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Everything posted by ACTOR

  1. Final Bump. Almost time to see CMBB in So Cal.
  2. Sending this up, preview is this Saturday folks. Also for you Northern California CMBO Fans, we have one person driving down from Sacramento. So anyone not willing to make the trip is a panzy sissy boy in my mind. [ July 19, 2002, 12:19 AM: Message edited by: ACTOR ]
  3. Winecape, I will most certainly do my best to completely convert these ASL souls. I suspect that CMBB will do most of the work for me. Rune, I will let you know, Schrullenhaft is going to have a few folks at his house on the same day and I am trying to arrange something with him. If I run trouble you will hear from me.
  4. The countdown has begun. John, I think I can handle your requests, but you will have to be the ultimate judge of that. Bill
  5. Just a little reminder, this preview will start at 11:00 am (PST) this Saturday the 20th of July. It is planned to end around 6:00 pm, so Gyrene you better make the trip from Chino post-haste after you become free in the evening
  6. Fooby! It is good to see you back here again. You need to get back in the CMHQ Chat again...soon! Take it easy.
  7. Bumpty, bump, bump, bump. [ July 11, 2002, 09:56 AM: Message edited by: ACTOR ]
  8. See if I invite you to anything in the future Halfdane!!!!!
  9. CaSCa, If you guys want to make the road trip, feel free. I should have some good food there waiting for you. If you guys decide NOT to make it, I would also understand. I will not however talk bad about folks from Northern California, at least not until I am sure if you are coming or not John, I will get an e-mail out to when I get home tonight. Thanks, Bill "Actor"
  10. Mace - I am working on getting your airline ticket, but I suspect it will be several years before I make enough money in my male stripper job to afford your ticket. Might I suggest you sell some of your sheep photos on the net to assist me in obtaining the money?
  11. Sorry to say, but yes it is the Corona close to Los Angeles. I hear ya it is a long drive, but we're talking CMBB man! :eek:
  12. Hi all you fellow Southern California CMers. BTS has agreed to provide a "Sneak Preview" opportunity here at my house! I live in Corona, CA, and will be available on Saturday July 20th from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm to preview CMBB. I have two computers that are networked so we can play on-line or we can get a couple of head-to-head games going at once. For those of you who are interested please email me at wvalencia@attbi.com. The same rules as Rune's get together will apply.
  13. I would love a get together, but I am in Corona (Inland Empire) so Santa Monica wouldn't be my first choice. How about Anaheim, or some place that is more central?
  14. Well I for one am glad to see that we are back on-line again! I hope you all enjoy The Teams work and a special thanks to Ted for keeping us together and getting things going!
  15. Welcome aboard sir. If you want to get a PBEM game going let me know. Also, please say goodbye to your significant others, as when the CD arrives they will see very little of you. They will hear you yelling at your men but that's about it. Where's that CM Borg when you need him...
  16. Apache, I have used DAP with both IE 5 and 6 without any issues. Did you install anything else besides DAP before the problem started? You could uninstall both IE and DAP then reinstall IE 6 with DAP....
  17. Good lord man! Happy Birthday Stixx! You gotta love a mom who would take the time to make a web page for you. Take care.
  18. Mace, I believe you missed the last word of that show you were watching... America's Most Wanted Men, as voted in Playgirl Magazine January 2002! Now let go of that sheep and find me beanie babies for god's sake!
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