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Posts posted by Dschugaschwili

  1. What do you mean by "rendering through code"? Telling OpenGL to draw a set of Polygons?

    There are a couple of possibilities to make this look more nicely. For example, you can put all those vertices in a display list using glNewList ... glEndList blocks and just call those display lists later on (you still have to have the code somewhere to generate the display list).

    Another possibility (that can actually be combined with the first one) is to use vertex arrays. What you do is put all vertices you need for one object (or several objects) in an array and tell OpenGL which points it should use for drawing each polygon. You still need code to manage the drawing, but you can load object data from an external file more easily and it saves bandwidth, thus raising the drawing speed.

    Hope this helps,


  2. I was unsure if I should post the bug in detail because of the cheat potential, so I don't mind that you deleted the content of the message. wink.gif

    And yes, I wouldn't want to know about it either. eek.gif

    Good to know though that it has already been fixed.


    P.S.: I'm glad I found this one though, otherwise CM would have been the first strategy game where I had not found some low trick/bug. biggrin.gif

    [This message has been edited by Dschugaschwili (edited 01-17-2000).]

  3. Fionn, nothing to be sorry for.

    Regarding the Lynx/Luchs thing, as I thought about it (and I had plenty of time to do so because I didn't have internet access during the weekend frown.gif ) I came to the conclusion that I always thought (and still think) that calling vehicles animal names was a german idea. I mean, they're still called "Leopard II", "Marder" and so on.

    And you always seemed to call the german things by their german names here and in your AARs (Kampfgruppe and Nahverteidigungswaffe come to mind), so I figured calling Pz IIL "Lynx" might have been accidental.

    Oh well, never mind.


  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

    LOL Dschugaschwili, how the obvious is sometimes missed.

    PUMA is also an English word, as is Panther, Tiger etc...

    Check out the Pz II L and its development history. IT is the Lynx.


    Oops redface.gif

    For the development history, where should I know that from? I don't colloct historical data on just about everything related to weapons etc., I'm just a student of computer science who happens to like turn based strategy games and has somehow stumbled upon CM (can't remember how).

    So have mercy with me. smile.gif


  5. 1600x1200? frown.gif What kind of monitor do you all have. 21" or something like that?

    I've done some calculations for my 17" monitor and the result was that is can only display 1280x1024 physically. So having a resolution above that doesn't make sense.

    I suppose the same is true for the most of you too. So just forget about 1600x1200. tongue.gif

    By the way, I think CM uses a 800x600 resolution on my Voodoo2, and I don't complain about it. biggrin.gif

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

    Just yesterday I heard an Allied Engineer squad yell "The Bastards" at my advancing Lynx and Puma when I killed a bazooka team beside them..


    Lynx? confused.gif I always thought the German vehicles had german names. If this is a German vehicle and it's called Lynx in CM, you may want to check the name.

    Lynx is "Luchs" in German, by the way.


    [This message has been edited by Dschugaschwili (edited 01-14-2000).]

  7. Ha, this thread makes me feel really young again! cool.gif

    In the past couple of months I've gotten the impression that all computer gamers are about 10 years old nowadays. I was already feeling like an old man with my 23 years wink.gif

    I guess the older people get the more they enjoy those non- click-like-crazy-all-over-your-screen games.

    It's just sad that these games tend to require pretty much time frown.gif


  8. Ok, ok, I give up frown.gif

    It didn't really matter that much because I had already treated that StuG as dead because there was no way for it to get into combat again after it was immobilized (I think it shot once in the entire mission).

    By the way, I won that game without that StuG. The enemy forces surrendered somewhere around turn 20 after all their tanks and almost all their infantry except for the reinforcements were dead while I still had one StuG with plenty of ammo and quite a few infantry units left biggrin.gif

    It's just that I don't like loosing my tanks wink.gif

    Still, I suppose I would have been able to recover that StuG in an operation. Correct?

    [This message has been edited by Dschugaschwili (edited 01-11-2000).]

  9. I've played a Chance Encounter game with a friend recently (the first Chance Encounter game for both of us), and something strange happened: one of my StuGs bogged in and was immobilized shortly after before ever getting into a possible firing position. A couple of turns later it was abandoned by the crew. I know there was a mortar, a medium MG and a sherman crew to the side of the StuG that I didn't attack at that time. There were no other enemy troops in the area (don't tell me about fog of war, my troops in the church had a perfect view all around). He later told me he had targeted the StuG with his mortar.

    The question is: is this only very bad luck, or does a mortar have a decent chance of knoching out a StuG?

  10. Seems to be the right decision to me. You should however remember that overclocking an Athlon has a high probability to succeed, but is very hard to do (I don't even know whether it can be done without voiding your warranty; IIRC you have to open the CPU case frown.gif), so if you don't need the speed that badly, leave the CPU speed where it is.

    (actually I do play FPSes and I won't complain about the performance of my K6-2 333 + Voodoo 2 in Q3A, UT [and CM smile.gif], so you should be happy with an Athlon 500 wink.gif).

    [This message has been edited by Dschugaschwili (edited 12-22-99).]

  11. That's funny, I own a K6-2 333 too smile.gif.

    To answer the questions in short:

    The fastest processor you can put into your board should be the K6-III 450. And remember: the K6-III is quite a bit faster than the K6-2 because of an integrated full speed L2 cache.

    If the K6-III seems too slow for you, you should jump straight to an Athlon. You will need a new motherboard, but you would need a new one for the Pentium III too, and an Athlon + new board is cheaper AND faster than a Pentium III + new board.

  12. Well, time to post something myself.

    I also have this problem from time to time (though I am not able to reproduce it).

    I have a Monster 3D2 (Voodoo 2).

    The first time I had this problem (it started in the middle of a LD game against the AI and didn't go away for the rest of this game [save/load didn't help, nor did restarting the game or rebooting]) I was using DirectX 6.1 and the latest drivers from Diamond.

    Now I have installed DirectX 7 and the latest reference drivers from 3dfx and now the problem occurs (I think always) during the setup phase and disappears after that, although I don't know if it can still happen later in a game (haven't played CM much lately).

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