them after everything non-transparent with z-buffer writes turned off.

    As your graphics card handles the drawing of all the triangles including texturing, the CPU doesn't have to do anything different with both kinds of textures, so I don't think you should get another frame rate penalty.


  7. Fionn, I think you've misunderstood me again.

    I in fact did understand your post denying the frame rate counter with a wink.gif.

    I can understand why the pictures were edited, especially after Madmatt's explanation why the numbers were inaccurate.

    I did not mean you were covering up something illegal or whatever.

    I do not plan on never visiting CMHQ again (that is, if you'll let me in again).

    I do apologize for my words if they have made you or Madmatt mad (which they have apparently done, although they weren't meant to). I guess sometimes I have a far too serious tone in my posts. Again, I'm sorry for that.


    [This message has been edited by Dschugaschwili (edited 02-24-2000).]

  8. Fionn, just two things:

    1. I was quite sure Madmatt had edited the pictures, not you. It wasn't an offense against you.

    2. I don't blame anyone for editing a picture before publishing it, although it shouldn't be called screenshot then (although on second thought, you actually don't call them screenshots, just pics redface.gif). What I meant was that I can understand people getting frustrated when they discover a supposedly new feature in one of the POTDs, ask about it on the forum, every official denies knowledge about it (although with a wink.gif) and the pictures are replaced by new ones with "newer, and even more improved smoke". This kind of behavior is exactly what people hate about politics trying to cover up an affair.

    I understand that you're probably under NDA and must not give away too much information, but you should also try to understand all the people out there trying to get as much information as possible out of everything that's published regarding CM (like somebody said in another thread: "analyze every word in your postings like economists analysing a speech by Alan Greenspan"). All I want is honesty in this information.

    Again, no offense against you or Madmatt.


    [This message has been edited by Dschugaschwili (edited 02-23-2000).]

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

    "Frame rate counter? What is that? wink.gif "

    could be correctly interpreted as a simple joke confirming the presence of a frame rate counter in a joking manner by a half-blind and mad syphillitic with an F in common sense.


    Oh come on Fionn, you don't have to take it that hard either. While I did understand your joke, I don't think editing out a not yet announced feature in a picture after somebody noticed it is good style. Such actions will make people suspicious.

    And now, let's drop this topic.


    [This message has been edited by Dschugaschwili (edited 02-23-2000).]

  10. DesertFox:

    I think I must count that one as correct, although I was actually not referring to Jakob, but to Jossif Wissarionowitsch.

    I think I'll give 9 cool.gif for it.


    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

    He of the walking towards the fence to stop being questioned fame wink.gif


    What the...

    Can anybody tell me what that means confused.gif

  11. I knew that "willy" thing would show up sooner or later mad.gif

    So let's sum it up:

    -5 cool.gif for breaking the adult content rules

    +5 cool.gif for creativity on the other parts


    0 cool.gif

    Sorry, no prize for you wink.gif


    [This message has been edited by Dschugaschwili (edited 02-17-2000).]

  12. Well, I guess it had to happen sometime. smile.gif

    One of my PBEM opponents just asked me what Dschugaschwili means. As I'm curious how many of you know the answer, I offer 10 cool.gif for the first one to tell me.

    Let the guessing begin!


    PS: Very creative, original or funny guesses might be awarded some extra points. wink.gif

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