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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. I would be interested on how other people feel on this subject. I have always preferred non-realtime. I like to stop and think about my next move before making it. Grab a smoke or a beer...relax while playing. I don't like the pressure of constantly checking what all my units are doing at all times. With realtime you may be sending comands to one unit and be occupied enough doing that and miss the Sherman coming in anyway. My understanding of the AI for CM is that if the Sherman was a juicy enough target it would shoot at it anyway. I also understand the AI has been tweaked and in the final version your Stug may have retageted on its own,
  2. I had read a post a while ago that directx 7.0 may do more harm than good. Anybody had better luck with it?
  3. I spoke too soon.....I can no longer play PBEM games from my home system. I try to open the file and nothing happens. I have reinstalled CM, restarted my system (the old standby fix all solution), kicked it and still nothing...That'll teach be to squawk about the selfcorrecting system. P.S. Sorry Peter turns will come more slowly now.
  4. I have had an interesting (and very good thing happen). At best while playing a PBEM game after doing my turn I have had to ctrl-alt-del to get out of the game because it freezes and even more often I have to reboot my whole system.....but for the last couple of days it seems the game has fixed itself:). There has been much rejoicing. Anybody have any idea how this may have happened (on both my home and work systems, which are different)....Did you guys slip something in with Chance Encounter?
  5. Thanks folks (this is Elvis being a whinny bitch)
  6. Has a site been set up where we can download each others DYOs. I would LOVE to play a Fionn designed scenerio (I'm really not sucking up). I also have a feeling that I will tear through games pretty quickly eliminating the blind game against opponants playing TCP/IP. I have compared the game to golf. Although you have played the course many times no two rounds are alike. But still nothing beats going into a game cold..Also any idea on how many scenerios will be included in the final version?
  7. TeAch... I just tried to email you and it bounced back...can you email me at DeclanMac@aol.com
  8. 1: it was turn 3 when I 1st noticed the fox holes....were they noticable before that?...I can't say for sure. I do plan on doing just what you said Fionn if I ever see that in a real game. For what it is worth if you're trying to do this at home kids...I had the Americans hidden behind the stone stone wall in Last Defense. 2: Stevemeister, I was only willing to sacrifice a halftrack...dude you went above and beyond the call of duty with your Tiger (I love you BTS guys,man). And yes Fionn, I did have the HQ pick out the ambush site then the Baz target it.
  9. simon, i wanted to send you a email but your address didnt work ..send me one and i'll just reply declanmac@aol.com
  10. Riva tnt 16MB...runs smooth and pretty..no goofy looking things besides the edges which have already been addressed
  11. oh one other thing....I am on AOL (Iget it for free). If anyone out there knows a good high speed ISP can ya tip me off......when we go TCP/IP I want it to be moving as fast as I can (cable modems not available in Philadelphia yet)
  12. I just played a hotseat game with myself (I kicked my own ass pretty good) because I wanted to see how some of what I was doing looked to my opponant. two issues came up. 1. Although I had units hidden I saw empty foxholes where I knew they were. When playing against a human I would think this is now something I will look for because as far as I have seen the only place there are foxholes is where units are. 2. I have had NO sucess with ambushes. So I set one up and moved a haftrack into it on purpose....the bazooka team did not fire at the ambush..I made sure be fore I did this that no one would be in the LOS of the ambusher and that he would be in perfect order. Have any of these issues come up before and are they being dealt with. I know that the bazooka/faust picking better target thing has been brought up but this seems like a different deal. Thanks Elvis out
  13. me too...i really should have ordered by now anyway but sending out another scenario to the begging masses was above and beyond the call of duty. thank you. yakstock...i would love to take you up on the game thing but i just planned my entire saturday night around playing the new scenario, a six pack and a pack of smokes..i get the feeling i'll be chain smoking through this one. this will be very different than the 1st 2 because i already am comfortable with the interface
  14. Now I'm back to wondering why the PBEM was set up the way it has been. Couldn't the turn resolution be generated BEFORE the e-mail is sent then the first person to view the movie couldn't watch it again for better results because it would have been generated before he received it. This would eliminate cheating and cut down the number of e-mails to play a game. While TCP/IP will be the preferred method of playing CM, I do not have the time to play for 3 hours everyday. I do have the time to do the 5-10 PBEM a couple of times a day. This is why it has been of some importance to me. Also, has the game locking up after you have done your end of the e-mail bug been worked out yet for the final release? Sorry if I'm beating a deadhorse and if Steve,Charles,Fionn or Moon want to tell me to stop my whinning "it is what it is" I will.
  15. Tom, I also have been getting a huge kick out of your:We ain't got no place to go,let's go to a punk rawk show. Always makes me giggle when I see it. Plus I want to keep Simons post at the top.
  16. It's as if a light bulb went off in my tiny head. I now have the information I need to stop my whinning. I never accounted for how and where the calulations for each turn were done. In theory an unscrupulous swine could receive the movie....watch it and without plotting his moves and sending them simply leave the game and go back and watch the movie again and again until he gets the results he likes most and THEN plot he moves and send them to the unsuspecting sap on the the other end. I will no longer bitch about the way the PBEM works. I must become sneakier in my thinking because that never occured to me....this is something I will work on (becoming more devious)
  17. BTS...I hope I'm not beating a dead horse but here is a better way to do PBEM and still avoid the cheating. I only post this because there are some turns all I get to do is orders or watch playback..and on some turns I have never been able to give orders. So here goes: Player A: Setup --------------- Player B:Setup and place orders for turn 1 --------------- Player A: place orders for turn 1 --------------- Player B: watch playback turn 1 and orders turn 2 --------------- Player A: watch playback turn 1 and place orders for turn 2 --------------- Player B: watch playback turn 2 and place orders for turn 3 and so on until I win the game. This would eliminate cheating and take less time to play. I play a great deal of SP1 by e-mail and that is why this is of such concern for me. I'm sorry if I have posted on this topic before but it is the ONLY thing that I have been disappointed with so far. Other than that the game is perfect and without flaw.
  18. I'm gonna take a guess here. When this has happened to me I have assumed that both units were slightly shaken, pinned or otherwise frazzled and needed a small amount of time to regroup. Now that you mention it I am sure you can check this by having your unit highlighted and seeing what thier current status is while it is happening. Maybe if there was a "beserk" status both sides would continue to unload on each other until only one side was left.
  19. THATS NUTS!!!! and a waste of time! You really get e-mail turns where you just watch the "movie" and send it back without getting to plot your next turn!?!?!?! that must be wrong ....it has to be wrong..this game has delivered on everything so far. It couln't have been designed for you not to be able to plot all your turns...could it?
  20. Having PBEM problems and need to know if they are bugs or I am not understanding how it works. I named my post what I did because I may not be the only one having these problems. If you read my "another PBEM problem" post it will tell you what happened before this post. I sent the unplotted turn 2 and received turn 3 back. When I got turn 3 I was unable to see the turn 2 "movie" to see how it played out. I was only able to plot turn 3 then send it back. Am I doing something wrong when I get the the e-mail or what. Can someone who knows this system please tell me (us) how it should work. This is how I thought it would work: Player 1 sets up sends to player 2. Player 2 sets up and plots and sends to player 1. Player 1 plots sends to player 2 who sees the "movie" then plots plots and sends to player 1. Who then sees the "movie" and plots and sends back to player 2. And so on until Peter gets stomped....oops...I mean until the game is over. If I am wrong, for the benefit of everyone can someone clear it up. Thank you Love and kisses, Elvis
  21. it looks like it created a file. there is a pbem file time stamped when i was trying to play
  22. so i dealt with the "after i do me set up the system locks up but it is saved anyway so send it" problem. today i got turn 2 from my soon to be yelling uncle pbem partner and after watching the "movie" it locks up before i can set up my turn to send it to the dead by turn 4 and begging for mercy opponent (just kidding of course).....any ideas?
  23. P.S. if there has already been a post on this I am sorry but there are now too many posts coming in for any workin man to keep up with.
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