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Posts posted by ChrisND

  1. Hey Honch,

    I have suspended work on my AI until some patches improve the basic AI, give global variables, and make more options available. Once that is completed, I will be more than happy to adapt the AI to your scenario. I love the custom scenario and play it often.

    Also, if you do decide to go ahead and put in my old AI, make sure you add in a Netherlands script to go along with the Axis attack on Belgium, or else they will only attack Belgium in early 40.

  2. OK, here is the ongoing report of my game with a prototype of the scenario. Settings are AI exp +2, expert setting. Date of start is July 1943, I am Allies. I will update this post as I progress.

    July 1943 - Dec 1943:

    The British spend a few monthes repairing their shattered navy and what is left of their army and air force. The Canadians and American ground forces present at turn one immediately set sail for West Africa, where they will invade Vichy by land. America throws points into most techs, hoping to get ahead and stay of Germany on the tech curve. Germany diplomacy hits are seen on Portugal and Sweden. In October an intel report states that Germany is negotiating with Persia for a narrow strip of land connecting Russia with Iraq, so I throw some diplomacy chits into Persia to hopefully change their mind.

    Meanwhile in the east, things will be quiet for awhile as the Russians eyeball German troops on the Urals with the remaints of their air force, and quietly rebuild their industrial capacity.

    The invasion of West Africa goes so-so for the Allies, as they are hampered by bad supply until the capital is captured. However, the Spanish city and an Italian corps in a fortified square just south of Gibraltor put up stiff resistance, aided by a massive and experienced German/Spanish/Italian air fleet based around Gibraltor. The punishing air power destroys two US corps in one turn, and with the Bismarck, Tirpitz, and U-boats hovering outside the port, reinforcements are slow to come. The Allies withdraw until bad weather hits and more air power can be transferred into Africa.

    Meanwhile a U-boat battle off the coast of the States and Canada begins, along with harrassment from German bombers stationed in the Azores. If the Allies are going to keep West Africa and get a solid foothold in Europe, they are going to have win the U-boat war and somehow kill the fortified German bomber squadron stationed at the Azores. A joint US/Canadian/British battle fleet departs North America to attack the Azores. A major sea battle is brewing...

    And now I go to bed. Will be continued.

    June 44:

    I dispatch Patton with a medium sized force to travel around South Africa and hit Somalia. A lead force of Indian troops seize a port on the Horn to pave the way.

    Meanwhile in the Atlantic, the sudden appearence of TEN German u-boats threatens to cut my North Africa troops off from reinforcements. Even with lvl 3 ASW my cruisers are hard-pressed to keep them at bay.

    August 44:

    Patton and Platt land in Ethiopa and make their to the capital. I think I'm being sneaky, until my force runs smack into Rommel, the Afrika Korps, and three Italian armies. Oops! Time to make a run for it!

    Meanwhile on the Atlantic front Morocco is invaded, I beat back the subs with substantial cruiser damage, I lose a Brit carrier (Doh!), and I take the Azores.

    [ October 10, 2006, 08:48 PM: Message edited by: Normal Dude ]

  3. Been working on this one for a little while now, it incorporates most of the stuff people have been harking for in the forum.


    - Full set of functional AI. Timskorn's Allied AI and my Axis AI.

    - To give a defender some advantage, I have increased the adjacent enemy unit movement penalty from +1 to +2. It is now harder to skirt around/through enemy lines are will.

    - Although the map size is the original size (140x36 or something like that), many of Honch's excellent map changes have been implemented.

    - Artillery has now replaced rockets, and at lower tech levels represents massed fire support units. At higher tech levels it can represent this or rockets, or even rail guns. Strike range is 2 for lvl 0. Cost set at 250. At any rate, the bitmap and arty attack sound are cool enough to be worth it. smile.gif

    - Naval combat VERY much re-worked. Navys are now no longer a mere land-bombardment force, battleships and cruisers at tech 0 start with land attack and strategic attack values of 1 for BB and 0 for CA, and land units have had their naval defense increased. If you want to do more than control your sea lanes, better start researching Gun Laying Radar. And to make that is a better option, the tech level limit for gun laying is now 3, and the costs of all ships has been reduced. Also, all attack values involved with subs and against subs have been reduced, as well as sub cost reduced to 200.

    - Air power: most units get higher air defense values.

    - Minors: All minor nation unit costs have been decreased by approx 25%, some modifications have been made to build limits. Most Minor HQs can be built without a soft limit. Small fleets added to most sea-adjacent nations (1-3 str cruisers) Crete goes to Brits when Greece falls and they get a unit there. Working on allowing some minor nation units to become Free-French-like units if they manage to escape, so Axis better not invade with minimal forces! Also looking at the Axis possibly getting bonus units with certain countries.

    - Research: Some costs increased, max chits that can be put on a tech are 3 (Thanks to Blashy for that great idea). I think this might even make Intelligence more useful. Infantry weapons and anti-tank weapons now go to tech level 5, and Germans start with Infantry Weapons 2.

    - An entire set of Swiss scripts added in. If either side gets the Swiss to 50% their alignment, they start getting Swiss financial aid in the form of a Swiss convoy w/ some oil fields I stuck up near Greenland (Dont try to conquer it, it's inaccessible). If Germany decides to take the Swiss by force, there is a chance that they may seize the overseas funds in time, or it may go to the British or Americans!

    - Loved Honch's Balkans scripts so much I put them in. I think it makes the Balkans a more attractive target now.

    - Turkey is now still an option for the Axis, but now a daunting one. Turks are now 0% Allied (Thanks Blashy), DoW on them has severe diplomatic consequences, they have fortifications set up with units entrenched, extra units w/ HQ, and they have partisan scripts.

    - Random stuff: Railheads on, normalized MMP production (14 days).

    This is a mere sampling of the changes made (I can't think of the rest off the top of my head). Anything you want to see in here, let me know by all means.

  4. Enjoy.

    READ ME:


    This mod of the vanilla 1939 Fall Weiss scenario presents a completely re-worked Axis AI script set.

    Recommended settings:

    - Beginning Player: +0% - +50% difficulty, 0 to 0.5 Exp bonus.

    - Experienced Player: +50% to 100% difficulty, 1.0/1.5 Exp bonus.

    - Advanced Player: Max the difficulty and bonus.

    NOTE: To ensure an entertaining game, please do not take advantage of AI shortcomings or use "gamey" moves that the AI cannot counter.

    NOTE: Do not play against the Allied AI. All Allied AI scripts have been deleted.

    NOTE: DO NOT NOT NOT interfere with the Axis corps in the corner of the map. These are functioning as the global variables, and if

    messed with will ruin the game.


    1. Global variables direct the AI behavior.

    1. The AI will now react defensively to Western Allied aggressions.

    2. AI will make several strategic decisions on conquests to be made after France, and how to conduct Barbarossa.

    3. Randonmess scripts built in - it will not be the same strategy everytime.

    4. AI will pursue diplomacy variably. Possible diplomacy targets range from the Swiss to the Turks to the Spanish... and more. AI will

    also use counter-diplomacy and use diplomacy based on the strategic situation.

    5. Purchasing and research scripts re-worked. German AI now buys/researchs a quite capable combined arms force with emphasis on tanks.

    6. Several typos in script fixed (Credit: Rclawson)

    7. Sealion scripts MAJORLY overhauled (Credit: Blashy)


    1. Naval AI.

    2. Upgrading.

    3. Choosing which units are selected for a plan or garrisons.

    4. AI combat decisions (Which units to hit, when to pull back, etc)


    1. A much more sophisticated air and naval strategy (planning, purchasing, and research) once a patch gives more script control over these areas.

    2. Further tweaking and refinement of the global variable behavior.

    3. Refinement of the Italian North Africa AI.


    Feel free to use this mod in your custom scenarios, to improve, borrow scripts from, etc.

    Comments, suggestions, errata, mistakes etc please email paintman1066@hotmail.com

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