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Tactical Wargamer

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Posts posted by Tactical Wargamer

  1. "STRONG POINTS" Seem them all the time in maps and writings. Just curious what would be in a typical (ok maybe there was not a typical) strong point in say the Juno area?

    IIRC we only have concrete bunkers for infantry. No stronger emplacements for guns except tranches?

    Any aerial shots of a strong point people might have.

    Thanks as always guys!

  2. Ten to one the Bulge title will ship with an all-new user interface as well as winter terrain. The trees and bushes etc will mostly all have to be redone for example. As far as the models are concerned, they'll probably need to redo all the soldier models so that they sport winter kit with greatcoats, etc. The winter camo for the vehicles is probably the least of their worries (except for the artists of course)

    I really, REALLy don't see any way BFC can put out a Bulge title without nighttiime illumination either as it will span the NW European winter when the days are only 6-7 hours long. And I know that I, for one, am going to expect to see Fire in that title. That will be an enormous coding effort and I'd expect them to want to be reimbursed for their work rather than put it out for a measly $25.

    Now the East Front. I wish they'd do it as one title with an enormous number of modules as I'd love to make the granddaddy of all campaigns: a four year epic covering a single company's fortunes from the opening of Barbarossa to the Fall of Berlin . Never going to happen but I can dream... :)

    Don't forget the possbile WEGO or "pausable" MP games would be a nice reason also for a new engine re-work :)

  3. My recollection is that the very first assault wave on Juno had no armour on landing because the DDs couldn't swim ashore through the rough seas. Of course piles of armour was landed shortly after, but in those first critical minutes the assault troops were fighting on their own against largely intact German weapon positions... That is what people are referring to when they state that there was no tank support at Juno, I believe. The Queen's Own Rifles at Nan beach in particular took a lot of casualties as a result of having to fight unsupported, as I recall...

    Ok Right O. I just have to see if in a scenario for say the QOR's (which is the oldest regiment in North America by the way) in a 30-60 minutes scenario when the tanks realistically should show on the beaches? If at all in that time period.

  4. Great that was good.

    That is the source I was using just wasn't too sure on the 8th brigade. So in essence they were not in the first wave. I wonder though when any tank support showed up or at all. Later that morning possibly? Doing a scenario on the 8th and it is for the first hour. Their is some discussion that tanks (DDs?) where on the beach in the first hour......just can't find any sources for this :)


  5. Just noticed a quick posting on my facebook from one of our wargamers. Any comments I can send back to him? Re. The King Tiger.

    re. the latest screen CW screen shots.


    "Looks interesting, and maybe it's the angle but the hull of the Bengal Tiger on frame 10 looks a little squat for 21 feet. (33 feet with gun forward)"

  6. It's been a game breaker for me. CMBN 2 player RT is a farce and cant be done effectively - my regular opponent and I tried it and it failed dismally. I think it is a great pity that a step backwards was taken here and it wasnt a priority for BF to keep a wego 2 player online option going, but there we go - it happened.

    I bought the game but have therefore now migrated to other wargames. BF have my money but they have lost a fair slice of my customer loyalty. Seems to me that when a sequel to a game is brought out - even with a new engine - an effort should be made to keep the methods of play similar and the customer base strong. BF I think decided to reach out to a new customer base without sufficient regard for their existing one, the one that made their name in the first place.

    There isnt even a pause button to allow manufactured wego online - an amazing decision and indicative of how little regard they had for the online 2 player community. PBEM still works fine of course, but wego was the revolutionnary system that made CM unique, and 2 player unique wego gaming was a blast - fantastic stuff.

    Drop box isnt the same - doubles the amount of time to play a game. It's just manufactured pbem.

    Altogether very disappointing.

    Couldn't agree with you more. It was a major disappointment for many. I thought after CMSF they would bring it back. Sadly no.

    That being said I would encourage you to stick with CMBN....if we don't they will feel no need to implement such important features.... Although there are a few competitors I don't think you will find any thing better on the market....Ostfront has all the MP options but the UI and gameplay is not really all that close to CMBN.

    I really think Steve wants to implement some sort of superiour MP options.

    I have resorted to playing multiple hot seat games with our LAN group (mind you I did that also with Flight Commander 2 in the early 90's from battlefront :D).

    Lets hope the next engine will have it built in some option than just realtime action fest. Old guys like me in the 40's just can't handle anything more that maybe a platoon on a good day.

  7. It's a struggle to get into social media tech like Facebook of you're over 35-40 I think...

    Am struggling to learn various social media to determine business applications, and it's just not intuitive to me. I just don't think the way that most social media requires. And you have to have an inordinate amount of trust re putting personal info on the web. I guess one had to have started when it was just a hook-up tool for college kids.


    hear ya......I am 42 and the youngest in the group. I had to do it or else :)

  8. Thanks for the excellent suggestion, Cogust!

    For casualty tracking -- yes, I use a spreadsheet. I've made a Cyberboard module for my Panzer Grenadier operational game, because I like the way Cyberboard lets you attach any sort of text note to a unit counter (great for keeping track of casualties, leaders, logging what the unit has done so far, etc.)

    Good to know I was using vassal... Thanks

  9. I'm planning on using the boardgame Panzer Grenadier: Beyond Normandy to run a brigade-level operational layer for my CMBN battles once the new module comes out.

    I'm trying to decide the best way to mesh the two games. The boardgame is platoon scale, 200m per hex, and has 15 minutes per turn.

    Option A (most obvious one I thought of first):

    Pick a battalion in the boardgame and cordon off that sector of the map, then just fight that battalion's battle in 4-hour increments in CMBN. After each increment, stop and run the boardgame to "re-sync" things, then resume the next 4-hour CMBN battle with that battalion. (The full Operation Epsom scenario in the boardgame runs 26 hours of 15-minute game-turns)

    Any other ways that anyone can think of that might work better? Open to ideas.

    I am doing the same thing. Using the Battle of Normandy game....It is at the battalion level. Each hex we use a generic style of map. Battles are usually 30mins (beach), 1 hour for inland hexes.

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