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Posts posted by Dschugaschwili

  1. Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

    My understanding is that CM doesn't model gun elevation and depression limits. I think maybe the Stug doesn't really have LOS to that particular spot and won't fire - like when you area target with a mortar to a spot that is not within LOS. I am sure Scott already thought of this. I have had not noticed any problems myself.

    I'm pretty sure that CM does model gun elevation and depression limits. So this may well be the cause of the problem. Perhaps somebody should run a test on this subject (I can't do it myself now because I'm at work).


  2. Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

    My understanding is that CM doesn't model gun elevation and depression limits. I think maybe the Stug doesn't really have LOS to that particular spot and won't fire - like when you area target with a mortar to a spot that is not within LOS. I am sure Scott already thought of this. I have had not noticed any problems myself.

    I'm pretty sure that CM does model gun elevation and depression limits. So this may well be the cause of the problem. Perhaps somebody should run a test on this subject (I can't do it myself now because I'm at work).


  3. On this Luchs/Lynx issue, I suggested this name change a long time ago (even before the gold demo, I think). If I remember correctly, the reason why they used "Lynx" was that "Luchs" doesn't sound good for english speakers if they try to pronounce it the english way. Oh well, never mind.


  4. Originally posted by David Aitken:

    You can cancel any order you're about to give with the Space Bar. Say your FO has called in a fire mission, you press T to retarget, but then change your mind, you press Space before you click to confirm that target, ie. while the targetting line is still attached to the cursor.


    You can also press "L" before clicking the target. This changes to the LOS tool, and clicking anywhere while in LOS mode doesn't give any orders. Works fine for me.


  5. Have you tried to play a PBEM game against yourself to see if you can get corrupted files without sending them through a mail client? If your files get corrupted without having left your computer even once, there's probably something seriously wrong with your system.

    Some random guesses:

    - If it only happens with files you receive via e-mail, you (and the sender) might want to check for viruses.

    - Do you have multiple OSes installed on your HD? I once managed to create overlapping partitions, so everytime I started one OS, the data from the other one became corrupted.

    Try to get a better hold on where your files get corrupted. This makes the search much easier.


  6. Well, I guess the german player almost has to buy a Puma or a similar vehicle. I don't have the exact numbers with me at the moment, but I think it is now impossible to buy an Axis combined arms attack force without spending some points for vehicles (at least if you want to spend all your points). This might be a problem because German vehicles have to be handled VERY carefully if you're facing an American force because of the .50 cal HMGs that might be standing everywhere.

    Perhaps the German player should be able to spend still a few points more on infantry in Combined Arms forces?


  7. Did a search, but couldn't find anything, although I think there was a thread about this bug before. Anyways, here we go:

    In a PBEM game I'm currently playing (still using version 1.05 because we started the game some time ago) I had an arty spotter start a barrage during the last second of a turn. The ammo count was reduced by 4 as expected, the "falling arty" sound played for a short time, but not a single shell landed anywhere. That's just 4 points of ammo fired into the void. If it was the kind of spotter with tons of ammo, I probably wouldn't care, but in this case...

    I haven't found anything about it in the 1.1 readme, and I can't play that turn again using 1.1 either because it's a PBEM game, so I don't know if this apparent bug is still in CM 1.1. Does anybody know something about it?


  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bullethead:

    Stalin said:

    It's not so simple. Shock wears off in a turn or 2, after which the tank goes back to turning its hull along with the turret. So you have to time your TC assassinations carefully. Do it too soon and you lose the "benefit" before you need to use it biggrin.gif


    I know. smile.gif And the additional problem is how to kill your TC without possibly damaging the entire vehicle. Any ideas?


  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bullethead:

    Another little tidbit: shocked tanks don't seem to rotate their hulls but only their turrets. So if you're still scared about this, just shoot your TCs smile.gif


    Now that's a great tactic! I guess from now on I will take a small gun with area fire to kill my TCs during the first turn before driving my tanks into combat. wink.gif


  10. What's the problem here anyways? If my opponent really wants to spend 225 points to get a tiny amount of information about my forces, I don't have any problems with that. Think about it that way: if the pilot has dropped the bomb on an infantry/support unit or a vehicle, it's now dead. If was a tank and it has survived, it might be anywhere by the time you can do something about it. If it was a pillbox, you don't get it with arty too. So does the crater tell you anything useful? Hardly.

    Just my 2 cents,


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