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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. Then you will not be buying CMBB because upon its release (hopefully sometime soon) it WON'T be OSX native. It is an Open GL vs RAVE problem, and CMBB is mired in RAVE. So the issue is that there is only one programmer at BFC and that's Charles. Saddly they are STUCK in RAVE for CMBB and MAC OSX has no RAVE support for CMBO or CMBB. So mac users that want to use the Power of OSX to get the most out of their Dual Processor systems are Mostly screwed because the raw horse power of the Dual 1 Gig CPU's is largely wasted by OS 9.x Niether CMBO or CMBB will run in OSX in the foresable future and it saddens my deeply Sad but true. However that said, they are making the BEST WWII war games for a niche market to be sure and Mac users are LESS than maybe 10% of that niche market and how many of the 10% want to upgrade to OSX or have the Dual Processor hardware to take advantage of it? I would say there are not more than a hand full of them/us on this board. So, basically, if we are lucky they will move on to the major engine re-write (CM II) and program the next one from the GROUND up for Open GL (Mac OSX compatible) for the next generation of BFC WWII combat simulators. -tom w [ July 07, 2002, 10:59 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  2. That sounds postive Thanks -tom w [ July 07, 2002, 09:53 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  3. Am I crazy? :confused: Hi This is my story. I learned about PE while playing Combat Mission from BTS, the thing about that game is that both Mac users and PC users can play head to head. BUT CMBO game is NOT a WWII tank simulator like PE Soooooo.... I want to play PE but I own a Mac, I doubt I will buy a PC just for this game (but I have considered it), so I am looking at running Virtual PC on a 800 mHz iMac. Well I was foolish enough to go out and buy the latest boxed version of PE so I could read the manual which is kinda cool. Now lets see if it will run under emulation on a Mac. If so which PC OS should I install? Does anyone have any hints or suggestions for running PE under Virtual PC on a Mac? Thanks -tom w [ July 07, 2002, 09:19 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  4. starting from Hamilton Ont.: Starting from: Hamilton Arriving at: Myrtle Beach, SC Distance: 971.8 miles Approximate Travel Time: 21 hours 4 mins Now I know most of you could drive it FASTER than that , but there is a border crossing to figure into it and there is no way I could make it there in one driving day. (10-12 hours) Sooo... thanks, but no thanks -tom w (Rats! Foiled again!) :mad: [ July 07, 2002, 03:07 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  5. I'm guessing one surprise is the Variable/Randomizer End turn option? -tom w
  6. Who can tell me the distance and driving time from Toronto Ont to Myrtle beach? Anyone else from the Toronto area considering this? (Or am I the ONLY crazy one ?) -tom w
  7. Hey Prince! if you would like some more replies to this one you should edit the title of the thread and ask something like: "Random Game turn endings in CMBB, Does anyone know for sure?" or some such thing... I too am keen to get the official answer on this one. I'm sure the answer is either: a) Yes we now know it is in or It is a definite maybe as we know BFC had not said "It won't be in" So its either a surprise and its there or its in and we know about it already -tom w [ July 07, 2002, 11:03 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  8. last I heard there was a rumour that this feature was on "The List". It may in fact be one of the "surprises" they have in store for us, if no one else can officially confirm or deny if this one is in or not. My guess is CMBB will have the random variable end turn option (I mean really how hard can that be to program and add in?) -tom w
  9. This is an interesting comment. While I do agree with your position, (somewhat) it should be pointed out that MANY many newer players had a great deal of difficulty getting hull down status and posted many long winded complaints that the "game" should do that for them as it was not their "job" as the player to "finesse" their AFV's into ideal HD positions. (you and I of course of course agree to disagree with this logic ) I would suggest that skilled players can and do manage to get their AFV's into good HD positions without computer aid. I think this feature is going to "dumb down" the game a bit, BUT I suspect there will be plenty of other more complicated issues and concepts in CMBB to master that we may actually thank them now that we can "automate" the seek HD position order. It is my guess this feature is IN for a reason (make things easiers for the player) and it will stay in. -tom w
  10. That's actually a GREAT idea, in the spirit of the "country style" barn raising Steve could host a "sneak Peak Party that would include the kind folks and fans of CMBB coming over to his house to help out with the chores. While I don't live close to Steve maybe some other kind folks do and maybe they wouldn't mind helping out with the chores in return for a sneak peak at CMBB?? Steve if you ask this community for a helping hand with the chores, I'm sure at least a few folks would show up to help you out Just a Thought -tom w
  11. Thanks Steve! I'm THRILLED Rune Offered and Hosted the Sneak Peak, I'm really aprreciative that some folks could make it out to Chicago and that they have posted (and are posting) their thoughts and opinions. I would hope the negativity and whinning will wain, as more info comes out of the folks who saw it. I totally respect the NDA nature of some of the surprises there are in storre. I enjoy surprises and sort of like "Spoiler Alerts" (or the lack thereof) on certian posts I thank RUNE and BFC for NOT spoiling my first impression of the game. NOW the Next challenge is to GET the damn game before EVERYONE and their brother gets the game and starts posting ALL the cool new features to the forum, in the form of SPOILERS ( :mad: grrr!), thus spoiling the surprises for those who DO not have the game yet. So this post is a distant early warning APPEAL to those folks who get the game first to POST BIG "you know, so you CAN'T MISS IT!" Spoiler ALERTS on their posts so we can all enjoy the same thrills and surprises the FIRST time we get the game. I do truly hope the faithful here will be among the first to receive their copies of the game. Who are the faithful? I believe there are ALOT of us and I would say ANYONE who preordered CMBO are among the faithful and they should all be amongst the first to have the opportunity to buy and play CMBB. That aside, lets not forget about SPOILER ALERTS when CMBB comes out so we all get share the same thrill those folks at Rune's house got yesterday! I thank Steve and Rune and BFC for their strict NDA policy! AND I'm thrilled to hear that 88 mm AT gun on defence REALLY can "Reach out and touch someone" with regard to that reference of 10 (!) KO'd tanks on its "BRAG" sheet! Keep up the Good work! AND THANKS! -tom w [ July 05, 2002, 10:42 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  12. Well that sounds like you better take care of your Domestic affairs FIRST or you know you will be in BID DooDoo with the wife (I should imagine) :eek: I am sorry to hear our closest MAC representative could not make the trip, you best take good care of your wife and your child first. Good luck -tom w [ July 04, 2002, 04:13 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  13. 2) Why does the gallery say, "Adobe Phototshop 6.0 web Photo Gallery" on the top bar? Perhaps somebody *Cough* Matt *Cough* has been stealing code? no not really that is the default heading when you use the automated feature in Photoshop to make a Web Photo Gallery, it is a form of advertising, so really it has nothing to do with stealing code, nothing at all, its just the default heading for the web page. -tom w
  14. "Green troops, he goes on to say, serve better than vets in direct frontal assaults because of their youthfully naive zeal and daredevil nature." That is a VERY interesting comment and post! How the hell can you model that behaviour in Green troops in the game??? "To quote Sergeant Carwood Lipton of Screaming Eagles: "I took chances on D-Day I would never have taken later in the war." And remember - this Division had never seen action prior to D-Day." I'm sure that was true, but how to model brave and risk taking behaviour in green troops. it seems just the opposite in CMBO the Vets, Crack and Elite troops "seem" to be ALOT braver in combat conditions, they last longer and don't get hit or killed as fast as green troops doing the same mission. This notion of:"Green troops, serve better than vets in direct frontal assaults because of their youthfully naive zeal and daredevil nature" would be VERY hard indeed to model, maybe the "health/youth/stamina" factor in CMBB will be a factor here but I doubt that will make those green troops "brave" with a "youthfully naive zeal", Just try to model that?! How the hell could green troops in CMBB model and display that "youthfully naive zeal"?? :confused: oh well VERY interesting comment! -tom w
  15. HEY! All the guys at Casa De Rune! How about it??! What shaking over there? -tom w
  16. I'm not saying BFC is ready to release CMBB, or even ready to tell us when they are going to release it, just that it must be getting pretty close.</font>
  17. YEAH! Who's there now? Why aren't they posting here? Whats that number for that conference call? How about 2:30 EST for the conference call?? Where's the comments? Who has a "First Impression" to share? Speak-up you guys, there are a least a few of you at Rune's place by now! What did he do, Make you ALL sign Non Disclosure Agreements before you could see the CMBB work in Progress latest build? -tom w [ July 04, 2002, 01:57 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  18. Um I'm sorry to say but your statement seems to be contradicted somewhat by MadMatt's last Proclamation:
  19. You Sir! You are a Diabolical Sadistic Monster! :mad: grr..... I hope all those who participate can give us some DETAILS Will you let them talk about Extreme FOW???? enquiring minds want to know Maybe you/they could just shoot and post some digital pictures of the "gang" you know, the guys and the back of the moniter or laptop (you know, the computer set-up) that are playing, without giving away any screen shots??? -tom w [ July 04, 2002, 09:41 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  20. "I just finished a game of Fear in the Fog and can tell you why I hate Green troops. They die to easily. (But probably realistically)." Sure Green troops are harder to work with, yes they die and break more easily, BUT their strength lies in numbers and I really do beleive they behave in combat FAR more realitically than their more "experienced" brothers who have the uncanny ability to stand to the last man and then he is REALLY hard to kill. If I understand the hints correctly reg units in CMBB will behave MORE like green troops in Cmbo so you might want to think about that -tom w
  21. WHAT??!!! Holy ****, What kind of an evil, twisted drug induced CMBB pre-addiction trick is this.....? Thats about a ten hour drive from Toronto ONE WAY and Guess What! July 4 is NOT a holiday in Canada wait...let me see, if I call in Sick, DRIVE all Day I can get there for Thurs evening, so can I spend the night, how about it? Oh wait, then I have to call in sick on Thurs and drive all the way back! grrrr! Hold on While I check Expedia.com for flights from Toronto to Chicago !! Damn this is a ugh! I don't know what (insert profanity HERE!) oh fer F#@& sakes! -tom W [ July 03, 2002, 04:05 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  22. This is an interesting idea Maybe for next summer? This summer is too late and they are too busy for sure! Maybe there could be meetings and seminars and of course head to head gaming and a few tournements. If it was held in Canada it would be ALOT cheaper for the American's to come here? A CMBB convention some time after the release would be very interesting! -tom w
  23. It may have been intended to shake the morale of the enemy more than anything else. I recall Rommel mentioning in his diaries that during the attack on France in 1940 he instructed his tank crews to fire left and right as they went through the French lines, not in the expectation that they would actually hit anything but to drive home to the Poilus that the enemy had arrived in their rear in considerable force and were raising hell back there. This spread alarm through their ranks and made rounding them up much easier. Obviously this tactic would enjoy less success against the better trained and disciplined soldiers found in more experienced armies. Michael</font>
  24. sorry for the bump I know this is an old thread well you know, I was just wondering want Extreme FOW in CMBB will be like???? (since is does not show up well in pretty screen shots AND they are stunning!, I thought I would ask about Extreme FOW in CMBB again?) So I bumped this one, please excuse the interuption. thanks -tom w
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