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Tactical Wargamer

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Posts posted by Tactical Wargamer

  1. I heard of some people using the board game Air & Armor by West End Games for the operational gaming of a CMSF campaign that was in development.

    Alas, it got too ambitious for the principal people developing the framework for the campaign and it fell by the wayside, but the concept was sound.

    Hmm have to try that one. On Vassal I take it? What is the scale? Looking for company/battalion level modern cold war vassal modules. Hard to find surprisingly :)

  2. No need for an 'username', just click on the 'Submit a Ticket' link and fill out the forms. The contact is via email (and you can check the site in case there are email problems).

    The 'error -18' isn't really documented with the the information we have. More than likely you will need to have your license key 'reset' to allow for another activation. You will need to provide your license key for the Marines module (which seems to be the one generating your 'error -18').

    You may want to familiarize yourself with the 'unlicensing' process. This preserves your activation and should be done BEFORE you make any significant changes to your computer (new/changed hardware, reinstalling Windows, etc.). If you make significant changes to your computer without unlicensing first, then you can run into error codes and 'lose' your activation (each license key comes with two initially). When this happens a 'reset' is necessary to restore an activation.

    ok thanks sir. I guess I was working on the old rules of 4 installations.....still get a reset installation every year?

  3. ok looked up the codes don't see anything like an 18? hmmm

    3 Error on license servers.

    -4 Error in parsing data returned from license servers.

    -9 The connection to the license servers has timed out.

    -10 A connection to the license servers could not be established.

    -11 Windows sockets initialization failed.

    -12 Error

    8 License installation failure.

    11 There are no licenses currently available for this Order ID.

    23 "Sorry, could not get a license at this time..."

    501 License Key not found.

    96 License installation failure.

    97 License installation failure.

    98 License installation failure.

    999 Unknown Error

    12004 Request date is invalid. Check your system clock. Processing terminated.

  4. OK purchased originally when it came out. Is there a step by step instructions on what I have to install and in what order. Have all the add-ons except the Brits.

    Is it possible to still D/L the game from your site or do I have to dig around for an old flash drive I have saved on?

    Wonder if one provides ones license is there a option for a small charge just to get a more modern package with one or two installs? Always a pain when trying to put all the pieces back in order for this fine product.

  5. Hey guys, our small LAN gaming group is looking to do an operational game with CMSF. We have done this with some VASSAL WWII games in the past. Little bit of spread sheets/record keeping but lots of fun playing out the more interesting tactical battles using CMBN.

    Question any recommendations for the operational layer to use for CMSF. Should we go with any of the vassal board games? If so do you have any in the modern era 1980's onward you could recommend. One of your favorite board games?

    OR should we look at any computer ones you can think of? Red Storm? Not sure on the CMPzC - is it difficult to setup and run?


  6. RCMP,

    You've been around long enough to know there is a ban on commercial links like that one. If I were you, I'd pull it immediately before you get docked for it. Just mentioning the name of the product is enough; if people are interested in it, they can look it up on their own. I'd hate to see you get in trouble if you only meant to perform a service.


    ooops sorry about that....thought it was ok in the General discussion pages if I wasn't selling something....obviously I am wrong. Sorry to dissappoint you Michael. Will remove.

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