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Sgt Joch

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Everything posted by Sgt Joch

  1. Michael Fassbender who plays lt. Hicox was born in Germany, but was raised and has spent most of his life in the UK. From what I read on the net, he qualifies his german as "rusty", although I thought it sounded pretty good myself. There is something to be said for filming a movie set in ww2 with German actors acting in their native language. I very much enjoyed Valkyrie, but British actors playing Germans, no matter how good they are, does not cut it. There is a self confidence and gregariousness in Germans which only a real German can portray. The best example is the Gestapo major in chapter 4. The actor playing him is actually unimpressive physically, slight of build and a bit pudgy, but from the moment he appears, he owns the scene and is the most dangerous threat in the room. I have watched the DVD a few times and I would rate this as my favorite movie of 2010 and the best Tarantino has done since Pulp Fiction. Great writing, great acting and a wicked, sarcastic sense of humour!
  2. does the accent sound british? I speak french and the actors playing the french roles, i.e. LaPadite, Soshanna Dreyfus & her cameraman are all native french speakers, although the dairy farmer LaPadite probably has too much of a Parisan accent for a real french farmer. Landa and Zoeller both speak french fluently, but with a noticeable accent.
  3. There was his accent, which is mentioned, although I do not speak german myself and cannot comment on that and the hand gesture when ordering drinks. Perhaps a fluent german speaker could also comment on this, I presume there are other we missed as well.
  4. Watched it over the weekend on DVD and was very impressed as well. I like the homage to "Once upon the time in the west" and other Leone movies, very apparent in chapter one which has framing and music lifted straight out of those movies. I especially enjoyed the writing which shows a very european sensibility. All of chapter 1, where the conversation between Landa and the LaPadite is part seduction, part intimidation and it is unclear whether LaPadite betrays the jewish family because of intimidation, reward and/or shared anti-semitism. Same with chapter 4, where the British agent is betrayed by cultural miscues so small that only a native German would notice them. ...and of course, Landa is such a delicious character, a wonderful movie villain...
  5. 4890 here. 9.10 and 9.11 work perfectly with CMSF (in XP), beautiful picture, fast, no glitches whatsoever. The problem was with the pre-9.10 drivers which has now been fixed. Also works just fine w. CMBB.
  6. You are a very patient man and the best choice to be the moderator "over there". In my case, I have way too short a fuse to be a moderator anywhere...
  7. yes, IDF paratroopers in jerusalem in 67, although the guy on the right would not look out of place in the CMSF syrian army.
  8. like this... ...and no, those are not Syrian soldiers...
  9. for the blue side, you have the family names of many beta testers, their wives/girlfriends, family, friends, acquaintances...
  10. GSX, I don't see your comment as criticism, it is a fair question. The approximately 10 months delay between releases of modules is a fact. I know BFC is hoping that as the system mature, it may be possible to shorten that delay, but only time will tell. From the little bit I have seen from the inside, these projects always wind up taking more time than everyone expected. Your timeline sounds about right to me, but I do not speak for BFC and I tend to be a pessimist at heart...
  11. priceless, but remember Steve said not to release videos of CM:N right away. nothing to see here folks, move along, still Beta testing this one...
  12. the same market they have always aimed it at, gamers who are looking for a realistic tactical wargame.
  13. Thomm, dont worry, that was my last word on the subject, the less said about them, the better..although it does feel good to let off some steam...
  14. Funny you should mention that Mord. I just wasted some time on that site myself with that group of self-obsessed Crybois. For a group that claims to not care about CMSF, they do spend an inordinate amount of time micro-analysing and ridiculing everything that goes on here. My advice is to avoid that sewer, who needs the aggravation.
  15. Its actually hit or miss, sometimes the Syrian defenders are very deadly, sometimes they just run away or get mowed down without firing back. From what I have seen playing the red side, it appears to be tied in to the experience level/morale state. More experienced troops, of course, fight better. Less experienced troops will become more easily rattled/panicked if they take incoming fire or suffer casualties which invariably occurs in a long fight and will then either rout or be mowed down like sheep.
  16. Is this a game you upgraded to 1.21 or started fresh in 1.21? just trying to figure out if it is a new issue.
  17. I think it also affects the spotting of the "suicide taxi bomber" if you have a high civilian density, but I could be wrong. In a town with a high civilian density, you can walk your Red "Spys" pretty much anywhere, even buildings occupied by Blue forces, and they will not be spotted or killed. They are presumed to blend in with the civilian population. AFAIR, the issue with civilian buildings is different. In the mission objectives, the scenario designer can set a "preserve building" objective to specific buildings as well as a point score. If the opposing force destroys that building, it loses the points. The intent was to prevent Blue forces from wiping out an entire town just to nab a few bad guys (perfectly acceptable behavior in WW2, but frowned upon now ).
  18. Irwin277, there is an issue with games begun under 1.20 which are continued under 1.21. In that case artillery is denied. Is that what you are referring to? It was hoped that you could apply the 1.21 patch to existing games, but unfortunately it has a side effect. It is safer to restart fresh games under 1.21. If you are playing the campaign, you should apply the patch between games. The number of units who can call in artillery has not been decreased, but in fact increased since conventional Red HQs can now call in certain Red artillery.
  19. Someone would have to complain to Nvidia. It worked with ATI, there was an issue which caused a crash in catalyst 9.4 to 9.9, but players complained and ATI put in a fix in 9.10.
  20. I have a similar problem with my 4890/9.10/XP, after playing a PBEM turn, all in game menu text will disappear. However there is a workaround, if I hit ctrl+alt+del to bring up "task manager", close "task manager" and then go bring CMAK/CMBB back to full screen, all text will reappear. This may work for you. That is an ATI issue, since the same problem does not exist with NVIDIA cards.
  21. Is it video card or system memory? I am also playing a huge PBEM game for a tournament, Red v Red, a battalion each side, using GeorgeMC's "Armour Attacks" map. Each turn file is between 40-45 MB each. I can only get CMSF to run it if it is the first file I load after I start the game. If I try to run it after I have already played other PBEM turns, I will get a "out of memory" message while it is loading. This worked with my old 8800 gt which has 512 mb of onboard memory, but I have 2 GB of DDR 2 memory in my system (win XP).
  22. just to recap since I also had these issues up to recently. 1. in XP, NVIDIA drivers 186.18 is the last one which renders night illumination correctly. Nvidia changed something in the 190xxx series which screws up night illumination. 2. 186.18 also renders shadows correctly, nice and square. 3. there is also a persistent problem with reflections on certain tanks at certain times showing up as solid white stripes. I solved all these issues by switching from a 8800 gt to a ATI 4890 card (catalyst 9.10) a few weeks ago, now issues #1 and #3 are fixed..
  23. seems a bit low, but the best way to know is to try the demo and see for yourself.
  24. DT, my comments were not aimed at you personally. There are many studies which have been made, some show a link between media violence and violent behavior, some do not. In all the studies, at least the ones I glanced at, you can find flaws in the methodology or the interpretation of the data. Its not like we are discussing whether smoking causes cancer or whether global warming is man-made. The link between media violence and real life violence has not been proved conclusively to my taste. again, just one example at random: or from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_game_controversy yes, its wikipedia, so you have to take it with a grain of salt.
  25. I obviously don't get the reference, but is that is tax thing? Seems like a long drive just to get beer.
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