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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. Yes one can only hope this will be addressed in the re-write ( well its can't hurt to ask ). It means that a column led by a VERY heavy tank, say a King Tiger or an Elephant does not benefit from the frontal protection of the KT because the enemy can target the vehicles (and all units) behind the KT with impunity. It is unfortunate that tanks cannot block LOS and LOF for other tanks and vehicles. I was hurt by this when I a lost an Elephant to a flank shot even though there was an another Elephant with its frontal aspect to the tank that was shooting DIRECTLY between the shooter and the flank of the other Elephant which realistically SHOULD have Been in the LOS shadow of the Elephant with its frontal aspect toward the shooter. This is not a screen shot from the actual battle but a very accurate re-enactment. The end result is that the KV-IS got of one shot and penetrated the flank of the distant Elephant KO-ing it ( :mad: !!) before the near-by elephant drilled one into the KV-IS KO-ing it. That one hurt, and it reminded me to be FAR more careful with armour in urban settings. -tom [ January 06, 2003, 11:31 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  2. IIRC (and I think I do )Pillboxes and roadblocks are treated like vehicles and do not provide any cover or concealment. test it if you like, .... you can get LOS and LOF right through ALL vehicles (that are NOT burning and smoking), pillboxes and road blocks. Its just the way the game engine works. ONLY a burning and smoking vehicle will block LOS BUT is will not block LOF so you can shoot right through it. OK? -tom w
  3. Well I guess that did it There are no more scenario packs or download links available. I think this whole situation is very unfortunate and regretable :confused: -tom w [ January 05, 2003, 01:52 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  4. "All the above aside, I do have to say that I admire that we can sort this out here amicably among ourselves. But what's going to happen when someone grabs a bunch of scenarios and tried to sell them?" It happened with CMBO Mods and BFC BUSTED the rascals. Nailed 'em right between the eyes with a cease and desist order and threat of costly law suit that they knew they would lose. That one is a little different because IIRC they were only selling previously released (for free) mods. So this issue is different, but as an end user, I am happy for the effort, and the minute the link and thread was posted I went and downloaded all the scenario's offered in their zipped file format because I appreciate the effort and enjoy the relative ease of "one stop scenario shopping". THANKS again for the effort to post them all as easy to download zip files. -tom w [ January 05, 2003, 03:42 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  5. probably I would guess it is he is a busy fellow -tom w
  6. Thats a good question. :eek: Where in the Strat guide (what page) did you read that? -tom w
  7. I agree good call GREAT review I completely agree with ALL of your points AND Game engine only gets an 8 because tanks do not block LOS and LOF, all units can fire and get LOS straight through ALL vechicles (including bunkers and pillboxes) that are NOT smoking and burning. AND only an 8 on account of absolute spotting. Those two factors are the biggies in the "Game engine lacking features dept." BUT the game still gets a 9 OVERALL! -tom w
  8. I agree. I have not seen or played Age of Mythology but I have heard/read it has STUNNING graphics with GREAT attention to detail in the characters. YES the reviewers should tell folks about the dated graphics in CMBB its only fair... "that is why reviewers are quick to warn people who care about graphics more than gameplay, right up front, what they are getting (or not getting)" -tom w
  9. I agree there are some games out there with spectacular graphics. I think Age of Empires with ALL those units and HORSES is a example of GREAT graphics, BUT the comparison with CMBB is unfair because the games are fundamentally different. OFP is another game with stupendous graphics! I think the CMBB graphics are dated and not at all state of the art, but then SO WHAT! its a great game! BUT I agree with the reviewers that knock CMBB and CMBO for their graphics, BUT those who are buying the game seem to be buying irrespective of the "dated" graphics. My point is that compared to OFP the CMBB graphics are NOT great BUT SO WHAT :confused: NO other game compares to CMBB or CMBO for historical accuracy in a game of that scale in that time period. NOTHING can touch CMBB for its accuracy, scope, detail and completeness. -tom w
  10. Thanks thats how I did once I figured it out. That step by step should help other folks too! the new driver SURE does clear up those ugly in-game white "ghosting" sparkly texture issues RIGHT AWAY. I think it is shear lunacy that this work around of yours is the only way to fix the problem, but what the hell.... :eek: it WORKS! -tom w [ January 02, 2003, 09:16 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  11. oh sorry , maybe the thread will get locked and moved there -tom w
  12. I have been there!! very frustrating Again Spoiler ALert..... * * * * * * * As the Russians I used the 2 SU SP's that come in late and send them up the middle so there are hull down in those scattered trees, but you have to wait to time there hunt into hull down command right.. (they die as they are meant to be target bait once the other flanking armour is in place, keep reading) you need two groups of armour, set up one on the far right ridge, and send the other half your armour ALL the way over to the left ridge in those scattered trees over there. Keep them out of LOS and drive FAST Try to wait to engage the AI Krout armour when it tries to move up the center of the map to the church. you have to be REAL patient to keep the armour on the right flank as far right to the map edge near the trees as possible. Once the other half the armour makes its way over to the right WAIT until the german armour moves forward and then HUNT everthing you have into LOS and you can "sort of" overwhelm them with targets, the battle will be over in about 2-3 minutes and if you are lucky you can give up 1.5 tanks to every dead one of theirs and still WIN (I think). IIRC I would save the arty for the those AT guns you need to find out where the AT guns are firing from and take them out with arty for this little trick to work because you can't win in a tank duel against the AT guns (unmolested) and the german AI tanks at the same time. the tactic is to have all your armour engage from BOTH flanks at the same time and overwhelm the TAC AI with Targets and hope to get some kill shots into the flanks of the tigers? hows' that I BEAT my head agaist the German AI on that on for few weeks before I came away with minor victory and was happy with that! Good luck -tom w [ January 02, 2003, 02:45 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  13. Spoiler alert for Balkovzy Surprise * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * In the Balkovzy Surprise (its on the CMBB disk) I was playing the as the Germans against the Russian AI and I watched in wonder :eek: (GOOD Wonder) as my Pz Mk IV excuted a rotate in place order ONLY in between shots!! It had a t34 aquired and was pumping rounds into it fast as possible as the t34 was not firing back because it was targeting another tank. (thats a good thing) The Pz Mk IV should have been VERY concerned because it got caught with its FULL flank aspect toward the t34, it had been on a hunt command with the cover arc toward the t34 so the turret was correctly orientated and it acquired the t34 and stopped to fire the minute it had LOS PERFECT! (good thing!) In the next order phase, I deleted the hunt command and ordered ONLY a rotate in place to bring the frontal aspect toward the t34 (sound tank dueling tactics I figure ) BUT the TAC AI is smarter than that!!!! During the next minute the tank fired before turning (smart I think!) and then it only did a Little small 2-3 degree rotate in place while the loader loaded the next round, THEN it would stop rotating the hull, adjust the turret, AIM, and fire, it did this three more times before the frontal aspect was toward the intended target. (rotating the hull presumably, only while the loader was loading) These guys had NERVES of Steal!! PERFECT tank crew co-ordination! Unt Hiller! Pn IVF Commander Veteran GETS my Hero of the Month award or nerves of steal and bravery! (it helps when you are a Veteran crew and NOT being fired upon) here's a pic... What a GREAT GAME!! Many Kudos to Charles for this JEWEL of TAC AI wisdom!! -tom w P.S. These tanker gunners MISSED alot of shots, but it was night time and it did not "feel" like they missed TOO much, but they sure do MISS alot at night in that scenario, ALL distances in that one are under 200 m so it is a tank duel in CLose. [ January 02, 2003, 05:30 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  14. this is IT Mr Marcom GOT IT!! its works I just tried it!! "marcom Junior Member Member # 11293 posted January 01, 2003 05:56 PM Just in case it helps other people, here is how I've solved messed-up texture problem on my iMac G4 15'' flat screen. It was caused by the nvidia drivers v2.6 I had. I've downloaded v3.0 on Apple site (http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=120110 ) However, the install program checks if the computer is a PowerMac and refuses to install on an iMac... So, I've downloaded TomeViewer (http://www.versiontracker.com/moreinfo.fcgi?id=4561&db=mac ) and used it to manually extract the 6 driver files from the v3.0 dsitribution (file 'Tome' found in 'NVIDIA Driver Update:Installer Files: NVIDIA Driver Update:Installer File'). And finally I've copied those files into the "Extentions" folder of the OS 9 System folder and rebooted. And that's it : I've the new drivers and no more problems with CMBB !! MM PS : I think you should try this only if your drivers are lower than v3.0 and I advice you to make a copy of your 6 former driver files before, just in case you want to roll back... " from: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=8;t=003389#000001 Thanks to marcom! -tom w
  15. I GOT IT! It works it works it works it works !!!! Mr Marcom you are ONE smart GUY! MANY THANKS it looks GREAT now that is one heckuva work around but it DOES work! -tom w
  16. OK! that sounds great but I am having a little difficulty with the extraction of the extensions can you give us a little some better step by step instructions as to how to get the extensions you need out of the nvidia driver update? What parts of the nvidia update need to be opened in Tome and how did you extract the extensions? The concept sounds wonderful but so far I can't extract anything from the nvidia update, as you say it does not install on an i MAC, I have the same problem you had. THANKS for the update and "how to" I look forward to your reply -tom w [ January 02, 2003, 11:33 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  17. Nice Work!! are you using a special piece of software to make those faces? I can't recall the name of it?? :confused: there is a software title that is a specialty application that runs on a Mac. It is at least 3-4 years old now and it does GREAT faces in 3D does anyone out there know what it is called? it is a little thing that ONLY does faces BUT it does GREAT faces! I have it on disk here somewhere but I can't find it because I don't recall the name?? anyone ever heard of this software??? thanks -tom w [ January 02, 2003, 08:29 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  18. check out Dorosh's post in this thread http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=23;t=004683#000012
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