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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. SO from what I have read in Diceman's post above, EVEN if you pay or give them all your info and log in you STILL CAN'T see those screen shots? So.... are they exclusive or not? who has seen them? well no one has seen them so no one knows I guess? :confused: -tom w [ July 13, 2002, 12:15 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  2. I read the small print all the CMBB screen shots are free IF you log in. they will be Free for the next 7 days. The gamespot web page has a FAQ that tells what is free and what is not. they really want you to sign up and part with all your personal information. Everything you want to know about CMBB and the most recent interview with Charles (he is the President of Battlefront they say ) is free if you sign up for their basic service. I did not sign up because I was not interested in sharing my e-mail and personal info. did anyone else sign up so they can see those screen shots? -tom w
  3. http://www.battlefront.com/products/cmbb/press.html September 20th, 2002 Product update and Release Date Announcement! Battlefront.com announces that its upcoming Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin (CMBB), a realistic 3D WWII ground combat simulation of warfare on the Eastern Front, from 1941 to 1945, will be released for the PC and Mac by September 20th, 2002. CMBB will be available for purchase online through Battlefront.com or from our distribution partner CDV Software Entertainment AG which will release the PC version into most European countries. Starting with the German invasion of Russia in 1941 through the 1945 storming of Berlin, the player is able to fight with historically accurate forces and equipment of 7 nations from the Black Sea in the South to the Arctic Circle in the north. Experience combat in a full 3D battlefield as tracers arc overhead and exploding shells shake the earth! Feel the tremendous power of the feared Russian Katyusha rocket barrage! Order a tank hunter team to assault a heavy KV-1 with Panzerfausts and magnetic mines in the ruins of a shattered city! A modern hybrid turn-based/realtime system combines with 3D lines of sight, misidentification of targets, location by sound, advanced armor penetration systems, morale and leadership, fire and smoke, wind and weather – and much more to bring you unprecedented realism from the people who revolutionized the wargaming genre! Combat Mission Barbarossa to Berlin game features include: * Battle on the Eastern Front from Operation Barbarossa 1941 until VE Day 1945, from the Black Sea to the Arctic Circle * Hi-res 3D graphics and dynamic stereo sound effects * Battle maps up to 27 square kilometres in size * Unique Turn / Real time hybrid system - allows for detailed planning and exciting realtime action * Internet / LAN / PBEM head to head play * 7 nations – German, Soviet, Finnish, Italian, Romanian, Hungarian and Polish * 300+ different tanks and vehicles * 600+ other units * 50 battle scenarios and 10 operations * Quick Battle maker for unlimited computer made scenarios * Full featured Map and Scenario Editor to create your own battles and operations * Unparalleled realism and attention to detail * Weather effects, air strikes and night combat Visit www.battlefront.com for more information and screenshots! Background Information: Battlefront.com is an independent internet-based publisher of superior war and strategy games, among them the award-winning 3D tactical WWII combat simulation Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord, to which Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin is the sequel. Other titles include Airborne Assault- Red Devils Over Arnhem (just released) and the forthcoming Strategic Command – European Theater, as well as – soon - the newest (version 4) installation of the famous TacOps modern combat simulation. Besides computer games, Battlefront.com offers a selection of books, prints and other warfare related articles to one of the world’s largest and fastest growing wargamer fan communities.
  4. sorry -tom w [ July 12, 2002, 07:08 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  5. well it WAS a good idea... nice to see who is close by and active on the forum here in southern Ont, cheers -tom w
  6. "People that cannot understand why Germany strictly avoids anything promoting Nazism, lack perspective. What Germany implements in its laws is akin to a strict form of U.S. political correctness. In other words, what some people may argue is political correctness in the U.S. (and not a legal issue), is viewed as a legal issue in Germany." That was probably one of the most mature, well balanced and accurate posts I have read on this forum. I wonder if any here have the temerity to disagree with it. It was a great post and welcome insight into this whole CMBB Messy European Distribution flap. Thanks, for the words of wisdom and the balanced approach to the post, the "distribution flap" is largely behind us now but that post should live on in the our hearts and minds and I can see why Steve and BFC may want to quote it in the future. Thanks again.. -tom w
  7. " So CM3 will be based on the engine rewrite (CMII) and it may take over two years after CMBB is patched before CM3 will be released." So you can look for CM3 in Q1 2005 March 2005 if you are lucky. Logic: Dec 02 before they say "No More Patches to CMBB" (your on your own now!) + 2 years (projected developement cycle of CM3) = Dec 04 + 3-6 months extra development time to adapt to Mac OS XII and Windoze 2006! (OR hire more programers and artists!) Release of CM3 (whatever it is) Jan-June 2005! Happy now? -tom w [ July 11, 2002, 02:37 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  8. Do the Words "Black listed" mean anything to you? :eek: Maybe that LACK of confidentiality is another good reason why BFC should re-consider their "deal" with CDV :confused: -tom w
  9. problem with your physical keyboard connection to your computer? hardware problem with your keyboard? -tom w
  10. I'm guessing here BUT NO, I suspect there will be only TWO versions (two PC versions But only ONE Mac version ? ) No more. One Regular, purchase via internet, Distribution via mail version and One CDV version (edited for German law) for ALL of Europe, that Sir is what all the STINK is about, ALL CDV European customers get the CDV version, which is constrained by German law to be edited. and THAT is THAT :eek: -tom w (However Mac users in all over Europe can Rejoice that they can order the NON-CDV version from BFC via the mail and their online ordering page (when it becomes available) Now My question is how do the NonCDV- Non- Edited Mac Versions of CMBB get into Germany via the mail when they may contain "illegal" names and symbols? Enquiring minds want to know :confused: -tom w [ July 11, 2002, 10:04 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  11. Hi Andreas, You know, I knew that I was hinting at "seeding" a copy of the beta of CMBB to "someone" in South Ontario You know, Someone trustworthy who would host and demo the latest build ??? Just a thought -tom w [ July 11, 2002, 08:37 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  12. Come on Tom, you should know that BTS would not stoop as low as to take on Beta-testers from Buffalo. They have some modicum of pride and standards. These Buffalo people go to Toronto to shop. Enough said...</font>
  13. good question? Buffalo is close I think if there were Beta Testers in Buffalo we would have heard about it by now? :confused: -tom w
  14. ROTFLMAO!! Now that is Priceless! if you want a GOOD laugh read that article in the link and laugh your self silly at this kids logic: ""I spent two-and-a-half hours downloading Dungeon Siege off of a private FTP server, and another twenty minutes finding a crack for the executable file," said Jesse. "After playing the game for a week, putting in approximately 29 hours of gameplay, I was absolutely bored with the point-and-click style of game. That's two blank CDs I'll never get back."" AND.. ""As a consumer, I go out and purchase CD-writers, blank CDs on which to burn copyrighted software illegally, and of course jewel cases, CD binders, labels, and felt-tipped markers," said Jesse. "After that investment I feel cheated when a game producer distributes a game that I'm only going to play solidly for a month before storing it on the shelf." " -tom w [ July 10, 2002, 05:37 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  15. I would hope they have learned that lesson from the first go round with CMBO I'm in for one MAC only copy, The Original US version ! -tom w
  16. That great news for mac Fans in Europe! "It is also worthy to note that we retained the Macintosh rights because CDV was not interested in the Mac market. Instead of killing off the Mac version, like so many other companies would have done, we structured the deal so that we can continue to sell Mac version of CM into Europe. And no, CMBB is not likely to be a hybrid, so PC users don't plan on buying the Mac version. We packed the game with too many graphics and sounds to fit both version onto one CD At least that is how it is looking to be." This is the EASY answer: Buy a Mac and get the CMBB (for Mac) "original" via mail order from BFC via the internet! What better reason to switch over to the best platform? Then you can get the US version of CMBB for your new Mac ! Thanks for clearing things up Steve! -tom w [ July 10, 2002, 04:44 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  17. OK maybe we should revisit this announcement. This was posted because it was something that took a great deal of effort and time to negotiate and put in place. I'm Sure Steve and Charles and Matt and Dan and Martin are very proud of this arrangement because it will be financially lucrative. This was supposed to be a "Good Thing", but Same as the "Good Thing" Rune Did with his first Chicago Sneak Peak of CMBB, then again there was a WHOLE lot of negativity that followed it as well. (I mean HOLY CRAP that was some "Special" negativity, that nonsense!) When I first learned about Combat Mission there was an article on the internet I read that said the niche market of making Historically Accurate WWII Video games is FILLED with people who are negative and whine, bitch, complain and NIT PICK EVERY minute detail, so most War game makers say why bother and turn out CRAP like Hasblow's Squad Leader (haven't heard much about that title lately have we?). I'm sure someone here can cite that webpage/article about how the genre of wargames if filled with grogs that are NEGATIVE about just about everything. Well now I guess I'm just being negative about all the negativity These guys at BFC have been BUSTING their asses to get this thing out the door and now their latest announcement of how they are going to distribute it in Europe has been met with all the new negativity. OK so some of you might rightly say, yeah well so what tom, you live in Canada so you can order from BFC directly and we can't, I guess that is fair. BUT what I'm trying to say is that I know in my heart that Steve and Charles and Martin are NOT intentionally trying to alienate or piss anyone off, in fact just the opposite they are trying to make a GREAT new war game that we will all be thrilled to play, and they are trying to market it and distribute it in the most financially beneficially and profitable way. AND that good for business and good for the making of the NEXT BIG THING, from them, these guys need (and Deserve ) to be wildly finacially successful and that means more great games in the future. If I was BFC would start to be concerned that every new annoucenment regarding the production, design, marketing, distribution and release of CMBB will be met with some NEW, and wildly creative form of negativity, undreamed of by even the most cynical amongst us. Let's try and welcome some these announcements with enuthusiasm and an open mind and at least give them the benefit of the doubt that they are doing the BEST they can. I'm SURE they are ALL under alot of stress and presure now as their production cycle approaches their own self imposed deadline (I'm sure, if they are good businessmen, they have some form of internal timeline and deadline and they are WISE not to disclose it!). Good luck in the Final Leg of your journey to success with CMBB to Steve, Charles, Matt, Dan, Martin and Deanco (Did I miss anyone?) and thanks to ALL the Beta Testers their efforts feedback and of course those tantilizing Sneak Previews! -tom w P.S.(And if that sounded like I was trying to be amongst the first in line to receive CMBB for being complimentary, well I'm sorry you have seen right through my post to reveal my true intention to be one of the first to get their hands on CMBB here in Canada , BUT Hey, it was a sincere Post!) [ July 10, 2002, 10:30 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  18. NOW thats a good question :eek: I understand the CDV version of CMBO is Windoze ONLY . Now there is a possibility (liklyhood) that for the release of CMBB, there will be a Mac only CD and a Windoze only CD (I'm guessing)? Will CDV carry both? I would imagine they will. Surely BFC won't tell us that all Europeans must buy CMBB from CDV and CDV (like the copy protection issue with CMBO, not makeing a Mac version) will only offer the "official" copy protected Windoze version of CMBB. Intesting question :confused: -tom w [ July 10, 2002, 08:08 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  19. Great thanks for the posts and comments! I am REALLY enjoying Panzer Elite, more than I thought I would. I have been practicing my targeting and gunnery with the German Panther and well placed shots directed at the turret ring of Allied Sherms will brew them UP AND Blow off their turrets! The Explosions in CMBO are VERY nice, but the act of targeting the turret and or turret ring and blowing the WHOLE turret "Clean OFF!" was REALLY worth the price of the game. I never thought it could be this much fun! I have borrowed a 800 mHz Dell 420 inspire (something or other) and am running PE and it works well. It is a short term solution, I'm running Win98 and I had a friendly PC tech geek (thanks Mark) set it up for me. Panzer Elite is Like CMBO under Iron Man/Francko's Rules only there is NO way you can CHEAT! I have lost more than a few scenario's so far. Its hard to win. I have been playing with mostly REALISTIC settings. I don't like the fact the round has no travel time (it does in CMBO), as it impacts the target the instant it is fired, but other than that the ballistics and targeting and optics are fun to play with and they seem accurate. The Germans are more fun, have better tanks (duh!) and are easier to aim and target than the American tanks. I have played both. I played alot today and enoyed targeting with the germans alot more. THis is a good site if you are interested in German and American tanks optics and site as they are modeled in Panzer Elite Special Edition: http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/turret/pegunnery/pegunnery.shtml this site is also well done: http://members.ozemail.com.au/~pref8u/PEgunneryGER.htm I have not got the Vitual PC running on the MAC yet as I am happy with the borrowed PC, it works great. I'm still a Mac guy and always will be but this Dell box running Win98 with Panzer Elite on it was not as much of a PITA to set up as I thought it might be, it is now stable and the game runs quickly and looks good. I think it has a 32 meg Nvidia card in it, a nice 17 inch monitor and it looks pretty good. I think the my fully modded version of CMBO looks much nicer, but I have not messed around with any PE mods. I have PESE 1.1 installed and so far it has not crashed. thanks for all the comments and suggestions. -tom w Panzer Elite is now my lastest fascination while I await the release and arrival of CMBB! [ July 10, 2002, 02:20 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  20. For you and some other people who have brought up this - valid - question, all I can offer at this point is our official statement: "Battlefront can not ship CMBB to European addresses in accordance with our agreement with CDV" For those wishing to get the english version, you will be able to purchase the UK version directly from CDV. Hoping for your understanding, Martin</font>
  21. Well that sounds positive! "rest assured that CDV has a VERY good reason to be as fast as they can" Would that be because of competition from other "soon to be released" titles of a similiar genre? I'm guessing. -tom w [ July 08, 2002, 08:43 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  22. Thanks Schrullenhaft for your prompt and informative reply! I have not tried the install yet. I'm Sure PE would be WAY better on a REAL PC, but I don't have one and won't buy one.... so Lets see what Virtual PC can do for us. thanks -tom w
  23. Hi I got this reply on the PE board: "Teut General Member # 2 Member Rated: posted July 08, 2002 10:30 AM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Oh ha. I never tried this running on the Virtual PC and I don't know if the speed is ok to run PE. You can try though. PE runs on Win95,98,ME and XP with no problems, I woudl suggest Windows ME as this is the most stable and fastest, while XP is better but runs slower... ------------------------------------------------------------------------" Hi gibsonm, Do you think that Windows ME is that much better or faster? Anyone else care to comment on which PC OS runs FASTEST under Virtual PC emulation? I do Plan to install Virtual PC and give it a shot. thanks for your reply. -tom w [ July 08, 2002, 11:12 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
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