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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Mace

  1. I think if you're a tank fanatic, you'll love this game because it features tanks! I know I will. Not sure about the more typical gamer however? Mace
  2. Not surprising. I thought post war soviet/Russian AFV design was around keeping a very low silhouette? Well from the T55 on, not sure with the T10. Mace
  3. ...and congrats Lars! You're a lucky man, especially as your special lady obviously suffers from beer goggles eyesight 24/7. Mace PS Regardless here's to a long and happy marriage.
  4. Can I be a taipan? I have my heart set on being a taipan! Please! Let me be a taipan! *whinges* Mace
  5. Gods. Don't you just hate Rune? Does anyone not hate Rune? Man, I hate Rune. </font>
  6. Yes but just be gentle with your hand, and watch out for calluses because they can ruin your whole day. Mace
  7. Some of the SPI boardgames of the 70s featured a WEGO derivative, in that actions were first plotted on a pad by both players, and then resolved simultaneously. Examples of these games include Sniper, Patrol and Panzer 44 to name a few. Mace
  8. This was on the Oz History Channel a few weeks back. Definitely worth watching at the least to learn how NOT to deploy them. Mace
  9. So a trip down to Melbourne is out of the question? You shall pay for this!!! :mad: Mace
  10. Exactly in the same way that Lockon (with the F15s, Su27s, Mig 29) was a blatant rip off of IL2FB. That is, no. Mace
  11. Hey that's excellent news. I'll be the first to create a shearing shed. Mace
  12. Is he house broken yet? Does any interesting tricks? Mace
  13. Dear Pengy, Common sense can be treated through the liberal application of a baseball bat/cricket bat/any blunt instrument to the back of the skull, which of course is referred to by the medical fraternity as 'beating some sense into him'. So treat your 'friend' to a good, healthy thrashing. He'll respect you for it. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go as my gyneacologist friend and I are going to look up some old friends. Dr Mace
  14. We've all been very bad *hangs head and shame* and have been sent to bed by the family position , who prescribed some sedatives. Mace
  15. Given the yelling and screaming of the last, the good Doctor has decided to put us on mogadon, so we can all get a nice good night's kip and wake up cheery and happy! The good doctor also prescribed the following: take with care) take your name and email address and stick it in your profile - won't hurt a bit. Without those, you could suffer severe Coventry. this won't hurt a bit) Your cardio-vascular system can be improved though a regimen of taunting others of your own station. Taunting those above your station could lead to severe embaressment and constipation. bend-over) Your genitalia is best left at the door, where our fine gyneacological service will have them cleaned and sparkling for the next day. Mentioning them here is thus pointless, and could also lead to coventry. say ahh) The fine matrons on the ward are above your advances and should be addressed with respect, unless you enjoy acid baths. and here's the bill) no swearing. Unless you like advanced coventry and a nasty little rash. Now take two pills and sod off in the morning. Dr Mace
  16. *scrambles to the very top of the chandalier* eep! Guys!!! Tell me he's had his distemper and rabis shots, 'cause I don't like the way he's foaming at the mouth!!! Mace
  17. One of many, mate. I'd be quite happy to describe the sensation for you to let you know what you're missing but I guess the Justicar will be along shortly with a coventry decree. *sigh* That's a shame. and I'm having so much fun. Mace
  18. Tsk tsk, such language! My mum always said that swearing was the sign of a lazy mind. Mace
  19. Ahh yes, Gaylord, how bad of you to join us ....again .... and again .... and again .... and again .... and again .... and again .... and again .... and again .... and again .... and again .... and again .... and again .... and again .... and again .... and again .... anon Mace
  20. Yeh yeh I'm available. *sigh* I guess you want me to go fetch a blank canvas for your finger painting, Boo, but will I get you a banana as well? Mace
  21. I know how you feel. Our family cat, when she decided it was time to curl up her toes, pegged out on a Friday leaving the entire family distraught during what was a long weekend. I still go over to that corner of the backyard every now and then just to say hi and remember about what a dag of a cat she was. Mace
  22. Been reading the summary of Thermodynamics from the side of the cereal pack again?! Mace
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