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Posts posted by Dschugaschwili

  1. This would need testing (which I can't do right now), but I guess that it's always the current LOS status that determines accuracy and delay. So moving into LOS would give you benefits, while getting smoked would penalize you.

    I'm pretty certain though that while your spotter is moving, the target is assumed to be out of LOS at least as far as the delay is concerned.

    But as I said, I'm not sure about any of my points.


  2. Originally posted by PondScum:

    Set up a hunt-and-reverse order, but add in two or three pauses, so that you only start hunting around the 40-50 second mark. The idea is that you try to get LOS and (and maybe a first shot off) just before the 60 second mark, while still in your hunt move.

    I usually prefer not to get a shot off before the end of the turn. That way you have a good chance that your tank hasn't been spotted yet, so you won't get targeted by something at the end of the turn and by everything at the start of the next one.


  3. How much work can it be? More like designing a scenario that contains interesting and never before shown features, looks good, and then playing a couple of turns (perhaps even multiple times if things don't go as planned), all the while constantly looking for opportunities for taking screen shots, writing some text explaining what can be seen in the screen shots, and perhaps additional info about the game design process that can't be shown in screen shots...

    This isn't done in anywhere near 5 minutes.

    Dschugaschwili (Greater Hero ;) )

  4. I don't think so. The HQ effects are hard to quantify for the morale, combat and stealth modifiers, but you can clearly see that squads don't get an additional command bonus from higher level HQ units if they are in control of their own platoon HQ, not even if the higher HQ has better modifiers.


  5. The effective armor depends on the projectile type and the armor slope.

    For hollow charge ammo (Bazooka, Panzerfaust, 'c' ammo from guns, etc.) the cosine rule is (apparently) used to determine effective armor thickness.

    For 'normal' ammo ('a' ammo from guns, probably also 'h' ammo) the cosine rule is quite accurate to about 40°, after that the effective armor is more than predicted by this formula.

    For 'special' ammo ('t' ammo from guns) sloped armor is even worse. Generally 't' ammo has better penetration than 'a' ammo from the same gun against slopes up to about 60°, and less against greater angles.


  6. I think redwolf has it right.

    Basically the rules are:

    - If you're being fired at, everything that increases the angle of impact on your own armor plates is good.

    - If you're firing at anything, everything that decreases the angle of impact on the enemy armor plates is good.

    Keep in mind that the armor slopes for most lower hull plates are actually negative.


  7. I think that infantry squads are pretty far down the priority list, so the behavior you experienced isn't all that surprising.

    Also I have found that tanks (or guns in general) tend to stick to area target orders longer than they keep single targets under fire, so targeting a house with a squad in it may give getter results than targeting the squad itself.


  8. I can't check it right now, so I'll try to answer from memory:

    1. Try holding down the shift key while starting CM. I know it's somewhere in the manual, so you can look it up yourself too.

    2. It's one of the 'open ground' textures. I don't know how the game decides if it should use the high- or low-res variant. So if you replace both texture sets with the ground texture of your choice, you should be fine. A search should turn up the file names.

    I hope this is correct and it helps.


  9. Originally posted by fytinghellfish:

    Or any time period against any time period.. like taking Panzer Is against JS-3s, if I felt like it. I think CMBB won't allow that. If Elefants were only on the Eastern Front from X to Y, then you don't get to use them at any other time. What if that timeline doesn't coincide with what I want to play against?

    Petty request, I know. But still...

    You just have to design a scenario to do this. You can even try this now in CMBO. Create a scenario, set the date to 6/44, include a 14" spotter. Then, change the date to 5/45 and select a Pershing. Then choose whatever date you like and take more units. It's that easy.

    So you'll get your request, but probably not for QBs.


  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mattias:

    The AAR was what drew me in here in the first place smile.gif


    Same for me. I don't even know anymore where I first heard about CM, but being able to follow a CM battle long before even the beta demo was released was the main thing that caught my interest. :cool:


  11. So I guess the real 'bug' is the fact that you were able to relocate the Pak between battles. It seems that equipment that was abandoned in a battle and re-manned later is made partially new.

    It's still the old one in the sense that immobile equipment is automatically re-spotted before the next battle, but a new unit in the sense that you can place it where you want.

    If we agree that the large guns cannot be repositioned, not even between battles, then re-manned guns should be padlocked in their previous positions during setup.


  12. The trajectory (meaning the change of the shell's direction in flight) is not figured into the angle of impact in CM. I've asked this question before and Charles responded that way. I can't find the thread anymore (I found a link to it in a previous thread, but it was broken, probably when archiving the old threads), but I'm sure about it.


  13. The trajectory (meaning the change of the shell's direction in flight) is not figured into the angle of impact in CM. I've asked this question before and Charles responded that way. I can't find the thread anymore (I found a link to it in a previous thread, but it was broken, probably when archiving the old threads), but I'm sure about it.


  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by redwolf:

    Only artillery and mortars can score top hits (and probably *only* top hits besides their HE blast effect when falling besides a vehicle).<hr></blockquote>

    Airplanes can score top hits too. I once had a PzIV destroyed by fire from the plane's MGs/cannons. It was labeled as a top penetration.


  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by redwolf:

    Only artillery and mortars can score top hits (and probably *only* top hits besides their HE blast effect when falling besides a vehicle).<hr></blockquote>

    Airplanes can score top hits too. I once had a PzIV destroyed by fire from the plane's MGs/cannons. It was labeled as a top penetration.


  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mattias:


    In real life a decimated group would join the rest of the platoon and a decimated platoon the rest of the company, if the moral didn?t break down completely. This ?automatic? reforming of units has been deemed marginally out of CM?s scope and would no doubt pose a little problematic to code into the game.


    I think the reforming of units is already in the game, but only for operations. Recently I had a severely beaten up platoon at the end of one battle (1 squad eliminated, two at half strength, HQ still alive) and at the start of the next battle both squads were united into one full squad.

    I don't think this is done at a higher level though.


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