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Boris Balaban

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Everything posted by Boris Balaban

  1. Have you run a word search on it. BTS has given an estimated date of about a month or 2 as I remember.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Martyr: I want to send a big thanks to Charles and Steve for making this game happen. I can hardly believe it! Where were you when you first heard of CM? I think I saw a note on a newsgroup, back in the summer of '98, that there was a "computer conversion of ASL in the works" from a group affiliated with Avalon Hill. So much has changed since then, and all of it for the better. I remember the controversy about the first screen shots--obviously, BTS has the last laugh against the doubters! Again, thanks, guys. I can't wait to see the real thing.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It was such a long time ago I think for me it was through AH first talked about joining with another company to look into making what is now Combat Mission. I went to thier web site and now it is BTS who is going to publish it. I hope Combat Mission is as succsefull for BTS as Panzer Blitz was for AH.
  3. Thats OK When I show people the game I will let them know. Other games are the same way.
  4. Will the patch work for the demo ? If not so I know to explain to the person I give the Gold Demo to try so they know what is missing .
  5. I brought this question up before for a different reason but Steve brought up a good point that in a campaign game (like CMMC) you will not want to through away any men if you could pull them out. Right? If you win the field of battle, no question on MG crews down to 1 man for they become immobilized and they will come back (some how) for the next battle. If you lose the field of battle will you also loose if any MG crews that are down to 1 man? I guess the answer will be he becomes a prisoner of war. I hope not. In CM2 can MGs down to 1 man be helped (if only to move them) by extra crews or crews that lost their gun or mortar men who used up their rounds?
  6. Yes box covers are Evil. Boxes take up shelf space. The bigger the box the more space is used up. How many trees were cut down to provide the evil box? All the games I bought I removed them from thier evil box and only return the manule and CD to the evil box when I have no interest playing the game.
  7. They may have been. After all they did take out a 105 at about 100 meters. They will get the German Cross.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kevin Peltz: Get together with your friend and decide who wants to control what. You get "A" company and he gets "B" for example. One of you start the game vs the AI and plot the orders for just the units you/him control. Save what you have done (without hitting GO), and send to the other party. They plot for their men, and then hit GO. They then save and return the save for you/him to view. And continue in this fashion. Just a thought...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I too have though of doing it that way and you can also play 2 against 2. The only draw back is the play back video only one person will see it (I think I got it right)
  9. It was not a bad game. One time I missed out on this game for I was in a small club in Hollywood Florida and they got 3 games one was the referee and the other 2 were the combatants and they told me it was very good fore the FOW was in play. Like steping into the street turning right and you see you the enamy with thier back to you and you must decide what to do.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: Boris, you have to remember that looking at one or two instances means little when you are talking about stuff like "atomatic behavior". To even suggest such behavior you need to be very, very, very (and even one more ), VERY sure that this is the right thing *all* the time. Not many things pass this test. I don't know exactly why your Schreck team didn't hit the dirt, but knowing how the code works the odds are that they would have gone to ground. My guess is that they were attempting to get a killing shot on that Sherman, but they lost the challenge. They might have been Fanatic, wich would make them more likely to risk a shot in a dangerous situation. Next time you play pay attention to how many guys hit the dirt on their own when under enemy fire and you will see for yourself that most of the time this is what happens. The example you cited is just that... one example, and therefore statistically irrelevant. Steve [This message has been edited by Big Time Software (edited 06-04-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thank you for your explanation. You have given me a better understanding on what goes on in the game.
  11. Does any body remember the game Sniper? It came out in the 70’s. WW2 base game. Back in the 70’s you could subscribe to a by monthly war gaming magazine and you got a board game every time (over 33 years ago) and one of the games was Sniper. Would it not be a good game for BTS at a later date to explore to develop? It was a platoon size game (if I have it right, 1 to 12 men).
  12. All of you have good points. I realy did not want to include regular infantry in my question (I should have taken my time typing it up) but it was for MGs and Zooks/Panzerschrecks. The situation I had is my Panzerschreck unit took over a minute to get a kill on the Sherman 105 and I had 2 men still and 2 rounds left. The other 105 at over 300 meters now directed his fire on my team and they were still in the fox hole and stayed in it for the remainder of the turn (about 40 seconds) and as I replayed the video they did not try to hide (which I think it would give them better odds against getting a man killed) or run. At the end of that turn I had two dead heroes for the Father Land. Now maybe I am expecting too much for the game to do for I am an old board gamer and have played SL, ASL, Sniper, and Tobruk and games like that.
  13. After using up your ammo it would be be nice to see the unit HIDE or WITHDRAW in that turn. Also if you have destroyed your target or elimnated it or it can not be fired on your unit should go into hiding if enemy fire is directed at him (this mostly applies to the foot soldier).
  14. I hope they start delivery soon to have it in our hands for the 6th of June .
  15. Waterloo, Ontario. For scenarios on Dieppe would you not wait for CM2 for it would have the amour and infantry units? You can still get the research done until then.
  16. How about Waterloo? Nice little town 1 hour from Toronto.
  17. I to had the same problem with my flamethrower for I told them to flame an abandoned 150mm gun and they did. They were so good in following orders that they expended all 6 rounds of fuel in 60 seconds. The next time I get a flamethrower in position I will see if the pause command will slow there expenditure of fuel. What I was trying is to destroy the gun after the crew had abandoned it (waist of time and fuel).
  18. If there is enough interest in buying it. Maybe Steve you could make up the manual and sell it?
  19. I have email from them and it is Maine.
  20. Matt can you please add my experience. I was playing CE on the German side about turn 10 and a Panzerschreck team unloaded 3 rounds in a Sherman tank and never scored a kill but had 3 hits. After that the Sherman had his turret stuck in a 45 degree to the right and never used his main gun (some kind of ring shot I think) he only used the Bow MG. Boris Balaban
  21. If I recall on the recovery of AFVs in campaigns is you have to WIN THE FIELD OF BATTLE and your vehicles depending how bad it is it will be replaced by a new one. So if you get the enemy to abandon his vehicle keep shooting at it untill it is destroyed for the enamy will not get a replacement for it in the next battle.
  22. Did you try using the +\- keys to get control of him? May be he was routed after moving into the plastered bunker and he was hiding?
  23. When you are down to 1 man in a HMG squad can you use any other squads or crews to get him into cover?
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