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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. that link you posted was interesting so is this one: http://openrbl.org/ip/216/15/156/162.htm -tom w
  2. this is the page link: http://thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1&c=Article&cid=1035776001998&call_page=TS_Opinion&call_pageid=968256290124&call_pagepath=News/Opinio n sorry for the long link I can't fix it :confused: Dec. 29, 2002. 01:00 AM Sticking to the main issue on Iraq RICK ANDERSON It's easy to blur the central point in the confrontation with Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. snip.. (there's more in the article just click the link above) Certainly, it is chilling to contemplate nuclear or biological weapons in the hands of Saddam Hussein, or any other dictator with malicious intent, or in the hands of any terrorist organization. Perhaps the accusation that Saddam is indeed hiding weapons of mass destruction will be proven, by U.N. inspectors and/or the CIA. Perhaps not. More central is whether Saddam sponsors, supports, or subsidizes terrorist attacks on civilians around the world, regardless of whether the chosen weapons are nuclear, biological, suicide bombs or civilian aircraft. The issue is not simply whether or not Saddam has weapons of mass destruction. It is whether he is prepared to live by civilized rules, to respect other nations' security, to respect the lives of civilians, and to repudiate terrorism. On these scores, the evidence seems clear. Which is why, barring a credible last-minute conversion, today's issue remains centred on the best means of achieving regime change in Iraq. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rick Anderson is an Ottawa consultant who served as campaign director for Preston Manning and the Reform party. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Legal Notice:- Copyright 1996-2002. Toronto Star Newspapers Limited. All rights reserved. Distribution, transmission or republication of any material from www.thestar.com is strictly prohibited without the prior written permission of Toronto Star Newspapers Limited. For information please contact us using our webmaster form. [ December 30, 2002, 08:58 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  3. yeah but , I think he fixed them all (?) there is supposed to be a patch to fix all the pink ones at cmmods no? :confused: -tom w</font>
  4. yeah but , I think he fixed them all (?) there is supposed to be a patch to fix all the pink ones at cmmods no? :confused: -tom w [ December 30, 2002, 05:54 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  5. Thats good enough for me ! Good luck on the bug hunt... that one sounds sort of tricky to pin down I'm guessing.... :confused: Thanks clearing that up.... -tom w
  6. Think the US and ALLIES have thought of that and that might be one reason why they are trying to get the UN weapons inspectors to find all the weapons of mass destruction first. I doubt they will find them all before the war starts but that is a whole other story. :confused: I thought there were reports already suggesting that Saddam will hit his OWN people with chemicals and bio, just to see if the Western powers and the US could stomach 2-3 million Iraqi civilian casualties :eek: :eek: Now that is a NEW kind of war.... -tom w
  7. dies anyone have a solution to unstuff/unzipp/unpack it on a Mac yet? I have it down load but on a mac I cannot open the .exe file that its stuffed in :confused: -tom w
  8. Any chance we can give them a Break over the Holidays?? :eek: Maybe even until next monday? :eek: -tom w
  9. I believe this "issue" is a problem I hope it will be addressed in v1.02 one round in the ground short of the target or into the hill or rise in front of your tank, on an occasional basis, is probably realistic BUT when they do it all the time and when they end up pouring round after round into the same hole in the ground directly in front of the tank on a predictable and ongoing basis I think we should be asking if there is not something questionable :confused: in the game code somewhere. I think that question has been asked. Lets leave it to Charles and BFC to do the right thing, I think they have an OUTSTANDING track record in that regard! -tom w [ December 29, 2002, 11:24 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  10. Actually this could be correct depending on the context. If he's talking about putting your mortar in a good SITE, i.e. a good position, then it would be correct. If he's talking about making sure of a good line of SIGHT, then obviously you would be correct. Joe</font>
  11. the only in-game effect that I know of that you can count on and actually observe (to the best of my Knowledge) is that wind speed determines how quickly smoke rounds dissipate. I think you can be sure that on a windy day smoke rounds blow away much faster than on still days. What else does it do? that is the only documented effect in the game that I know of -tom w
  12. this one may still be quite helpful to all the new folks who got this over Christmas cheers! -tom w
  13. Have you read the Primer you can find here: ? try this: (scroll down to where Dorosh put in the BLUE headers and READ the Primer) http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=23;t=004683 from this thread: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=025064 -tom w
  14. try this http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=23;t=004683 scroll down to where Dorosh put in the BLUE headers and READ the Primer from this thread: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=025064 -tom w
  15. anybody else enjoying some Christmas reading finding anything new to report? -tom w
  16. I think you've got that right! I prefer the term "undocumented feature" myself -tom w
  17. Merry Christmas and good night this time from me without pics -tom w
  18. Oh now that is Pefect! Someone modded my Merry Christmas Pic!! ROTFL!! That was well done! -tom w
  19. if you are serious, (I can't tell :confused: ) please send me e-mail thanks -tom w
  20. Spoiler Alert..... don't scroll down if you don't want to see young women wishing you Merry Christmas * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * honest * * * Merry Christmas to all my friends here -tom w [ December 25, 2002, 12:51 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  21. GOOD work this one especially! "1/20 - Combat - "The star icon represents a headquarters with a COMBAT bonus." (It's actually a lightning bolt instead of a star.)" -tom w
  22. "And the lawyers would make a pile of money. " Sad but true and knowing that, CDV and the third party may have figured... "oh what the hell" it will cost BFC (who are "just a few guys with big ideas") too much in legal fees to come after us so lets make hay while the sun shines and distribute that HOT new game (especially right before Christmas how convienient) to all the retail stores in the U.S. And there you go.... A very regretable situation. -tom w [ December 24, 2002, 03:15 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  23. Hi! I just got mine in the mail now! Oh hell, this is like Shootin' Fish in a Barrel, this is so much fun my wife wants to help out just to see how bad it really is 1/49 2nd para, line 2 "are within 50 meters of the enemy and then chance their orders" SHOULD be "change their orders" Quote from Michael: "1/49....In the second paragraph is the statement as follows: "With any luck the enemy will already be SHAKEN, PINNED or SUPPRESSED." This implies that "SUPPRESSED" is a specifically labeled morale state in CMBB, when it is not. " 4/6 2nd para, "you will notice no infantry unit guns and tanks-.... ever totally run out of ammo. I thought Tanks and guns did in fact RUN out when there were no rounds left available on/with the gun or tank. I thought it was ONLY infantry that could scrounge? That answer to the question implies otherwise. -tom w [ December 23, 2002, 10:48 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
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