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Chris Jenkins

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Everything posted by Chris Jenkins

  1. After the TC/IP patch is out, I am hoping that they start on CM II. new OOBs new weather conditions new terrain (mud, piles of rubble) Partially destroyed buildings new building fighting sniper teams trenches anti-tank ditches rail cars as cover destroyed vehicles available in editor sewer movement four-story buildings men on the roof human waves russian confusion if the CO is eliminated penal troops mine dogs hand placed anti-tank charges commissars 75% and 100% fanaticism unarmed troops partisans NKVD blocking detachments new river rules bridge building operations bigger maps group moves for vehicles computer vs. computer replay entire battles and a partridge in a pear tree ------------------ "Rinky dinky stinky thinky" [This message has been edited by Chris Jenkins (edited 08-20-2000).] [This message has been edited by Chris Jenkins (edited 08-20-2000).]
  2. Yep, that was it. I thought the series was quite good. It was more built around the new information and oral history than the entire history of the operation. That would have to be like "The World at War," but devoted only to the Eastern Front.
  3. US intelligence is saying that there has never been any tapping. What's next, live missiles on board? These Russian Navy people are dangerous.
  4. Who saw tonight's episode? Giving that boy a sack of excrement to eat was insane. The Ukraine sure took it on the chin in that war.
  5. There is a companion book for sale with these photos. There are even more of Hitler and company. Amazing, they seem more real, more threatening in color.
  6. Yep, I watched it twice, myself! ------------------ "Rinky dinky stinky thinky"
  7. Just saw the first episode of "War of the Century." It was fantastic! I felt that the document evidence was very revelatory. Who else saw it? ------------------ "Rinky dinky stinky thinky"
  8. Man, I thought CM was great on my dad's PII 400. Now my 700 with the Prophet video card, it ROCKS! I'm thinking that with the average speed of the average customer's processor getting better, we might expect a bit more from CM2. ------------------ "Rinky dinky stinky thinky"
  9. I agree with Lebo. The best and worst people in your life will be in the Army. It is a world of extremes. Parades and mudholes, parties and rainstorms. Go Military Intelligence, the bonus money is the best, as are the people and working conditions. There are also tracks to Warrant Officer. Promotions are FAST. If you are thinking about 20 years and a degree, MI is the way to go. The training can count towards your degree, and you'll have time (garrison time) to get one. Ask your recruiter about MOS 97B. ------------------ "Rinky dinky stinky thinky"
  10. I am obsessed with WWII, am majoring in WWII History, but never got through the ASL rulebook. Thanks for CM! ------------------ "Rinky dinky stinky thinky"
  11. Sorry, bud, there is no way. I went through every single .bmp for the game and did not find them. Cool to see how the game works, though. ------------------ "Rinky dinky stinky thinky"
  12. I have already sent the Finnish names list to BTS. ------------------ "Rinky dinky stinky thinky"
  13. 10th Mountain 1989-1991. Infantry, but I got to work at staff. Hey, Bailey, did you know CPT Hiles, CPT Maisano or Major England? Miss the people (most of them) but not the BS and wako mind games. ------------------ "Rinky dinky stinky thinky"
  14. You guys rule! To think people were bailing when the ASL deal fell through. Where are those people? ------------------ "Rinky dinky stinky thinky"
  15. I was thinking the same thing! It must be Koenig. I hear that Ed Harris is playing him in "Enemy at the Gates."
  16. Glad to see you guys are going to use Glantz as a reference. GLANTZ RULES! ------------------ "Rinky dinky stinky thinky"
  17. Nope, this is a new version on TNT. They played that movie afterwards, though.
  18. Mission accomplished! ------------------ "Rinky dinky stinky thinky"
  19. Here's an idea. When a HQ unit is reduced to one soldier, any command radius bonus is removed. This would be easier from a coding perspective, and would represent a commander being his own RTO. Imperfect, but yet another improvement. ------------------ "Rinky dinky stinky thinky"
  20. I have to disagree with the idea that there aren't many radios below platoon level. In my platoon, the PL had one, and so did each squad. The platoon back then had (I think) a PL, PSG, RTO, and runner at HQ. ------------------ "Rinky dinky stinky thinky"
  21. I the BTS people could post an advertisement poster on this site that didn't eat-up tons of color ink, I think the forum folks would plaster the world with them. ------------------ "Rinky dinky stinky thinky"
  22. Carmina Burana! Also, it's good to play Doom to The Tiujuana Brass. Nothing like watching the barrel rock back and forth to the Mexican Hat Dance. I am thinking of using "I am Woman" and the rest of Ann Murray's greatest hits. The Bee Gees would also bring an air of ironic travesty to the experience. ------------------ "Rinky dinky stinky thinky"
  23. Yes, quite right. AI vs AI would be a welcome addition to this most welcome game. ------------------ "Rinky dinky stinky thinky"
  24. Just wondering what BTS's plans were for patches. After the next and then the TC/IP, will work begin on CM2? ------------------ "Rinky dinky stinky thinky"
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