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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lindan: I just saw the pictures of Palestinians celebrating this tragedy and having a party in the streets. This makes me so sick with anger that I would like to see this whole pests wiped from the face of earth.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I saw that too on BBC World Via Quick time there seemed to be celebrations in the state of Palestine, dancing and flag waving the response here could be VERY very ugly -tom w
  2. if you are on a MAC use the Quicktime TV and go to BBC World live it is a half decent stream and there is good audio the video sucks
  3. My wife is at home watching it on CNN and she says the footage is unbelievable!! there is good footage from a news chopper of the second plane hitting the second WTC tower and good footage from the ground of both towers collapsing... she is using profanity and says the CNN footage is UNBELIEVABLE!!! just awsome destruction everywhere!! Priest can you tell us what you have seen on CNN?? Thanks again -tom w
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Priest: All international flights re-directed towards Canada. America is sealed tight.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I hope that means we are officially trying to help out.. from Canada.. -tom w
  5. OK? who here is getting their news BEFORE CNN? and reporting it here and how are you doing it??? just curious?? -tom w
  6. from the other thread here.... " Paco QNS Member Member # 5999 posted 09-11-2001 10:19 AM T V Abu Dhabi has informed: FDPL has asumed the attacks. (impossible to confirm now). All Internet is very colapsed (BBC,...) One of the towers is falling.... --------------------
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan: This site has faster news than CNN TV. What next?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes it is!! Thanks so much to those multitasking individuals watching the news and keeping those of us at work up to date this is VERY FAST news thanks Priest!! -tom w
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Priest: Sears tower being evaced<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> thanks for the news guys!!! -tom w
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Priest: I am watching CNN while I am typing. If you have an instant messanger I will type you info. White house evac is confirmed [ 09-11-2001: Message edited by: Priest ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> OK thanks I spoke to my wife at home and she is watching CNN HOLY ****!!! I hope there is some official american responce and I hope it is NOT "measured"!! -tom w
  10. who has the most accurate news on this event? There is no web info anywhere except here??? whats the latest news? can anyone confirm the white house evacuation?? -tom w
  11. more details please Some of us are at work and can't get to the TV CNN.com and abcnews.com are too busy to log on too what is the LATEST news? did the US president address the nation on the radio? this my BEST source of news right now -tom w
  12. Gamey is a problem for me when it comes to Cherry picking unit selection. I have no problem with most tactics other people think are "gamey" BUT I have a huge problem with cheesy cherry picking unit selection in user buy QB's that include things like the German Sdk 37 MM AA HT Truck which is known to be hard to Knock out. I have the most problem with gamey unit selection, after that the tactics in the game all take care of themselves and I have no real problem with any aledged "gamey" tactics. -tom w
  13. we'll NEVER see them, BUT Trains would be COOL like even Civilian passenger trains, and REAL railwaystation buildings. I would think Trains and armoured trains would be fun but I don't think its on "the List" oh well... -tom w
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan: Time warp alert!!! This thread was started exactly one year ago. Go to the HBO website for tons more info on the miniseries.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Feels like the Twilight Zone! Anyway, I was wondering what this old post with my name on it was doing so close to the top of the list. So its just a reminder of a one year anniversay ok. -tom w
  15. What happened here? Is there some e-mail going on behind the scenes we don't know about? is this tourney now DEAD? what happened? -tom w
  16. Hi Folks Sorry I have been REALLY tied up with work, for the past five days. We just hosted the Apple Summer Camp here, (Tech geek conference for all Apple Software Engineers in toronto) and I have not had time to play or check e-mail for the past while. I will return all my PBEM turns starting tonight. I have EVERY intention of getting ALL my games started by Sept 15. I think I need to play one more opponent but I don't know who that is as I can't remember all the folks that have beat me so far. Kiwi Joe, I hope we can finish up our game in the next few days. Sorry all but I ahve been EXTREMELY busy with work, but its OVER now! -tom w
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Username: Id like Steve to comment on these thoughts. Theres some good ideas here.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks Lewis! -tom w
  18. Kiwi Joe will get 80-90 pts out of me when our game finishes some time this week Labappel is now away for a week's vacation and he and I are at turn 2 of one we just started. I will be away for the middle two weeks of august after next weekend. Kiwi is looking very strong at this point. he plays VERY well! -tom w
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by gunnergoz: Some on this forum (present company excepted of course) have the wherewithal to grant you that outcome as well! Maybe you got lucky! Seriously, that's why I stay on this forum, I appreciate the general level of civility on it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And your peers that quote you in their signature line.... -tom w [ 08-03-2001: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  20. "Robert Olesen Member Member # 3282 posted 08-03-2001 09:03 AM In a city fight, I just lost 8 smoke rounds in two turns (fired in batches of 6 and 2 from Shermans). The smoke simply did not appear. Is there a problem with smoke that lands on pavement? I suppose it could disappear when hitting a building (at least as a convenient shortcut for the programmer), but I doubt if all 8 of them hit buildings. I tried a search, but it doesn't seem to be able to handle more than one word, and "smoke" in itself will give too many hits. " The use of the Shift key as a modifier key may have caused this problem. I know I have done this myself more times then I care to remember. While attempting to chat Via TCP/IP in a game, if you miss tapping the chat button (Zero or Shift to get ~ tilde) AND then you immediately start to type, and you do a "Shift- i" to say "I did this or I did that" then POOF! there goes your smoke effects and you don't even know it. Shift as a modifier key to change game settings is ill advised and it should be the Option key or The crtl key, BOTH macs and PC's have the option key and the ctrl key so in CMBB lets abandon the use of the Shift key as a game setting modifier. Just a suggestion -tom w [ 08-03-2001: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  21. shift I turn your smoke efects back on happens ALL the time -tom w
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