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Posts posted by ChrisND

  1. Updates:

    Replaced the theme music with "Blood on the Risers". :D

    Added in custom sound correct for modern-age weapons, and some other custom sounds.

    Enhanced the bitmap images with some image software, they look three times better than the previous ones.

    Created modern city and town bitmaps, using SimCity. :D

    Terrain Changes:

    Cities are now large American cities, with enough infrastructure and airplane runways to accommodate operating/rebasing.

    Oil squares are now medium cities, that cannot be operated/rebased to.

    Mines are now small cities.

    Since there are no depression squares on this map, I want to change the depressions to another terrain type. I was thinking of "rough" terrain like foothills, rocky desert, etc, that would be between clear and mountains in their characteristics. If you have an idea for this, let me know!

    Fortresses are now military bases and/or air bases. They will have terrain characteristics of a small city, but with operating/rebasing capability.

  2. Also, American "air fleets" will be split into tactical and strategic.

    Low level tactical "air fleets" will be air-defense units - no offensive capability but can intercept. Up the tech ladder will be Helo Cav and tank buster wings.

    The strategic "air fleet" are fighter-jets.

    Also, I am going to experiment with an increased strike range of 2 squares for land units - it might simulate "stacking" rather nicely.

  3. Update:

    American Forces are 75% finished.

    The US military has been mapped down to the brigade level, and France and USA have been combined to give the USA plenty of troop types:

    Major HQ / Support:

    These are Corps / Army level HQs and support groups. They have an unlimited range for detachment support, and a high level of attachable units.

    TOC HQ / Support:

    These are divisional level HQs and support groups. They have a short range for attachment, and can attach to roughly one division of units.

    Military Police Brigades:

    Lowest level of infantry forces but still combat capable, but well motorized.

    Marine / Army / National Gaurd Infantry Brigades:

    Nuf said. These are lights that have only humvee/truck transport.

    Combat Engineer Brigades:

    The engineer brigades that accompany some of the infantry divisions. Combat capability, but take longer to build fortifications.

    Non-combat Engineer Groups:

    Very little combat capability, but can build fortifications quickly.

    Paratrooper Regiments:

    Nuf' said.

    Air Assault Regiments:

    Includes, the 101st and some brigades of the 25th and 10th Mountain divisions. In game terms they function like paratroopers.

    Mech Infantry Brigades:

    Strykers, Bradleys, and Armored Cav if infantry heavy.

    Armored Brigades:

    Nuf said. Abrams groups.

    Special Forces Groups:

    Function like an infantry brigade, but have increased air defense, strike range, and spotting range.

    Special Ops:

    These appear as partisans do, but have special capabilities. Not much combat power, but they do damage in their own ways.

    Civilian Militias:

    Function like partisans.

    Artillery Brigades:

    Division level artillery, with varying degrees of mobility.

    Corps Level Artillery Batteries:

    These are MLRS. VERY nasty. :D



  4. One of the great things I just did was merge several countries. For example, the USA is now represented by the US country and the France country slot. Effectively this doubles the amount of units available for the country! With two paratrooper slots, one is now for conventional airborne forces (82nd), the other is for special operations forces. Each can be given different capabilities. Also, this means I can have two modes of aircraft: Fixed wings and helos.

    I also re-did the unit stand counters, now they are camo colored instead of uniform green.

    This is gonna be cool. :D

    I am working on the bitmaps right now, will post them later tonight.

  5. I had a board game that I loved as a kid, called Fortress America. It is set in the early 21st century, in which America is invaded on the West, South, and Eastern sides by the Chinese, South Americas, and Russia, respectively.

    I have started development for an SC 2 version of this.

    Bitmaps are 33% complete, all current military technology from the respective countries involved.

    The map has been fleshed out, but if anyone who has a talent for creating accurate maps would like to help, I would be most grateful. The map centers on America, going as far west as Hawaii/Alaska, as far south as Panama, and as far East as the east-most edge of Canada.

  6. If any of these are redundant, my bad...

    1. Allow ability to see where AI has allocated research and diplomacy chits.

    2. Make event scripts more flexible. Some of them, such as Unit scripts, do not have many options and only work in very narrow regards.

    3. The ability for an AI scripter to impose rules on the AI's budget expenditure, IE MPP used for purchases, diplomacy, upgrading, operating, etc. Might help the AI with it's priorities.

    4. Ability to give/take the special unit abilities to/from units in the editor. IE sub abilities, paratroop abilities, engineer abilities, etc.

    These would allow for MUCH more flexibility to an already flexible editor.

    Keep up the work HC!

    I can imagine how long his list is... ;)

  7. Update on the battle:

    Allies have taken Tunisia and Tripoli. However, the Germans have obtained the land passage through the caucasus and I am now fighting through the Spanish army past Tripoli. The Afrika Korps and Rommel have been defeated, though not easily. Engineers are busy building fall-back defensive positions in North Africa in case I have to retreat. Supply throughout is terrible because the German airforce is pounding every city and port I own. My own airforce can just barely hold them off.

    Meanwhile, the British take Iceland, and then launch an attack on Ireland and take it. The German surface counter-attacks, and rockets from England pound the British Navy.

    Sweden and Turkey are close to joining Axis, I am holding them off with diplo. Russia is at 80%, I want to get them in the fight next year and make Germany spread her troops.

    The Atlantic is still not secured, damn pesky U-boats are tough to clear out.

  8. News from the playtests:

    Well, this scenario shall definetely prove to be a departure from the usual game. Naval battles are of MUCH more importance since the Allies will have to fight through and eventually control the Atlantic to make any progress. Consequently, gun laying radar, anti-sub warfare, and carriers have extreme importance and add a whole new element to the battle.

    Also, I have made the movement penalty for adjacent enemy units +2, and in cramped conditions this makes things easier for the defender and puts more emphasis on combined land-air firepower. The Allies have to fight through a nasty Axis air cover, the early battle is all about grabbing good naval and air bases from which to launch attacks.

    Diplomacy is showing to be an important element as well, in three respects:

    1. The USSR is a political tool of sorts for the Allies. Although they start shattered, they eventually rebuild some decent units and industry and force the Axis to watch them carefully. If the Allies put diplo chits in them and up their readiness, the USSR could re-join the fight. A smart Allied player would try to do this at the same time the Western Powers launch an attack, or at least force the Axis to commit diplo chits and troops to cover the increased USSR readiness level.

    2. The diplomacy over Turkey and Persia is vital. Turkey starts at 45% Axis and Persia neutral. The Germans will heavily invest in Turkey diplo, and will begin negotations with Persia for a land connection to the Middle East. If the Allies do not counter this with heavy diplo, they could face a connected Africa and Middle East with the Europe mainland... a huge MPP, supply, and operating bonus.

    3. Countries are unpredictable at times. The last play-test I ran, I parked an amphib invasion fleet just outside of Casablanca, planning to invade the neutral Vichy territory next turn. This triggered a random script in which the Vichy spotted my imminent invasion fleet and immediately joined the Axis! I had to face a newly-reinforced garrison with Italian troops operated in to bolster defenses. Yikes!

    On the naval level, I have made naval units do MUCH less damage to land units, BUT now gun laying radar can be researched up to level 5. Makes for a very interesting naval element, especially now that ASW and carriers are important.

    Also, all techs are now much more expensive. The average tech is about 200 MPP, with Motorization a healthy 500. You basically have to spread your tech around unless you really want to pony up the dough and specialize.

    Also, here are some new bitmaps, thanks for the links Retributar:


  9. Looked for pics of models on the internet. They had to be high res with good lighting, and posed the right way. Then I pasted it into paintshop as a 256 color bitmap, made sure that it was set on transparent background, and then whited-out the background. Then I simply pasted into the 3D units folder.

    If anyone has good pics of late-war tanks, ships, airplanes, etc PLEASE send them over, ity is hard to find good pics that translate well into bitmaps!

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