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Everything posted by Mace

  1. OOOoooH! A booze up? Sounds like fun. If I don't drive I'll need to catch a train home, and since the service ceases circa 9pm, I suggest we kick off in the afternoon? Mace
  2. *ahem* Since my browser has the complete common sense to avoid Dalem's website, can someone kindly email the photos above (that I can't see) so I 'know my enemies'.... or is that 'know my enemas? Muchos grassy-arse Mace
  3. Beggorah! Since oi be havin' a bi' of tha' fine Cassidy blood in me, Oi'll be downing a fine Oirish brew or 10 in celebration of this fine day Mace
  4. Well our dear Stukes wasn't too wise to the ways of the world, which is rather unfortunate in a prison environment. Mace
  5. Closing MBT threads isn't our job, Soddy. We leave it in the capable hands of our well qualified forum moderators. btw, you wouldn't be suffering from PMS would you? Mace
  6. He's not the Messiah, he's just a very naughty nong. Btw as senior Kinnniget and ruler of my antipodean bits, I hereby decree that since there is no 'Messiah' registered as an official card carrying member of the MBT, we need not bold 'Messiah'. *holds up his membership card* The MBT, where membership does have it's advantages.....and as soon as I work out what they are I'll let you know. Mace
  7. By Berli! RLeete, fix your html tags!!! You're supposed to be a professional now! pfffft, bleedin' amateurs. Mace
  8. But you would, wouldn't you? You silly sticky type person, you aim for the fingers so he can't type. Mace
  9. Oh yeh, I suffer from that. A horse walks into a bar, and the bartender asks him 'why the long face?'. Nyuck Nyuck Mace
  10. I guess there's nothing else left for you then? *pushes revolver across the table towards 37mm* Mace
  11. Yeh, they had to surgically remove it. Took me some time before I wasn't walking with splayed legs afterwards. Mace
  12. In the Mace household, boxes of cereal must die as a sacrifice to breakfast. Mace
  13. I knew the empties would come in handy for something! *chucks another on the pile* Mace
  14. *hobbles in on a peg leg with pet sheep procariously purched on one shoulder* AAAAh, Jim me lad. Yeh be wanting a bit of a sing along would yeh? *ahem* In 1492 upon a spannish galleon, a sailor took his too... Arrr, ya stinking parrot! ya've gone broken my concentration by making a deposit on my shoulder. Now where was I? There was a queen of Spain. Her name was Issabella. She knew at a glance by the lump in his pan... AAAAARGH! YA SCOUNDREL PARROT! You've gone and defiled me again. Right. I'm awf to the showers. Keehaul my parrot, someone? *hobbles off* Black Mace the Pirate
  15. OI! Isn't it your shift over at the other board? :mad: Mace
  16. Bugger you. You just made me waste a glass of vodka *cleans monitor* And now a song, blantantly ripped but suitable none the less: I used to be such a sweet, sweet thing 'Til they got a hold of me. I opened doors for little old ladies, I helped the blind to see. I got no friends 'cause they read the papers. They can't be seen with me and I'm gettin' real shot down And I'm feeling mean. No more Mister Nice Guy, No more Mister Clean, No more Mister Nice Guy, They say he's sick, he's obscene. I got no friends 'cause they read the papers. They can't be seen with me and I'm gettin' real shot down And I'm feeling mean. No more Mister Nice Guy, No more Mister Clean, No more Mister Nice Guy, They say he's sick, he's obscene. My dog bit me on the leg today. My cat clawed my eyes. Ma's been thrown out of the social circle, And dad has to hide. I went to church incognito. When everybody rose, the Reverend Smith, He recognized me, And punched me in the nose. No more Mister Nice Guy, No more Mister Clean, No more Mister Nice Guy, They say he's sick, he's obscene. - Alice Cooper Mace
  17. That's not mold. He's cunningly moving his pubic hair to the top of his head through a series of face lifts, and we've just caught him half way through the procedure. :mad: Drinking vodka here, boss. Mace
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