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Everything posted by Bill101

  1. Hi Dedonta The 1914 France's Struggle campaign is the closest equivalent, as this campaign is a Corps level re-fight of the Western Front portion of the main 1914 Call to Arms campaign. So, rather than the AI controlling the rest, the game only has France and Belgium as the areas to be fought over. Below is a screenshot showing most of the map: The 1914 Russia's War campaign is the Eastern Front equivalent.
  2. I'm not sure that there is. How big a map are you thinking of making?
  3. Yes, the simplest way is generally to assign Decision Events to trigger the surrender scripts. The result will be that the country affected will pull out of the war, and their armed forces will return home. It can even be used to make a Minor country change sides - we use this in the Russian Civil War campaign so that there is a chance that the Makhnovists will switch sides if the Bolsheviks treat them badly.
  4. I've just tried making a new map in the WWI Breakthrough editor, and the maximum size in that is 512 on x axis and 256 on the y axis.
  5. Wintgens regains the upper hand against the Portuguese, using our superior mobility and firepower to restore communications with Masasi. Wahle reinforces his units defending Ujiji, and shatters a Belgian Brigade with a skilful counterattack. We are very pleased that we put him in charge here, as his competent defence has really helped to maintain our presence on the shores of Lake Tanganyika. Our Levies defending Dar-es-Salaam are starting to feel that they will be the next British objective. There is an ominous feeling in the air, as the British have not made any attacks near Dodoma, but have pulled back to regroup. No doubt their next attack will be even fiercer than the last! The turn ends with some good news, at least for us, as there has been a revolution in Portugal and one of its after effects has been to lower their prestige in Africa.
  6. The 1st Bavarian Reserve Division is removed from von Moltke’s order of battle in a lightning strike by troops under Foch’s command. Further west, the German cavalry defending Provins are destroyed, as is a German infantry division that took part in the capture of Troyes. Today is a day for heavy casualties for the Kaiser, and our B.E.F. are still virtually intact! We are now forming a second French army to the south of the German breakthrough, and Lanrezac is given his orders to take up its command. De Castelnau is itching to launch further attacks on the northern side of the German breakthrough, but Joffre has restrained him as he thinks the time is not yet right. Last bit of news is that Dubail’s forces are falling back from Belfort and inflicting heavy casualties in the process.
  7. There was a Spanish Civil War scenario included in the SC2 Weapons and Warfare expansion, so the flags included in that might save you the work: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=149&Itemid=206 You would need to get the SC2 Blitzkrieg base game too to get the campaign to work.
  8. Thanks Mike, and the armistice function has been introduced to Gold as well. It obviously doesn't get the same use as in WWI, but it just means that the ability for armistices is now there for Gold modders too.
  9. I meant to reply to this earlier in the week, apologies. There will almost certainly be more official AARs to come, but in the meantime if anyone has the time and inclination to start up an AAR then please do so. It is obviously more time consuming than just playing the game, but I think it really adds to the experience through knowing there is an audience who are following it, so it makes it even more fun to play. There is already one on the go, by X13fox, and it would be great to see more. As an aside, I had my first ever SC nightmare recently. I was dreaming that in my 1914 March on Paris AAR I had vacated Verdun, and moved all my French troops elsewhere to attack the Germans, hoping that my opponent wouldn't notice that I'd left one of France's most important cities empty. Unfortunately, the very next turn he marched into Verdun without a fight, and I woke up at 3am thinking to myself "how on earth am I going to explain this to everyone on the forum!!" Took me a few minutes to realize it was just a dream... and fortunately in the game, Verdun remains very strongly held!
  10. Hi 1. I'm afraid not, but within the SC series, including the WWII games, there are quite a range of flags so you may find some that you want have already been created and can just be copied and pasted into the relevant segment of the flag files. 2. & 3. The country numbers denote where their unit sprites will appear in the unit sprites files, and also in the editor when selecting terrain and determining who it belongs to. The top 8 countries in SC WWI are Major powers, which is why Italy has been replaced by another one in the Russian Civil War campaign, as there was no need to have it as a Major in that. Country 9 is reserved in SC WWI for neutral tiles that belong to no one, and then all subsequent country slots are for the minors. In older iterations of the Strategic Command series, prior to SC WWI and Global Conflict Gold, there were only six Majors so you would need to adjust these numbers downwards if modding in those engines (I see that you're probably not using those versions, but mention this more for those who might be).
  11. Naval activities in the Med will not upset the US, so you can use your U-Boats and even surface vessels to their utmost there. I'll take a look at updating the Bessarabia text, and also the guide regarding the US being disturbed by German naval activity in the Atlantic.
  12. Hi OneRing Romania annexed Bessarabia in the wake of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, less than a week later in fact, and took it even though they had been fighting on the side of the Entente. At the time of taking Bessarabia the Romanians were effectively neutral, having signed an armistice in December 1917. But I see no reason why they wouldn't have taken it if they had still been at war with the Central Powers at the time. I've checked the scripts regarding Romanian mobilization, and all require Russia to be in the war, or for the Entente to be doing well in the Balkans or at Gallipoli. Has something happened in your game that doesn't follow any of these situations, i.e. Romania is mobilizing and joining the Entente in circumstances where Russia has been knocked out and the Central Powers are standing strong in the Balkans? Though if not there is always the possibility of your opponent using diplomacy to activate Romania, as it is a good country to bring into the war on the Entente's side. The use of diplomacy isn't defined by the military and political situation so perhaps this might explain things? You can check the reports screen and look at the Graphs to see if your opponent is investing in diplomacy. I'll see about adding something in to the Guide about any German naval activity in the Atlantic risking some minor upsets to the USA. It is historical as US merchantmen sailed all over the place, and is counterbalanced by the US getting upset at the Entente's blockade of Germany. Bill
  13. It’s time for a British counterattack! Sir John French orders three divisions into action, and they destroy a German division, allowing a French force to swing forward and attack the Crown Prince. At the same time, two more French divisions strike south, cutting off the enemy’s spearhead. The German Crown Prince is now in a pickle, being cut off from the rest of the German army and with only an out of supply cavalry division nearby for protection. General Dubail orders a general withdrawal from the Belfort area. It’s not a problem because we’ll win this area back in the peace negotiations, perhaps we’ll even be able to exchange the Crown Prince for Belfort? There are now two divisions of British cavalry in France. Here is a picture of one of them taken not far from the frontlines. These men are just raring to get into action and show the Hun what for. Are we downhearted? No!
  14. Hi Mike If Japan is not at war with the USSR it could still interdict the convoy routes, just as German U-Boats can interdict US ones to the UK before the USA enters the war. In answer to your second question, naval scripts will be needed to direct attacks against them. That won't necessarily stop all AI naval activity against them though, but it will probably prevent any large scale offensive against them. So the lack of such scripts could reflect reality, where Japanese submarine doctrine didn't really envision them for use against merchantmen. Bill
  15. Yes, I believe it will. So I guess guarding any partisan locations will be important to stop any uprisings.
  16. I like it! The only thing I might suggest is to open an account with photobucket and upload your images to there, then you can post them here as links into your posts, and they will come out much bigger and clearer, like here: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=107535
  17. Hi Is this a campaign from the base game that you've imported into Breakthrough? Only prior to Breakthrough, Decision Events had a field called #FRIENDLY_POSITION= which with Breakthrough was altered to be #ALIGNMENT_POSITION. If your file contains #FRIENDLY_POSITION= then you'll need to change them to #ALIGNMENT_POSITION, and amend the details accordingly.No need to apologize for asking for help, it's our pleasure to do so.
  18. There is furious fighting south of the Marais St. Gond as our counterattacks continue to take a toll of the enemy forces. Two German divisions are battered, one of which flees to safety just out of reach! Against those heavy German and Austrian guns, no fort can withstand the pounding. But the loss of Belfort is acceptable given the distraction from their main aim which the investment of German forces here required. The enemy’s advance continues, and with each step we take comfort in the fact that their supply problems are increasing too.
  19. More suffering for the Portuguese as two of their units of Levies suffer heavy casualties. One of these was advancing up the eastern side of Lake Nyasa, and no doubt hoping that we wouldn’t notice it. The British Nandi Scouts are destroyed near Ujiji! The Anglo-Belgian offensive here has really ground to a halt. Meanwhile, all remains quiet at Dodoma. Is it the lull before the British storm? As it is now November 1917, I thought I’d show the strategic map from our point of view:
  20. I've been thinking further about this and one thing that can be done is to reward Russian National Morale with successes against important Austro-Hungarian and German objectives, such as the taking of Lemberg and Przemysl, as it is usually possible with some effort for one of these to fall. Such a move will already boost Romanian mobilization, as does the handing over of Trento-Trieste to Italy by Austria-Hungary, and a Romanian entrance into the war boosts Russian morale by 2,500 points. With regards to the USA, I am going to go through the maths regarding unrestricted naval warfare so that we'll all be able to see the pros and cons of it laid out in black and white before us. My own use of unrestricted naval warfare is to hit the UK hard when you don't want them getting too strong in France or elsewhere, then to pull back and refit, hopefully without having bothered the USA too much. It's normally possible to do this a few times with the USA remaining neutral - just like in real life. The only downside being the increased MPPs the UK will receive from the USA once their convoys are back up and running again, but then they will have missed out on lots of income from more sources than just the USA while you were conducting your attacks.
  21. It’s time to teach the Portuguese a lesson, so we destroy their 21st Regiment on the coast near Cape Delgado. That won’t help their morale! Von Lettow-Vorbeck is considering writing to the Chief of the Imperial General Staff in London to ask him why the British commander in Nyasaland is allowed to keep attacking at Neu Langenburg. Even the western front hasn’t seen such a catalogue of repeated failed assaults as this one. Some African Levies are defeated further east near Dodoma, but it’s only a small victory. The real battle is surely coming here soon and we are resting most of our units ready for it. The turn ends with some welcome news from home, as our commander is awarded the Pour le Mérite for making such a successful stand in defending this colony for the fatherland.
  22. Hi Vespa Spain won't surrender until there are less than two Spanish units remaining in Spain, so you will need to attack the town where they are still holding out. Damaging the HQ will help as then it will provide a lower supply value to the units under its command. Once there is only one Spanish unit left in Spain, there will be a 50% chance of it surrendering each turn.
  23. Our forces at Belfort are strengthened and one of the German divisions flees after being battered down to strength 1. Joffre orders attacks into the flanks of the German spearheads, both on its northern and southern flanks, and three German infantry divisions are slaughtered. The British don’t see any action this turn as they have just received a fresh delivery of tea and need a brew up before their next battle. Won’t be long though! It will be interesting to see where the enemy attempt to strike next. Probably to the north as that would appear to offer them the best hope of a battlefield success. But will they be able to convert that into a strategic success?
  24. The bombardment will always target the town first, with a % chance that it also hits the unit. This % chance is editable, but in the default campaigns is set to 10%.
  25. Sir John French grants the three British divisions that took part in the successful liberation of Bar-sur-Aube a day of rest. Our French reconnaissance planes flying near Verdun give us a clear insight into the enemy’s plans, or lack of them, by showing that they obviously don’t involve an imminent attack on Verdun. Fair enough, but what then does von Moltke plan to do, if not to continue his advance west of the Vosges? The Germans face a tough prospect as they attacked us where we were strongest, and now having suffered horrendous casualties they can continue to drive us back near the Meuse, but will they have the strength to reach Paris?
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