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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. I think it was Last defence How could you forget how FAST those Hellcats were and how accurate they were on the FAST move. Yes, there I was Racing them down that hill like the cavalry sent to the rescue the infantry and then I had a hellcat NAIL that tiger and KO it with one shot, and at that all my (ooh Smithers, I love those fancy-ass big German UberTank) friends said NO-Way the game is obviously made by Yanks for Yanks, and promptly dismissed it as proganda. -tom w
  2. "The idea is to have each side in each scenario assigned a "loss tolerance" rating in the scenario set up phase. This is tied to global morale, calculated the same way as it is today. But instead of nothing happening until global morale hits the basement, and then an autosurrender, things would happen much sooner but be less drastic." Think the idea has ALOT of merit. I doubt anything like that can be ready (if it is not already) for CMBB but perhaps it could be refined and discussed further for inclusion in CM II the engine rewrite? I think it is good to identify that in CMBO, battles to the last man (sometimes involving whatever crews you have left) are unrealistic and certianly not exactly historically accurate. There should be an optional mechanism to encourage the player to try to win with minimal or sustainable (?) or historically accurate (if that's possible) losses. This however would mean that inflicting heavy losses on your opponent in a small (1500 pt) could easily trigger a retreat, withdrawl or surrender and this would likely not be a very good thing. Something to think about for SURE -tom w [ June 02, 2002, 10:30 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  3. Didn't you know? The BORG don't make mistakes They just AssCMilate. -tom w
  4. you are joking right? :eek: I can't imagine EVER playing with card board counters EVER again for ONE GOOD reason THERE IS NO fog of war! That WAS always my biggest beef with board games because my opponents were brilliant at math and I think they should have grown up to be Vega odds makers because they ALWAYS attacked with their strongest units and ALWAYS inspected every unit and every stack to gain the MOST favourable odds in every engagment. (then you role the dice and you don't have to get all the LUCKY to win every time) If thats what you call good tactics then it only works all the time when there is NO fog of war and every body and see all the opposing units.YES folks they were all Min-Maxers at their VERY finest, thats why I DEPISE any tactics that are premised on the theory of Min-Max! Save your money for CMBB and Strategic Command -tom w [ May 31, 2002, 02:55 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  5. I agree that in the case of immobilization it would be VERY nice to have the option to order the crew to abandon ship and get the hell outta there! Perhaps if NO order can be given the Tac AI can be more interested in saving the crews lives and have them "auto-abandon" immediately up immobilization? -tom w
  6. OK thanks for the update Yes yur are correct BTS is very engrained in everyones mind. (think they call it brainwashing or indoctrination or AssCMulation here ) I guess we can all try to make the change to BFC ! Heck, thats ALOT easier than the change to white type on a light background in the forum. -tom w [ May 31, 2002, 11:35 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  7. The visited link only turns black on "mouse over", was that your intention? thanks again for the black type -tom w
  8. Thanks to MadMatt for going back to the black type in the forum . This is MUCH better now! -tom w
  9. WOW I did a litte test on the forum web colors. I have it up in the MAC computer lab I work in (No students here now). I am looking at the forum on my Laptop Mac G3 Powerbook LCD screen, on a NEW iMAC LCD screen and a G4 Tower with a 17 inch CRT. GUESS what they all look a little different. The Powerbook LCD is 2.5 years old and it is a little dark and ugly. the iMac with the LCD is 2 months old and it is pretty with VERY nice shades of brown and tan and green on it! It looks great, so I would say if you are looking at this from a new iMac LCD you should think it looks VERY nice. The 17 CRT is different again, the browns tones I see on the iMac look alot GREENER on the 17 CRT. The color scheme is still good on all of them but the colors are more pleasing on the iMac LCD. Can anyone do a test or comparison on mulitple PC moniters and LCD screens? Of course when I play the game on all different screens and monitors (on my lunch break of course) it looks very different on each screen too! -tom w
  10. I have no idea what you just said. Sigh...I think I may just revert to how I did it originally. People have a workaround for font size and colors so maybe that is best. I prefer the forums to BLEND into the site and this new color scheme doesnt do it as well.... If UBB would just give me one more text tag to play with it would be simple. Madmatt</font>
  11. OK! Now this is GREAT! Thanks New colours noted! -tom w
  12. Thanks Matt I have now joined the "change your browser" and override the intended colors crowd. This is easy to do in Internet Explorer and you can define your own colour background and specify your text color to black. If you are on a Mac in IE go to Preferences under the edit menu. Under "web Browser" in "Web content" Select a nutral background color and black text. THEN make sure "Allow page to specify colors" AND Viola Black Text on a grey backgroud AND you can now see the threads you have read and not read. -tom w
  13. Fionn is Fionn Kelly, the AAR guru of CM:The Early Years. Wayback in yonder years, in the time of the beta demo and before, the neophyte CMers were treated to remarkably detailed reports of the brave exploits of the Germans under the command of Herr Kelly. No allied commander was able to stay the hand of Fionn (well, almost none) and he acheived mythical status in his role of tester/consultant. Then he got in to one too many pi**ing matches on the board and got booted (and was held up as the poster child for how BTS applies a fair hand in moderating these premises--they'll even gag their friends!). He always maintained good relations with the BTS crew, so they, in their esteemed wisdom, allowed him to come back a month or two ago. So now, he is back among the living.</font>
  14. I'm not sure if I can be "offensive" enough to actually use this, but what the heck lets see what is looks like here: -tom w
  15. good observation! I would say that is also an issue. the OLD way you could see easily see the color change of the of the threads that you read, now you cannot tell the difference between read and unread threads. -tom w
  16. you mean this part: "Ultimately including or not including an OOB screen is a Design Philosophy issue. We didn’t include an OOB screen because it doesn’t fit into the feel of the game. No OOB is included in CMBB either, though we might consider one for future installments." That is a CMBB clue and news to me I think. So No OOB screen for CMBB. -tom w
  17. I am in COMPLETE agreement with this post Well put the White text is the problem for sure. I would really hate to avoid this forum just because it hurts to look at it IMHO -tom w
  18. Nice Job Much more polished and professional than the first time around -tom w
  19. From a design/user interface point of view white type on any darker background is always harder to look at and harder on the eyes. -tom w
  20. Type should be in BLACK White on this "green??" color is harder to read. I MUCH prefer the old colors IMHO -tom w
  21. Interface graphics 2000's Thats All I have for it in the BMP list I have Sorry Don't know? :confused: -tom w
  22. Thanks that makes sense! that is WHY I thought it was STUCK in one direction, (i.e. that of the last known threat) The turret stayed oriented in that direction while the tank was immobile so I thought the the gun and turret rotation were knocked out too! (WRONG!) You are correct, thanks for the reminder! -tom w
  23. OK This is new to me, I have played this game since the Beta Demo, I think I play it ALOT, (ok mostly against the AI because I like to WIN ) I JUST finished a turn (on my lunch hour of course ) and the Germans were the played by the AI and I had full fog of war on of course. SO I see an immbolized Tiger 1 (ELITE) and his turret has not moved for 5 -10 turns (It looks GOOD and Stuck to me!) so I figure it can't shoot it main gun, so I'll move my happless Sherms in for the kill from mulitple directions. BUT wait, HOLY **** the gun recoils and gets off a shot at the lead Sherm (Bang! its DEAD of course) the Tiger is still immobile and the Turret will not turn to face the other 4 Sherms approaching from other directions. Now that Tiger had been Strafed and PLENTY of 25 lber Arty had be dropped on it and a small concentration of other German tanks in the vicinity, so it was really immobile and its turret was probably jammed. BUT in the Game I has previously believed if the turret was jammed it was BECAUSE the gun was knocked out!! NOT SO!! The damn gun still works fine only, in ONE direction. Is this news to anyone else or am I the Last just the last one to figure out this "new" behaviour? OH NEVER Mind..... GAMEY AI Bastard was playing DEAD! Swung the turret over just in time on the next movie phase to toast a Few more on coming Sherms (****!) (Now that makes more sense if the gun is knocked out the turret won't rotate, but if the gun still fires (in the game CMBO ) then the turret "should" still rotate, it is NOW :mad: rotating to meet the other on coming threats! -tom w [ May 30, 2002, 02:15 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
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